

事實揭露 揭密真相
前往: 導覽搜尋
出生 1956年1月23日
國籍 中國
職業 教育科研工作者
知名作品 《豬營養代謝與調控研究》

印遇龍 (1956年1月23日), 男,漢族,出生於湖南常德市桃源縣人   ,中國工程院院士[1] ,中國科學院亞熱帶農業生態研究所畜牧健康養殖中心主任、學術委員會副主任 、首席研究員   。 印遇龍於1978年畢業於湖南師範學院生物系,1989年5月加入九三學社 ,於1985年-1987年、1994年-1999年分別在德國國家農科院動物營養所、英國女皇大學、加拿大Guelph大學學習和工作,並獲英國女皇大學哲學博士學位 ;1995年,在德國Rostock Oskar Kellner營養所訪問學者學習;1978年起,先後任中國科學院亞熱帶農業生態研究所實習研究員、助理研究員、副研究員;2013年,當選中國工程院院士;2016年12月,任湖南省科學技術協會副主席 ;2017年,任畜禽養殖污染控制與資源化技術國家工程實驗室主任 。 印遇龍長期從事「生豬生態養殖營養調控」的研究,圍繞國家生豬生態養殖、綠色發展等重大需求,聚集高品質、低殘留、低排放的生豬生態養殖技術體系,開展長期系統的理論研究、技術創新、產品創製和轉化應用。




1986年至1987年,印遇龍在德國動物營養研究所工作 。

1999年,印遇龍獲英國女皇大學哲學博士學位 。

1995年,印遇龍在德國Rostock Oskar Kellner營養所訪問學者學習。



2016年12月,印遇龍任湖南省科學技術協會副主席 [2]

2017年,印遇龍任畜禽養殖污染控制與資源化技術國家工程實驗室主任 [3]

2019年4月起,印遇龍任湖南農業大學雙聘院士、研究員 。









Animal Nutrition,主編。

中國科學(生命科學中英文版),編委 。

農業部動物營養實驗室群, 名譽副理事長。

中國飼料工業協會, 副會長

國家生豬產業技術創業戰略聯盟, 理事長。

AnimalNutrition雜誌, 主編

中國共產黨湖南省第九次代表大會, 人大代表。

湖南省海外聯誼會, 常務理事

中國科學院亞熱帶農業生態系統過程重點實驗室, 學術委員會委員。

國際食品學會, 常務理事

農業與環境學會, 常務理事

Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment雜誌, 副主編。

African Journal of Food Science雜誌, 副主編

International Scholarly Research Network (ISRN) Veterinary Science雜誌, 編委。

Journal of Microbiology and Antimicrobials雜誌 ,編委

Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Science雜誌 ,編委。

南昌大學, 博士和博士後導師。

農業部動物營養實驗室(共36個實驗室和台站), 名譽理事長。





印遇龍創建了豬體內飼料營養可消化吸收率評價技術體系,建立了豬氮/氨基酸代謝與調控技術體系 。 截至2017年8月,印遇龍及其團隊研發的高效環保安全豬飼料生產技術已在中國100多家大型企業應用。率先對中國40多種單一豬飼料原料和18種混合日糧中迴腸末端表觀消化率進行了系統測定,在此基礎上確定了生長豬有效氨基酸的需要量。這些研究成果被收入中國飼料數據庫,在行業內應用 。


截至2019年4月 ,印遇龍發表SCI論文400多篇,他引8000多次(H指數54),中文論文600篇,他引6000多次。進入Plant & Animal Science,Biology & Biochemistry和Agricultural Sciences世界前1%科學家行列,自2011年以來一直是湯森路透全球高被引科學家 。


