2000.07 -2003.08:芜湖市第十三中学任教。
[1]. Wang Na, Existence of periodic solutions for a nonlinear functional diffential equation in losslesstransmission line model,Chinese Physics B, 2012,21(1): 010202. <br>[2].汪娜,倪明康. 经典物理中的扰动时滞模型解,物理学报. 2011,60(5):050203 <br>[3].WANG Na,The Existence and Uniqueness of Periodic Solutions for a Kind of Liénard Equation with a Deviating Argument,Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics,2010, 25 (1): 74—80. <br>[4]. WANG Na,Sufficient Conditions for the Existence of Periodic Solutions to Some Third Order Differential Equations with Deviating Argument,Mathematica Applicata,2008,21(4):661-670. <br>
[5]. Wang Na, Approximate Analytic Solution for a Class of Generalized Nonlinear Singularly Perturbed Time-Delay Model in the Critical Case,Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics,(to be published)