目前有8項入選於[[非物質文化遺產名錄]]<ref>{{cite web| url=https://ich.unesco.org/en/state/mali-ML |title=Mali and the 2003 Convention | publisher=UNESCO | language = EN |accessdate=2019-12-02}}</ref>:
* {||-| 馬爾卡拉的面具及木偶的呈現|| (Coming forth of the masks and puppets in Markala)* |-| 阿爾及利亞、馬利與尼日圖阿雷格社區的Imzad習俗與知識|| (Practices and knowledge linked to the Imzad of the Tuareg communities of Algeria, Mali and Niger)* |-| 馬利和布吉納法索色努佛社群的巴拉風文化|| (Cultural practices and expressions linked to the balafon of the Senufo communities of Mali, Burkina Faso and Côte d’Ivoire)* |-| 柯勒度告秘密社團:馬利的智慧儀式|| (Secret society of the Kôrêdugaw, the rite of wisdom in Mali)* |-| 坎加巴村的聖屋,七年一次的卡瑪布隆屋頂重修典禮|| (Septennial re-roofing ceremony of the Kamablon, sacred house of Kangaba)* |-| 在古魯坎富加宣讀的「曼登憲章」|| (Manden Charter, proclaimed in Kurukan Fuga)* |-| 桑科蒙:桑科湖集體捕魚儀式|| (Sanké mon, collective fishing rite of the Sanké)* |-| 雅阿拉與迪卡文化場域|| (Cultural space of the Yaaral and Degal)|}
== 參考文獻 ==