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'''仙人掌属'''目前分类只包括约200[[种]]<ref>[http://www.sdnhm.org/research/botany/opuntioideae.html Jon P. Rebman, Ph.D., "What has happened to Opuntia?" San Diego Natural History Museum]</ref>圆柱状仙人掌被单独分为一个[[圆柱仙人掌属]](''Cylindropuntiais''),其他圆筒状仙人掌如以前分在''Austrocylindropuntia''属、''Corynopuntia''属和''Micropuntia''中的种类都包括在本[[属]]中。


* ''[[Opuntia abjecta]]''
* ''[[Opuntia aciculata]]'' – Chenille prickly pear, old man's whiskers, cowboy's red whiskers
* ''[[Opuntia alta]]''
* ''[[Opuntia ammophila]]''
* ''[[Opuntia anacantha]]''
* ''[[Opuntia anahuacensis]]''
* ''[[Opuntia arenaria]]'' – dune prickly pear; diploid (2n=22)
* ''[[Opuntia articulata]]''
* ''[[Opuntia atrispina]]''
* ''[[Opuntia auberi]]''
* ''[[Opuntia aurantiaca]]''
* ''[[Opuntia aurea]]'' hexaploid (2n=66)
* ''[[Opuntia aureispina]]''
* ''[[Opuntia azurea]]''
* ''[[Opuntia basilaris]]'' – beavertail cactus; diploid (2n=22)
* ''[[Opuntia bentonii]]''
* ''[[Opuntia blakeana]]''
* ''[[Opuntia boldinghii]]''
* ''[[Opuntia cacanapa]]'' - including Opuntia ellisiana (Ellisiana)
* ''[[Opuntia camanchica]]'' - plains prickly pear
* ''[[Opuntia canada]]''
* ''[[Opuntia cespitosa]]''
* ''[[Opuntia charlestonensis]]''
* ''[[Opuntia chaffeyi]]''
* ''[[Opuntia chlorotica]]'' – pancake prickly pear; native to southwest USA and the [[Sonoran desert|Sonoran]] and [[Mojave desert]]s; diploid (2n=22)
* ''[[Opuntia chisosensis]]''
* ''[[Opuntia clavata]]''
* ''[[Opuntia cochenillifera]]''
* ''[[Opuntia comonduensis]]''
* ''[[Opuntia columbiana]]''
* ''[[Opuntia confusa]]''
* ''[[Opuntia covillei]]''
* ''[[Opuntia curvospina]]'' tetraploid (2n=44)
* ''[[Opuntia cyclodes]]''
* ''[[Opuntia cymochila]]'' – grassland prickly pear; One of the most common species found on the Great Plains of the United States
* ''[[Opuntia debreczyi]]''
* ''[[Opuntia decumana]]''
* ''[[Opuntia decumbens]]'' – ''nopal de culebra''
* ''[[Opuntia dejecta]]''
* ''[[Opuntia dillenii]]''
[[File:Opuntia diploursina Lake Mead.jpg|thumb|''[[Opuntia diploursina]]'' near Lake Mead]]
* ''[[Opuntia diploursina]]'' – found around Grand Canyon and Lake Mead National Recreation Area; diploid (2n=22); resembles ''O. trichophora''
* ''[[Opuntia discata]]''
* ''[[Opuntia dulcis]]'' - syn. ''O. phaeacantha major''
* ''Opuntia echinocarpa'' - see ''[[Cylindropuntia echinocarpa]]''
* ''[[Opuntia echios]]
** ''Opuntia echios'' var. ''gigantea'' – Galápagos prickly pear, [[Galápagos Islands]]
* ''[[Opuntia elata]]''
* ''[[Opuntia elatior]]'' <small>Mill.</small> – syn. ''O. bergeriana''
* ''[[Opuntia engelmannii]]'' – Engelmann's prickly pear, cow's-tongue prickly pear, desert prickly pear, discus prickly pear, Texas prickly pear, calico cactus; hexaploid (2n=66)
* ''[[Opuntia erinacea]]'' tetraploid (2n=44)
* ''[[Opuntia exaltata]]''
* ''[[Opuntia excelsa]]''
* ''[[Opuntia ficus-barbarica]]''
* ''[[Opuntia ficus-indica]]'' – Indian fig opuntia
* ''[[Opuntia fragilis]]'' – little prickly pear, brittle cactus, found in the Great Plains and as far west as British Columbia]
* ''[[Opuntia galapageia]]''
* ''[[Opuntia gosseliniana]]'' – violet prickly pear
** ''Opuntia gosseliniana'' var. ''santa-rita'' – Santa Rita prickly pear
** ''Opuntia chlorotica'' var. ''gosseliniana''
* ''[[Opuntia helleri]]''
* ''[[Opuntia hickenii]]''
* ''[[Opuntia humifusa]]'' – eastern prickly pear (sometimes included in ''O. compressa'');tetraploid (2n=44)
* ''[[Opuntia hyptiacantha]]''
* ''[[Opuntia inamoema]]'' <small>K. Schum.</small> – ''[[quipá]]''
* ''[[Opuntia insularis]]''