1 Fu J, Wenzel SC, Perlovan O, Wang JP, Gross F, Tang ZR, Yin YL, Stewart AF, Muller R and Zhang YM, Efficient transfer of two large secondary metabolite pathway gene clusters into heterologous hosts by transposition. Nucleic Acids Research 36: 113-114 (2008).   2 Dekaney CM, Wu GY, Yin YL and Jaeger LA, Regulation of ornithine aminotransferase gene expression and activity by all-transretinoic acid in Caco-2 intestinal epithelial cells. The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 19 : 674-681 (2008).   3 Yao K, Yin YL, Chu WY, Liu ZQ, Dun D, Li TJ, Huang RL, Zhang JS, Tan Bie, Wang WC and Wu GY, Dietary Arginine Supplementation Increases mTOR Signaling Activity in Skeletal Muscle of Neonatal Pigs. J Nutr 138: 867-872 (2008).   4 Wang JJ, Chen LX, Li P, Li XL, Zhou HJ, Wang FL, Li DF, Yin YL and Wu GY, Gene Expression is Altered in Piglet Small Intestine by Weaning and Dietary Glutamine Supplementation. J Nutr 138: 1025-1032 (2008).   5 Zeng XF, Feng L, Fan X, Yang WJ, Zhou B, Li PF, Yin YL, Wu GY and Wang JJ, Dietary arginine supplementation during early pregnancy enhances embryonic survival in rates.Journal of Nutrition 138:1421-1425 (2008).   6 Wang JJ, Chen LX, Li DF, Yin YL, Wang XQ, Li P, Dangott LJ, Hu WX and Wu GY, Intrauterine Growth Restriction Affects the Proteomes of the Small Intestine, Liver, and Skeletal Muscle in Newborn Pigs. The Journal of Nutrition 138: 60-66 (2008).   7 Liu YL, Huang JJ, Hou YQ, Zhu HL, Zhao SJ, Ding BY, Yin YL, Yi GF, Shi JX and Fan W, Dietary arginine supplementation alleviates intestinal mucosal disruption induced by Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide in weaned pigs. British Journal of Nutrition 100:552-560 (2008).   8 Han J, Liu YL, Fan W, Chao J, Hou YQ, Yin YL, Zhu HL, Meng GQ and Che ZQ, Dietary L-arginine supplementation alleviates immunosuppression induced by cyclophosphamide in weaned pigs. Amino Acids 37:643-651 (2008).   9 Tan Bie, Yin YL, Liu ZQ, Li XG, Xu HJ, Kong XF, Huang RL, Tang WJ, Shinzato I, Smith SB and Wu GY, Dietary L-arginine supplementation increases muscle gain and reduces body fat mass in growing-finishing pigs. Amino Acids 37:169-175 (2009).   10 Kong X.F, Yin YL, He QH, Yin FG, Liu HJ, Li TJ, Huang RL, Geng MM, Ruan Z, Deng ZY, Xie MY and Wu G, Dietary supplementation with Chinese herbal powder enhances ileal digestibilities and serum concentrations of amino acids in young pigs. Amino Acids 37:573-582 (2008) .   11 Yin YL, Li TJ and Huang RL, Evaluating standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids in growing pigs. Anim feed Science and Technology 140:385-401 (2008).   12 Yin YL, Huang CH, Wu X, Li TJ, Huang RL, Kang P, Hu Q, Chu WY and Kong XF, Nutrient digestibility response to graded dietary levels of sodium chloride in weanling pigs. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 88:940-944 (2008).   13 Li TJ, Dai QZ, Yin YL, Zhang J, Huang RL, Ruan Z, Deng Z and Xie M, Dietary starch sources affect net portal appearance of amino acids and glucose in growing pigs. Animal 2:723-729 (2008).   14 Liu YL, Lu J, Shi JX, Hou YQ, Zhu HL, Zhao SJ, Liu HM, Ding BY, Yin YL and Yi GF, Increased expression of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor ? in the immune system of weaned pigs after Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide injection. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 124:82-92 (2008).   