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對具有重要基礎和應用價值的活性天然產物的生物合成機制及其分子改造進行了多年的探索和積累,在權威學術期刊,如《Nature Chemical Biology》、 《Angewandte Chemie International Edition》、《Chemistry & Biology》等發表研究論文二十餘篇。此外,合作編譯國外專業教材一部,獲國家發明專利兩項和多項國家、省(部)級獎勵。



國 籍 ---- 中國

職 業 ---- 教育科研工作者



職 稱 ---- 博士生導師


1988.9―1992.7 江西農業大學 攻讀植物遺傳育種專業學士學位

1997.9―2001.3 華中農業大學 攻讀生物化學與分子生物學專業碩士學位

2001.3―2004.3 上海交通大學 攻讀生物化學與分子生物學專業博士學位


1992.7―1998.9 江西農業大學 生物技術研究開發中心 研究實習員(初級)

1998.9―2002.10 江西農業大學 生物技術研究開發中心 助理研究員(中級)

2002.10―2006.11 江西農業大學 生物工程系 副教授

2006.11―2009.11 江西農業大學 生物工程與技術學院 教授

2005.1―2010.5 劍橋大學 生物化學系 Royal Society China Fellow,Senior Research Associate

2010.5― 武漢大學藥學院 楚天學者特聘教授


對具有重要基礎和應用價值的活性天然產物的生物合成機制及其分子改造進行了多年廣泛而深入的探索和積累,在國外權威學術期刊,如"Nature﹒Chemical Biology"、"Chemistry & Biology"、"ChemBioChem"、"Journal of Bacteriology"、"Microbiology"、"Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology"、"Archives of Microbiology"、"FEMS Microbiology Letters"共發表研究論文13篇,分別在第13屆(2005)和第15屆(2009)International Symposium on the Biology of Actinomycetes,第4屆Chemistry and Biology of Natural Products(2008),第2屆Natural Products Conference(2009)國際專業會議上受邀進行大會報告。此外,合作編譯國外專業教材一本,獲國家發明專利2項並榮獲多項國家和省(部)級獎勵。











● 國家自然科學基金面上項目(2015-2018,2013-2016)

● 微生物代謝國家重點實驗室(上海交通大學)開放課題(2015-2017)

● 國家重點基礎研究發展計劃(973)子課題(2012-2016)

● 國家高技術研究發展計劃(863計劃) 子課題(2012-2015)

● 國家"重大新藥創製"科技重大專項子課題(2011-2013)

● 教育部高等學校博士點專項科研基金(博導類)(2012-2014)

● 教育部海外名師項目(2012-2017)

● 湖北省研究與開發計劃項目(2012-2014)

● 武漢大學醫學部協同創新項目(2013-2015)

● 武漢大學自主科研項目(2011-2013)



● Yunkun Liu, Weixin Tao, Shishi Wen, Zhengyuan Li, Anna Yang, Zixin Deng and Yuhui Sun* (2015) In vitro CRISPR/Cas9 system for efficient targeted DNA editing. mBio. 6:e 01714-15.

● Weixin Tao, Marie E. Yurkovich, Shishi Wen, Karen E. Lebe, Markiyan Samborskyy, Yuanzhen Liu, Anna Yang, Yunkun Liu, Yingchen Ju, Zixin Deng, Manuela Tosin, Yuhui Sun* and Peter F. Leadlay* (2015) A genomics-led approach to deciphering the mechanism of thiotetronate antibiotic biosynthesis. Chemical Science. (In press)

● Hu Zeng, Shishi Wen, Wei Xu, Zhaoren He, Guifa Zhai, Yunkun Liu, Zixin Deng and Yuhui Sun* (2015) Highly efficient editing of the actinorhodin polyketide chain length factor gene in Streptomyces coelicolor M145 using CRISPR/Cas9-CodA(sm) combined system. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. (In press)

● Chuan Huang, Fanglu Huang, Eileen Moison, Junhong Guo, Xinyun Jian, Xiaobo Duan, Zixin Deng, Peter F. Leadlay* and Yuhui Sun* (2015) Delineating the biosynthesis of gentamicin X2, the common precursor of the gentamicin C antibiotic complex. Chemistry & Biology 22:251-261.

● Yuhui Sun* (2014) A carbonate architect emerges. Nature Chemical Biology 10:486-487. (Invited Comments)

● Junhong Guo, Fanglu Huang, Chuan Huang, Xiaobo Duan, Xinyun Jian, Finian Leeper, Zixin Deng, Peter F. Leadlay* and Yuhui Sun* (2014) Specificity and promiscuity at the branch point in gentamicin biosynthesis. Chemistry & Biology 21:608-618.

● Yanling Ma, Wei Xu, Jun Zhang, Sihong Zhang, Kui Hong, Zixin Deng and Yuhui Sun* (2014) Nitrilase superfamily aryl acylamidase from the halotolerant mangrove Streptomyces sp. 211726. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 19:8583-8590.

● Weixin Tao, Manghong Zhu, Zixin Deng and Yuhui Sun* (2013) Biosynthesis of tetronate antibiotics: A growing family of natural products with broad biological activities. Science China Chemistry 56:1364-1371. (Invited Review)

● Chompoonik Kanchanabanca, Weixin Tao, Hui Hong, Yajing Liu, Frank Hahn, Markiyan Samborskyy, Zixin Deng, Yuhui Sun* and Peter F. Leadlay* (2013) Unusual acetylation-elimination in the formation of tetronate antibiotics. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 52:5785-5788.