* ''[[Opuntia invicta]]'' syn. ''Corynopuntia invicta'', ''Grusonia invicta''
* ''[[Opuntia jamaicensis]]''
* ''[[Opuntia laevis]]''
* ''[[Opuntia lasiacantha]]''
* ''[[Opuntia leucotricha]]'' – arborescent prickly pear, Aaron's beard cactus, semaphore cactus, ''Duraznillo blanco'', ''nopal blanco''
* ''[[Opuntia lindheimeri]]'' – cowtongue prickly pear
* ''[[Opuntia littoralis]]'' – coastal prickly pear, sprawling prickly pear
* ''[[Opuntia longispina]]''
* ''[[Opuntia macrocentra]]'' – black-spined prickly pear, purple prickly pear, found in southwest USA and northern Mexico
* ''[[Opuntia macrorhiza]]'' – Plains prickly pear, found throughout the Great Plains except for the northernmost areas (not found in [[North Dakota]]), and extending sporadically eastward as far as [[Kentucky]], syn. ''O. leptocarpa'' <small>MacKensen</small>, ''O. tenuispina'' <small>Engelm.</small>, ''O. tortispina'' <small>Engelm. & Bigelow</small>; tetraploid (2n=44)
* ''[[Opuntia matudae]]'' – ''xoconostle'' (syn. ''Opuntia joconostle'')
* ''[[Opuntia maldonandensis]]''
* ''[[Opuntia maxima]]''
* ''[[Opuntia megacantha]]''
* ''[[Opuntia megarrhiza]]''
* ''[[Opuntia megasperma]]''
* ''[[Opuntia microdasys]]'' – bunny ears cactus, polka-dot cactus
* ''[[Opuntia monacantha]]'' – common prickly pear
* ''[[Opuntia nichollii]]'' - Distributed throughout much of the Colorado Plateau, from Grand Canyon north to Price, Utah and east to the Colorado border; hexaploid (2n=66)
* ''[[Opuntia oricola]]''
* ''[[Opuntia ovata]]''
* ''[[Opuntia pachyrrhiza]]''
* ''[[Opuntia pailana]]''
* ''[[Opuntia paraguayensis]]''
* ''[[Opuntia phaeacantha]]'' – tulip prickly pear, includes plateau prickly pear, brown-spined prickly pear, Mojave prickly pear, Kingman prickly pear; hexaploid (2n=66)
* ''[[Opuntia picardoi]]''
* ''[[Opuntia pinkavae]]'' – Pinkava's prickly pear; octoploid (2n=88)
* ''[[Opuntia polyacantha]]'' – Panhandle prickly pear, found in the Great Plains, [[Great Basin]], Mojave Desert, [[Colorado Plateau]], and the [[Rocky Mountains]], syn. ''O. rhodantha'' <small>K.Schum.</small>; tetraploid (2n=44)
** ''Opuntia polyacantha'' var. ''arenaria'' (syn. ''O. erinacea'')
* ''[[Opuntia pubescens]]'' (syn. ''O. pascoensis'' <small>Britton & Rose</small>)
* ''[[Opuntia pusilla]]'' – creeping cactus, syn. ''O. drummondii'' <small>Graham</small>
* ''[[Opuntia quitensis]]'' – Red Buttons opuntia (syn. ''O. macbridei'', ''O. johnsonii'', ''Platyopuntia quitensis)
* ''[[Opuntia rastrera]]''
* ''[[Opuntia repens]]''
<!-- * ''[[Opuntia retrosa]]'' syn. for O. anacantha per http://www.f-lohmueller.de/botany/gen/o/Opuntia.htm -->
* ''[[Opuntia robusta]]''
* ''[[Opuntia rufida]]'' (sometimes included in ''O. microdasys'')
* ''[[Opuntia saxicola]]''
* ''[[Opuntia schumannii]]''
* ''[[Opuntia soehrensii]]''
* ''[[Opuntia stenopetala]]'' (syn. ''O. riviereana'' <small>Backeb.</small>)
* ''[[Opuntia streptacantha]]''
* ''[[Opuntia stricta]]'' – erect prickly pear, spineless prickly pear
* ''[[Opuntia sulphurea]]''
* ''[[Opuntia taylori]]''
* ''[[Opuntia tehuantepecana]]'' – ''nopal de caballo''
* ''[[Opuntia tomentosa]]'' – woollyjoint prickly pear
* ''[[Opuntia triacantha]]''
* ''[[Opuntia trichophora]]'' diploid (2n=22)
* ''[[Opuntia tuna]]''
* ''[[Opuntia velutina]]''
* ''[[Opuntia violacea]]''
* ''{{tsl|en|Austrocylindropuntia||Austrocylindropuntia}}''
* ''{{tsl|en|Brasiliopuntia||Brasiliopuntia}}''
* ''{{tsl|en|Corynopuntia||Corynopuntia}}''
* ''{{tsl|en|Cylindropuntia||Cylindropuntia}}''
* ''{{tsl|en|Disocactus phyllanthoides||Disocactus phyllanthoides}}'' (as ''Opuntia speciosa'')
