



增加 1,319 位元組, 4 年前
| [[File:丽江珍珠菜1.jpg|缩略图|居中|250px|]][http://img1.iplant.cn/gotoimg/236/169D439D9673A54F.jpg 原图链接] [http://www.iplant.cn/info/Lysimachia%20lichiangensis?t=p 来自植物智]
拉丁学名:Lysimachia violascens Franch.  var. robusta (C. Y. Wu) C. M. Hu
亚 纲:合瓣花亚纲
目: [[ 报春花目]]
科: [[ 报春花科]]
族: [[ 珍珠菜族]]
属: [[ 珍珠菜属]]
亚 属:珍珠菜亚属
<ref>[http://www.iplant.cn/info/%C0%F6%BD%AD%D5%E4%D6%E9%B2%CB 丽江珍珠菜], 植物智, 2020-01-18</ref>
Herbs perennial, glabrous, 35--75 cm tall. Stems erect, simple or weakly branched, &#177; glandular on upper part. Leaves alternate; petiole 3--10 mm, narrowly winged; leaf blade lanceolate, 3--7 X 0.6--1.6 cm, dark glandular punctate especially near margin, base attenuate, obscurely undulate, apex acuminate. Racemes terminal, 3--10 cm, elongating to 20 cm in fruit; bracts linear-lanceolate, 5--8 mm. Pedicel 4--5 mm. Calyx 3.5--6 mm; lobes lanceolate, abaxially glandular striate. Corolla white to pink, 6--7(--8) mm, parted slightly below middle; lobes obovate, apex rounded; sinus between lobes rounded. Stamens ca. as long as corolla lobes or exserted; filaments adnate to base of corolla lobes; anthers elliptic, dorsifixed, ca. 1 mm. Ovary glabrous; style ca. 5 mm. Capsule subglobose, 3--4 mm in diam.
* Grassy mountain slopes, woodland margins, thickets, river valleys; 500--3200. W Sichuan, N Yunnan
1 Calyx 5--6 mm, slightly shorter than corolla; stamens ca. as long as corolla 123a var. lichiangensis
+ Calyx 3.5--4 mm, ca. 1/2 as long as corolla; stamens exserted 123b var. xerophylla