15 Hou ZP, Yin YL, Huang RL, Li TJ, Hou RQ, Liu YL, Wu X, Liu ZQ, Wang WC, Xiong H, Wu GY and Tan LX, Rice protein concentrate partially replaces dried whey in the diet for early-weaned piglets and improves their growth performance. J Sci Food Agric 88:1187-1193 (2008).   16 Kang P, Yin YL, Ruan Z, Pan J, Hu Q, Deng ZY, Xiong H and Xie MY, Effect of replacement of lactose with partially hydrolysed rice syrup on small intestine development in weaned pigs from 7 to 21days. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 88:1932-1938 (2008).   17 Deng D, Yao K, Chu WY, Li TJ, Huang RL, Yin YL, Liu HQ, Zhang JS and Wu GY, Impaired translation initiation activation and reduced protein synthesis in weaned piglets fed a low-protein diet. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 20: 544-552 (2009).   1 8Tan BE, Li XG, Kong XF, Huang RL, Ruan Z, Deng ZY, Xie MY, Shinzato I, Yin YL and Wu G, Dietary L-arginine supplementation enhances the immune status in early-weaned piglets. Amino Acids 37: 323-331 (2009).   19 Yin FG, Liu YL, Yin YL, Kong XF, Huang RL, Li TJ, Wu GY and Hou YQ, Dietary supplementation with Astragalus polysaccharide enhances ileal digestibilities and serum concentrations of amino acids in early weaned piglets. Amino Acids 37: 263-270 (2009).   20 Kong XF, Zhang YZ, Yin YL, Wu GY, Zhou HJ, Tan ZL, Yang F, Bo MJ, Huang RL, Li TJ and Geng MM, Chinese Yam polysaccharide enhances growth performance and cellular immune response in weanling rats. Journal of Science of Food and Agriculture 89(12): 2039-2044 (2009).   21 Liu YL, Shi JX, Lu J, Meng GQ, Zhu HL, Hou YQ, Yin YL, Zhao SJ and Ding BY, Activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma potentiates pro-inflammatory cytokine production, and adrenal and somatotropic changes of weaned pigs after Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide challenge. Innate Immunity 15 (3): 169-178 (2009).   22 Li LL, Peng HZ, Zhang B, Wu GY, Yin YL, Yang KM, Li TJ, Li AK, Hou ZP, Zhang P and Liu CY, The effect of dietary addition of a polysaccharide from atractylodes macrophala koidz on growth performance, immunoglobulin concentration and IL-1βexpression in weaned pigs. Journal of Agricultural Science 147:625-631 (2009).   23 Fang J, Yan FY, Kong XF, Ruan Z, Liu ZQ, Huang RL, Li TJ, Geng MM, Yang F, Zhang YZ, Li P, Gong JH, Wu GY, Fan MZ, Liu YL, Hou YQ and Yin YL, Dietary supplementation with Acanthopanax senticosus extract enhances gut health in weanling piglets. Livestock Science 123: 268-275 (2009).   24 Wang WC, Shi CY, Zhang JS, Gu WT, Li TJ, Gen MM, Chu WY, Huang RL, Liu YL, Hou YQ, Li P and Yin YL, Molecular cloning, distribution and ontogenetic expression of the oligopeptide transporter PepT1 mRNA in Tibetan suckling piglets. Amino Acids 37:593-601 (2009).   25 Kong XF, Yin FG, He QH , Liu HJ, Li TJ, Huang RL, Fan MZ, Liu YL, Hou YQ, Li P, Ruan Z, Deng ZY, Xie MY, Xiong H and Yin YL, Acanthopanax senticosus extract as a dietary additive enhances the apparent ileal digestibility of amino acids in weaned piglets. Livest Sci 123: 261-267 (2009).   26 Wang WC, Gu WT, Tang XF, Geng MM, Fan M, Li TJ, Chu WY, Shi CY, Huang RL, Zhang HF and Yin YL, Molecular cloning, tissue distribution and ontogenetic expression of the amino acid transporter b0,+ cDNA in the small intestine of Tibetan suckling piglets. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part B 154:157-164 (2009).   