* ''{{tsl|en|Micropuntia||Micropuntia}}''
* ''{{tsl|en|Miqueliopuntia||Miqueliopuntia}}''

* {{aut|Behan, Jeff}} (1995): The bug that changed history. ''Boatman's Quarterly Rreview'' '''8'''(2). [https://web.archive.org/web/20060621103349/http://gcrg.org/bqr/8-2/bug.htm HTML fulltext]
* {{aut|Bwititi, P.; Musabayane, C.T. & Nhachi, C.F.B.}} (2000): Effects of ''Opuntia megacantha'' on blood glucose and kidney function in streptozotocin diabetic rats. ''Journal of Ethnopharmacology'' '''69'''(3): 247-252. <small>{{doi|10.1016/S0378-8741(99)00123-3}} PMID 10722207</small> (HTML abstract)
* {{aut|Cota-Sánchez, J. Hugo}} (2002): Taxonomy, distribution, rarity status and uses of Canadian Cacti. ''Haseltonia'' '''9''': 17-25<ref>[http://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=Cota-S%C3%A1nchez,+J.+Hugo+(2002):+Taxonomy,+distribution,+rarity+status+and+uses+of+Canadian+Cacti.+Haseltonia+9:+17-25&hl=en&safe=off&um=1&ie=UTF-8&oi=scholart Google Scholar]</ref><!-- PDF says p.1-9 --> [http://www.usask.ca/biology/cota-sanchez/lab/sec/canadian_cacti_abstract.pdf PDF abstract]
* {{aut|Frati-Munari, A.C.; Fernandez-Harp, J.A.; de la Riva, H.; Ariza-Andraca, R. & del Carmen Torres, M.}} (1983): Effects of nopal (''Opuntia'' sp.) on serum lipids, glycemia and body weight. ''Archivos de investigacion medica'' '''14'''(2): 117-125. <small>PMID 6314922</small> [Article in English, Spanish]
* {{aut|Ott, Jonathan}} (1995): [http://www.serendipity.li/dmt/hoasca.html#tbl1 Ayahuasca Additive Plants]. ''In: Ayahuasca Analogues: Pangaean Entheogens''.
* {{aut|Pittler, Max H.; Verster, Joris C. & Ernst, Edzard}} (2005): Interventions for preventing or treating alcohol hangover: systematic review of randomised controlled trials. ''[[British Medical Journal|Brit. Med. J.]]'' '''331'''(7531): 1515-1518. <small>{{doi|10.1136/bmj.331.7531.1515}} PMID 16373736</small> [http://www.bmj.com/cgi/reprint/331/7531/1515.pdf PDF fulltext]
* {{aut|Portillo M., Liberato & Vigueras G., Ana Lilia}} (1988): Natural Enemies of Cochineal (''Dactylopius coccus'' Costa): Importance in Mexico. ''Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development'' '''3''': 43-49. [https://web.archive.org/web/20090326060829/http://www.jpacd.org/Jpacd98/portil.pdf PDF fulltext]
* {{aut|Rayburn, Keith M.D.; Martinez, Rey; Escobedo, Miguel; Wright, Fred & Farias, Maria}} (1998): Glycemic Effects of Various Species of Nopal (''Opuntia'' sp.) in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. ''Texas Journal of Rural Health'' '''16'''(1): 68-76.
* {{aut|Trenary, Klaus}} (1997): Visionary Cactus Guide: ''[https://web.archive.org/web/20010308093542/http://users.lycaeum.org/~iamklaus/opuntia.htm Opunita]'' [''sic'']. Retrieved 2007-OCT-15.
* {{aut|Wiese, Jeff; McPherson, Steve; Odden, Michelle C. & Shlipak, Michael G.}} (2004): Effect of ''Opuntia ficus indica'' [''sic''] on Symptoms of the Alcohol Hangover. ''[[Archives of Internal Medicine|Arch. Intern. Med.]]'' '''164'''(12): 1334-1340. [http://archinte.ama-assn.org/cgi/reprint/164/12/1334.pdf PDF fulltext]


{{commons category|Opuntia}}
* [http://opuntiads.com 美国的仙人掌属植物]
*[https://web.archive.org/web/20080110220004/http://www.azda.gov/ESD/protplantlst3.htm 亚利桑那州被保护植物)]
* [http://enc.slq.qld.gov.au/logicrouter/servlet/LogicRouter?PAGE=object&OUTPUTXSL=object_enc36ui.xslt&pm_RC=REPOSLQEAD&pm_OI=34290&pm_GT=Y&pm_IAC=Y&api_1=GET_OBJECT_XML&num_result=2 1926年-1933年昆士兰州图书馆藏照片]{{dead link|date=2017年11月 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}

[[Category:370 植物學總論]]