● MarieE. Yurkovich, PetrosA. Tyrakis, Hui Hong, Yuhui Sun, Markiyan Samborskyy, Kohei Kamiyaand PeterF. Leadlay* (2012) A late-stage intermediate in salinomycin biosynthesis is revealed by specific mutation in the biosynthetic gene cluster. ChemBioChem 13:66-71.

● Jeroen S. Dickschat, Olivia Vergnolle, Hui Hong, Stephen Garner, Susanna R. Bidgood, Hannah C. Dooley, Zixin Deng, Peter F. Leadlay* and Yuhui Sun* (2011) An additional dehydratase-like activity is required for lankacidin antibiotic biosynthesis. ChemBioChem 12:2408-2412.

注:本論文被 "Nature Chemical Biology, 2011,7(12):856"作為"研究亮點(Research Highlights)"推薦。

● Yuhui Sun*, Frank Hahn, Yuliya Demydchuk, James Chettle, Manuela Tosin, Hiroyuki Osada and Peter F. Leadlay* (2010) In vitro reconstruction of tetronate RK-682 biosynthesis. Nature Chemical Biology 6:99-101.

注:本論文被英國Faculty of 1000收錄(http://f1000.com/)并获专家点评。

● Yunlong He, Yuhui Sun, Tiangang Liu, Xiufen Zhou, Linquan Bai and Zixin Deng* (2010) Cloning of separate meilingmycin biosynthesis gene clusters by use of acyltransferase-ketoreductase didomain PCR amplification. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 76:3283-3292.

● Yuhui Sun, Xinyi He, Jingdan Liang, Xiufen Zhou and Zixin Deng* (2009) Analysis of functions in plasmid pHZ1358 influencing its genetic and structural stability in Streptomyces lividans 1326. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 82:303-310.

● David H. Kwan, Yuhui Sun, Frank Schulz, Hui Hong, Bojana Popovic, Joalice C.C. Sim-Stark, Stephen F. Haydock and Peter F. Leadlay* (2008) Prediction and manipulation of the stereochemistry of enoylreduction in modular polyketide synthases. Chemistry & Biology 15:1231-1240.

● Yuliya Demydchuk, Yuhui Sun, Hui Hong, James Staunton, Jonathan B. Spencer and Peter F. Leadlay* (2008) Analysis of the tetronomycin gene cluster: insights into the biosynthesis of a polyether tetronate antibiotic. ChemBioChem 9:1136-1145.

● Yuhui Sun, Hui Hong, Fraser Gillies, Jonathan B. Spencer and Peter F. Leadlay* (2008) Glyceryl-S-acyl carrier protein as an intermediate in the biosynthesis of tetronate antibiotics. ChemBioChem 9:150-156.

● Barbara M. Harvey, Tatiana Mironenko, Yuhui Sun, Hui Hong, Zixin Deng, Peter F. Leadlay, Kira J. Weissman and Stephen F. Haydock* (2007) Insights into polyether biosynthesis from analysis of the nigericin biosynthetic gene cluster in Streptomyces sp. DSM4137. Chemistry & Biology 14:703-714.

● Yuhui Sun, Hui Hong, Markiyan Samborskyy, Tatiana Mironenko, Peter F. Leadlay and Stephen F. Haydock* (2006) Organization of the biosynthetic gene cluster in Streptomyces sp. DSM 4137 for the novel neuroprotectant polyketide meridamycin. Microbiology 152:3507-3515.

● Tiangang Liu, Delin You, Chiara Valenzano, Yuhui Sun, Jialiang Li, Qing Yu, Xiufen Zhou, David E. Cane and Zixin Deng* (2006) Identification of NanE as the thioesterase for polyether chain release in nanchangmycin biosynthesis. Chemistry & Biology 13:945-955.

● Yuhui Sun, Xiufen Zhou, Hui Dong, Guoquan Tu, Min Wang, Bofei Wang and Zixin Deng* (2003) A complete gene cluster from Streptomyces nanchangensis NS3226 encoding biosynthesis of the polyether ionophore nanchangmycin. Chemistry & Biology 10:431-441.

● Yuhui Sun, Xiufen Zhou, Guoquan Tu and Zixin Deng* (2003) Identification of a gene cluster encoding meilingmycin biosynthesis among multiple polyketide synthase contigs isolated from Streptomyces nanchangensis NS3226. Archives of Microbiology 180:101-107.

● Yuhui Sun, Xiufen Zhou, Jun Liu, Kai Bao, Guiming Zhang, Guoquan Tu, Tobias Kieser and Zixin Deng* (2002) 'Streptomyces nanchangensis', a producer of the insecticidal polyether antibiotic nanchangmycin and the antiparasitic macrolide meilingmycin, contains multiple polyketide gene clusters. Microbiology 148:361-371.

● Xiuhua Pang, Yuhui Sun, Liu Jun, Xiufen Zhou and Zixin Deng* (2002) A linear plasmid temperature-sensitive for replication in Streptomyces hygroscopicus 10-22. FEMS Microbiology Letters 208:25-28.

● Xiuhua Pang, Xiufen Zhou, Yuhui Sun and Zixin Deng* (2002) Physical map of the linear chromosome of Streptomyces hygroscopicus 10-22 deduced by analysis of overlapping large chromosomal deletions. Journal of Bacteriology 184:1958-1965.