27 Deng J, Wu X, Bin S, Li TJ, Huang R, Liu Z, Liu Y, Ruan Z, Deng Z, Hou Y and Yin YL, Dietary amylose and amylopectin ratio and resistant starch content affects plasma glucose, lactic acid, hormone levels1and protein synthesis in splanchnic tissues. Zeitschrift für Tierphysiologie, Tierern?hrung und Futtermittelkunde 94: 220-226 (2010).   28 Liu YL, Shi JX, Lu J, Che ZQ, Zhu HL, Hou YQ, Yin YL, Zhao SJ, Ding BY and Liu HM, Up-regulated expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ in the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis of weaned pigs after Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide challenge.The Veterinary Journal 184:230-235 (2010).   29 Kang P, Toms D, Yin YL, Cheung Q, Gong JH, Lange KD and Li JL, Epidermal Growth Factor-Expressing Lactococcus lactis Enhances Intestinal Development of Early-Weaned Pigs. J Nutr 140: 806-811 (2010).   30 Yin FG, Zhang ZZ, Huang J and Yin YL, Digestion rate of dietary starch affects systemic circulation of amino acids in weaned pigs. British Journal of Nutrition 103: 1404–1412 (2010).   31 Tan BE, Yin YL, Kong XF, Li P, Li XL, Gao HJ, Li XG, Huang RL and Wu GY, L-Arginine stimulates proliferation and prevents endotoxin-induced death of intestinal cells. Amino Acids 38: 1227-1235 (2010).   32 Tan BE, Yin YL, Liu ZQ, Tang WJ, Xu HJ, Konga XF, Li XG, Yao K, Gu WT, Smith SB and Wu GY, Dietary L-arginine supplementation differentially regulates expression of fat-metabolic genes in porcine adipose tissue and skeletal muscle. J Nutr Bioc. 22:441-445(2011)   33 Yin YL, Huang RL, Li TJ, Ruan Z, Xie MY, Deng ZY, Hou YQ and Wu GY, Amino acid metabolism in the portal-drained viscera of young pigs: effects of dietary supplementation with chitosan and pea hull. Amino Acids 39: 1581–1587 (2010).   34 Wu X, Yin YL, Li TJ, Wang L, Ruan Z, Liu ZQ and Hou YQ, Dietary supplementation with l-arginine or N-carbamylglutamate enhances intestinal growth and heat shock protein-70 expression in weanling pigs fed a corn- and soybean meal-based diet. Amino Acids 39: 831-839 (2010).   35 Yin YL, Yao K, Liu ZJ, Gong M, Ruan Z, Deng D, Tan BE, Liu ZQ, Wu GY, Supplementing L-leucine to a low-protein diet increases tissue protein synthesis in weanling pigs. Amino Acids 39:1477–1486 (2010).   36 Hou YQ, Wang L, Ding BY, Liu YL, Zhu HL, Liu J, Li YT, Wu X, Yin YL, Wu GY, Dietary a-ketoglutarate supplementation ameliorates intestinal injury in lipopolysaccharide-challenged piglets. Amino Acids 39: 555-564 (2010).   37 Chung HJ, Liu Q, Wang RL, Yin YL and Li AK, Physicochemical properties and in vitro starch digestibility of cooked rice from commercially available cultivars in Canada. Cereal Chemistry 87: 297-304 (2010).   38 Wu X, Yin YL, Li TJ, Wang L, Ruan Z, Liu ZQ and Hou YQ, Dietary protein, energy and arginine affect LAT1 expression in forebrain white matter differently. Animal 4: 1518–1521 (2010).   39 Yin YL and Tan BE, Manipulation of dietary nitrogen, amino acids and phosphorus to reduce environmental impact of swine production and enhance animal health. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment. 8: 447-462 (2010).   40 Tang ZR, Zhang YM, Stewart AF, Geng MM, Tang XS, Tu Q, Yin YL, High-level expression, purification and antibacterial activity of bovine lactoferricin and lactoferrampin in Photorhabdus luminescens. Protein Expression and Purification 73:132-139 (2010).   41Yu J, Yin P, Yin J, Liu F, Zhu X, Cheng G, Guo K, Yin Y, Xu J, Involvement of ERK1/2 signalling and growth related molecules』 expression in response to heat stress induced damage in rat jejunum and IEC cells. International Journal of Hyperthermia, 2010, 26 (6): 538-555.   42 Yang CB, Albin DM, Wang ZR, Stoll B, Lackeyram D, Swanson KC, Yin YL, Tappenden KA, Mine Y, Yada RY, Burrin DG, and Fan MZ, Apical Na+-D-glucose co-transporter 1 (SGLT1) activity and protein abundance are expressed along the jejunal crypt-villus axis in the neonatal pig. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 300: G60–G70, 2011.   43 Hou YQ, Wang L, Ding BY, Liu YL, Zhu HL, Liu J, Li YT, Kang P, Yin YL, Wu GY, Alpha-Ketoglutarate and intestinal function. Frontiers in Bioscience 16:1186-1196 (2011).   44 Yao K, Fang J, Yin YL, Feng ZM, Tang ZR, Wu GY, Tryptophan metabolism in animals: important roles in nutrition and health. Frontiers in Bioscience S3:286-297 (2011).   45 Kong XF, Wu GY, Yin YL, Roles of phytochemicals in amino acid nutrition. Frontiers in Bioscience S3:372-384 (2011).   46 He QH, Ren PP, Zhao F, Kong XF, Wu GY, Yin YL, Metabonomics and its role in amino acid nutrition research. Frontiers in Bioscience 16, 2451-2460, June 1, 2011   47 Yao K, Guan S, Li TJ, Huang RL, Wu GY, Ruan Z and Yin YL, Dietary L-arginine supplementation enhances intestinal development and expression of vascular endothelial growth factor in weanling piglets. British Journal of Nutrition 105: 703–709 (2011).   48 Geng MM , Li TJ, Kong XF, Song XY, Chu WY, Huang RL, Yin YL , Wu GY, Reduced expression of intestinal N-acetylglutamate synthase in suckling piglets: a novel molecular mechanism for arginine as a nutritionally essential amino acid for neonates. Amino Acids. 40 :1513- 1522 (2011).   49. Li Fengna, Yulong Yin, Bie Tan, Xiangfeng Kong, and Guoyao Wu. Leucine nutrition in animals and humans: mTOR signaling 3 and beyond. Amino Acids 41: 1185-1193 (2011).   50 Yin,Fugui Yulong Yin, Zhenzhen Zhang, Mingyong Xie, Ju Huang, Ruilin Huang and Tiejun Li, Digestion rate of dietary starch affects the systemic circulation of lipid profiles and lipid metabolism-related gene expression in weaned pigs. British Journal of Nutrition, 106, 369–377 (2011).   51. He Qinghua, Tang Huiru, Ren Pingping, Kong Xiangfeng, Wu Guoyao, Yin Yulong and Wang Yulan. Dietary Supplementation with L -Arginine Partially Counteracts Serum Metabonome Induced by Weaning Stress in Piglets. Journal of Proteome Research. 10:5214-5221 (2011).   52. Li Fengna, Huansheng Yang, Yehui Duan and Yulong Yin. Myostatin regulates preadipocyte differentiation and lipid metabolism of adipocyte via ERK1/2. Cell Biol Int 35(11):1141-1146 (2011).   53. Li F. N, L. L. Li, H. S. Yang, X. X. Yuan, B. Zhang, M. M. Geng, C. W. Xiao and Y. L. Yin. Regulation of soy isoflavones on weight gain and fat percentage: evaluation in a Chinese Guangxi minipig model.Animal 5:1903-1908 (2011).   147. Yao Kang, Lei Wang, Binying Ding, Dabo Fu, Yulan Liu, Huiling Zhu, Jian Liu, Yongtang Li, Ping Kang, Yu-long Yin, Guoyao Wu, Yongqing Hou. Alpha-ketoglutarate inhibits glutamine degradation and enhances protein synthesis in intestinal porcine epithelial cells. Amino Acids. 2012 Jun ;42 (6):2491-500   54. Yang Huansheng, Fengna Li, Xiangfeng Kong, Xiaoxue Yuan, Guoqi Lian, Meimei Geng, Tiejun Li, Jingdong Yin and Yulong Yin. Molecular cloning, tissue distribution and ontogenetic expression of Xiang pig Chemerin and its involvement in regulating energy metabolism through Akt and ERK1/2 signaling pathways. Mol Biol Rep 39(2):1887-1894 (2012).   55. He Qinghua, Pingping Ren, Xiangfeng Kong, Yongning Wu, Guoyao Wu, Peng Li, Fuhua Hao,Huiru Tang, Yulong Yin. Comparison of serum metabolite compositions between obese and lean growing pigs. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 23: 133¨139 (2012).   56. Tan Bie, Li Xinguo, Yin Yulong, Wu Zhenlong, Liu Chuang, Tekwe D. Carmen, Wu Guoyao. Regulatory roles for L-arginine in reducing white adipose tissue. Frontiers in Bioscience. 17: 2237-2246 (2012).   57. Kong X F, Y.L.Yin, G.Y.Wu. Arginine stimulates the mTOR signaling pathway and protein synthesis in porcine trophectoderm cells. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 23 1178-1183 (2012).   58. Liu X.D,X.Wu, Y.L.Yin, Y.Q.Liu, M.M.Geng, H.S.Yang G.Y.Wu. 2011. Effects of dietary L-arginineor N-carbamylglutamate supplementation during late gestation of sows on the miR-15b/16, miR-221/222,VEGFAandeNOSexpression in umbilicalvein. Amino Acids 42:2111-2119 (2012).   59. Ren Wenkai, Yulong Yin, Gang Liu, Xinglong Yu, Yinghui Li, Guan Yang, Teijun Li, Guoyao Wu. Effect of dietary arginine supplementation on reproductive performance of mice with porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) infection" Amino Acids 42:2089-2094 (2012).   60. Wu X. Wu , Y.L. Yin, Y.Q. Liu, X.D. Liu, Z.Q. Liu, T.J. Li, R.L. Huang, Z. Ruan, Deng Z. Effect of dietary arginine and N-carbamoylglutamate supplementation reproduction and gene expression of eNOS, VEGFA and PlGF1 in on in late pregnancy of sows placenta. Animal Reproduction Science. 132 187-192 (2012).   61. Yang Huansheng, Dezhi Fu., Hua Shao, Xiangfeng Kong, Wence Wang, Xiaojian Yang, Charles M. Nyachoti, Yulong Yin. Impacts of Birth Weight on Plasma, Liver and Skeletal Muscle Neutral Amino Acid Profiles and Intestinal Amino Acid Transporters in Suckling Huanjiang Mini-Piglets. PLOS ONE 7:e50921 (2012).   62. Yang Huansheng, YulongYin. Chemerin regulates proliferation and differentiation of myoblast cells via ERK1/2 and mTOR signaling pathways. Cytokine 60:646-652 (2012).   62. Zhou Xihong , Xin Wu, Yulong Yin, Cui Zhang, Liuqin He. Preventive oral supplementation with glutamine and arginine has beneficial effects on the intestinal mucosa and inflammatory cytokines in endotoxemic rats. Amino Acids 43: 813-821 (2012).   63. Yang Huansheng, YulongYin. Soy isoflavones modulate adipokines and myokines to regulate lipid metabolism in adipose tissue, skeletal muscle and liver of male Huanjiang mini-pigs. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 365 44-51 (2012).   64.Tan BE, Li XG, Wu GY, Yulong Yin 2012. Dynamic changes in blood flow and oxygen consumption in the portal-drained viscera of growing pigs receiving acute administration of L-arginine. Amino Acids, 43: 2481-2489.   65 Wu Xin,, Yuzhe Zhang , Yulong Yin , Zheng Ruan , Huimin Yu , Zhenlong Wu , Guoyao Wu. Roles of heat-shock protein 70 in protecting against intestinal mucosal damage . Frontiers in Bioscience 18, 356-365, January 1, 2013   66 He Liuqin, Yulong Yin, Tiejun Li, Rulin Huang,Zhenlong Wu, Guoyao Wu。Use of the Ussing chamber technique to study nutrient transport by epithelial tissues。. Frontiers in Bioscience   66 Wu Xin, Y. Zhang, Z. Liu, T. Li, Y. Yin. Effects of oral supplementation with glutamate or combination of glutamate and N-carbamylglutamate on intestinal mucosa in piglets. Journal of Animal Science, 90: 337–339, 2012


截至2017年11月,印遇龍主編和參編中英文專著6部;獲授權專利10項;克隆並在GenBank註冊了與豬腸道健康相關基因13個 。

印遇龍主編, 《豬營養代謝與調控研究》, 湖南科學技術出版社, 2011年。

印遇龍主編, 《現代仔豬營養學》, 中國農業出版社, 2010年。

印遇龍主編, 《豬氨基酸營養與代謝》, 科學出版社, 2008年1月4日。

印遇龍, Nutritional and physiological functions of amino acids in swine 。

德國施普林格出版社,2013年 。


基因工程生產富乳鐵蛋白素的功能飼料及食品, 國家863項目。

動物重要氨基酸吸收轉運的分子機制與營養調控機理 ,中國科學院知識創新重要方向項目。

小型豬蛋白質氨基酸營養代謝機理研究, 國家自然科學基金面上項目。


家養動物營養組學研究體系的建立與應用, 企業和自選項目。

功能性氨基酸和碳水化合物的研發, 企業和自選項目 。


截至2019年4月 ,印遇龍獲發明專利42項 。




4.一種用於發光桿菌中的red/ET重組系統及其使用方法,2009年,專利號:ZL 200710053584.9,發明(設計)人:唐志如,排名:第二,主要合作者:唐志如,主要貢獻:負責設計。

5.N-氨甲酰穀氨酸製備方法 ,2010年,專利號:ZL200710036109.0,發明(設計)人:印遇龍,排名:第一,主要合作者:黃瑞林、唐志如。主要貢獻:負責設計和實施。

6.一種牛乳鐵蛋白工程菌及抗菌肽牛乳鐵蛋白素的製備方法,2012年,專利號:ZL200610166536.6,發明(設計)人: 唐志如,排名:第三,主要合作者: 唐志如、張友明,主要貢獻:負責設計和實施。

7.一種提高仔豬免疫調節作用的物質穀氨酸胺的製備方法,2012年,專利號:ZL200910043690.8,發明(設計)人: 印遇龍,排名:第一,主要合作者:吳信,主要貢獻:負責設計和實施。

8.一種節桿菌產β-呋喃果糖苷酶的發酵培養基及其發酵方法,2011年,專利號:ZL200910115791.1,發明(設計)人: 印遇龍,排名:第一,主要合作者:阮征,主要貢獻:負責設計和實施。

9.一種飼料添加劑二氫吡啶的製備方法,2011年,專利號:ZL200910115791.1,發明(設計)人: 印遇龍,排名:第一,主要合作者:譚碧娥,主要貢獻:負責設計和實施。

10.抗菌肽buforin II和豬INF-α融合表達畢赤酵母菌及其應用,2012年,專利號:ZL200910273232.3,發明(設計)人:唐志如,排名:第三,主要合作者:唐志如,主要貢獻:負責設計。

11.一種快速測定食品中低聚乳果糖含量的方法,2012年,專利號:ZL200910115220.8,發明(設計)人: 印遇龍,排名:第一,主要合作者:阮征,主要貢獻:負責設計和實施。

12.一種L-精氨酸產生菌穀氨酸棒桿菌及製備方法和應用,2012年,專利號:ZL200910273082.6,發明(設計)人:唐志如,排名:第三,主要合作者:唐志如 周棟,主要貢獻:負責設計。

13.一種仔豬免疫增強飼料及製備方法,2007年,專利號:ZL200510120505.2,發明(設計)人: 李立麗,排名:第五,主要合作者:李立麗,主要貢獻:負責設計。

14.一種枯草芽孢桿菌PA105及製備方法和應用,2013年,專利號:ZL2011 10320105.1,發明(設計)人: 王生平,排名:第二,主要合作者:王生平。主要貢獻:負責設計。

15.一種飼料添加劑單寧螯合鋅的製備方法. 2013年,專利號:ZL201110029253.8,發明(設計)人: 吳信,排名:第二,主要合作者:吳信,主要貢獻:負責設計和實施。

16.一種仔豬腸道屏障功能調控物質-N-乙酰半胱氨酸的製備方法,2013年,專利號:ZL200910043691.2,發明(設計)人: 印遇龍,排名:第一,主要合作者:吳信,主要貢獻:負責設計和實施。

17.一種促進南美白對蝦親蝦性腺成熟的餌料及其製備方法,2013年,專利號:201010265944.3,發明(設計)人: 蔣偉明,排名:第三,主要合作者:蔣偉明,主要貢獻:設計和實施。



1996年, 豬飼料養分迴腸末端利用率及有效氨基酸需要量的研究, 國家科技進步三等獎, 排名第一。

1997年, 豬、雞營養參數及配方新技術研究, 國家科技進步二等獎, 排名第五。

2008年, 畜禽氮磷代謝調控及安全型飼料配製關鍵技術研究與應用, 國家科技進步二等獎, 排名第一。

2010年, 仔豬腸道健康調控關鍵技術及其在飼料產業化中的應用, 國家科技進步二等獎, 排名第一。

2013年, 豬氨基酸營養功能的基礎研究, 湖南省自然科學獎一等獎, 排名第一。


印遇龍和團隊建立了豬氮/氨基酸評價方法體系 。作為博士生導師,印遇龍每年帶有十幾名學生。 印遇龍選擇學生最看重的條件第一是做人,誠信是做農業科研最基本的素養,數據不容易得到,但是不管怎樣都不能造假,得實事求是;第二是得務實肯干,聰明有悟性,有解決問題的能力,有事業心 。


1985年, 西德馬普學會研究獎學金。

1991年, 中國科學院第二屆青年科學家獎。

1991年, 中科院青年科學家獎。

1992年, 國務院政府特殊津貼[4]

1995年6月, 中國當代科技精英之一。

1996年, 英國ORS獎學金。

1996年, Finnfeeds International Ltd研究獎學金。

2009年, 大北農第六屆科技成果獎 。

2014年, 中國引文桂冠獎獎。

2018年, Asia-Pacific Nutrition Award (APNA)獎 。

2019年11月, 何梁何利農學獎 。

2019年, 湖南最美科技工作者 。

2020年, 湖南農業大學首屆2019年度榮譽人物 。











印遇龍妻子是陶立華。印遇龍工作在科研一線注重鍛煉身體,喜歡打乒乓球,也喜歡騎車,每天只要在所里都要騎半小時自行車,或者去雜交水稻中心打乒乓球 。在生活中印遇龍是個率性的人,飯可以隨便吃點,穿着打扮也很隨意,但對「豬們」,他卻照料得十分細心 。

印遇龍的養殖科研大樓,一隻只白嫩小豬被安置在四十來平米的房子裡一個個格子之中 。印遇龍從養豬、稱豬到打點豬飼料,全部親自動手。印遇龍和團隊一天到晚都要守着豬取樣,每天房子裡都會傳來豬的號叫聲以及工作人員來回趕豬的腳步聲 。印遇龍為了不干擾周圍群眾的生活,把豬糞放在辦公室里,關着窗子烘乾,一日三餐則請人送進辦公室來 。印遇龍為了節省科研經費,他拉着板車去買豬。有一次冬天傍晚,人車豬一齊掉進了冰冷的水塘 ,印遇龍被人稱為「養豬院士」 。

印遇龍精力非常充沛,做事雷厲風行,想到就做,做就做到底。早上六點鐘就能聽到他與同事、研究生打電話討論工作的聲音,有時討論工作到晚上12點鐘才結束,有時凌晨兩三點鐘發短信甚至有時凌晨4點鐘發郵件 。




印遇龍在豬蛋白質高效利用技術集成創新及產品開發方面做出貢獻。主持完成的「豬飼料養分迴腸末端消化率及有效氨基酸需要量的研究」經推廣應用獲 顯著經濟效益,成果達到國際領先水平。



印遇龍老師長期與國際同行保持緊密的聯繫和交流,具有國際視野。同時,研究方向又與國家的科研需求高度契合。他重視基礎研究,論文質量高,在研究中特別能吃苦 。



中國工程院院士印遇龍: 優質豬肉生產的營養調控關鍵技術
