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{{Infobox Artist| subject_name = 保羅·高更| birthname = {{lang|fr|Paul Gauguin}}| image_name = File:Paul Gauguin 1891.png| image_caption = | date_of_birth = 1848年6月7日| place_of_birth = {{flagicon|France}} [[七月王朝|法國]][[巴黎]]| date_of_death = {{death_date_and_age|1903|5|8|1848|6|7|mf=y}}| place_of_death = {{flag|法屬玻里尼西亞}}[[馬克薩斯群島]][[阿圖奧納]]| nationality = {{FRA}}| field = [[繪畫]]| famous works =《[[佈道後的視覺]]》<br />《[[黃色的基督]]》<br >《[[我們從何處來?我們是誰?我們向何處去?]]》| training = | movement = | patrons = | awards = | signature = [[File:Gaugin autograph.png|150px]]|}}
'''歐仁·亨利·保羅·高更'''('''Eugène Henri Paul Gauguin''',{{IPA-fr|øʒɛn ɑ̃ʁi pɔl ɡoɡɛ̃|lang}},{{bd|1848年|6月7日|1903年|5月8日|catIdx=G}}),生於[[法國]][[巴黎]],[[印象派]]畫家。大部份藝術史家將他歸於[[后印象派]]。他死後作品才開始名聲大噪。<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.morozov-shchukin.com/html/Agau.html |title=Shchukin Gauguin |publisher=Morozov-shchukin.com |date= |accessdate=2013-07-12}}</ref>
== 生平 ==
[[File:Gauguin La mère de l'artiste.jpg|thumb|高更母親像,1889,[[斯圖加特國立美術館]]藏]]
高更在1848年出生於[[巴黎]],出生時父親34歲,母親22歲。他的父親克洛維·高更(Clovis Gauguin)是一名激進的[[共和制]]思想政治新聞[[記者]]<ref>Bowness, 1971. p. 3: "Clovis came from Orléans, and there is nothing in the Gauguin family history of market gardeners and small businessmen to suggest an artistic temperament."</ref>。1849年「反君主制」軍事政變失敗之後離開法國<ref>Bowness, 1971, p. 3: "His father, Clovis Gauguin, was a 34-year-old journalist, who worked for a liberal newspaper that was soon to be suppressed." And p. 3-4: "Like many other European intellectuals, Clovis was forced by the failure of the 1848 revolutions to look to the new world [Western Hemisphere]. There was no future for a liberal journalist in the France of [[Louis Napoleon|Napoleon III]]."</ref>,打算去[[秘魯]]投靠妻子阿琳·瑪麗·夏札爾(Aline Marie Chazal)的家族,創辦新報紙,但在海上旅行途中心臟病發去世。高更的外祖父安德烈·夏札爾(Andre Chazal)是一名雕刻師,外祖母[[弗洛拉·特里斯坦]](Flora Tristan)是一名社會主義激進派作家。他的外祖父後來因襲擊外祖母而被以謀殺未遂罪判處監禁<ref>Bowness, 1971. p. 3: "Flora Tristan, author and social reformer…" and "Theirs had been an ill-matched, short-lived marriage; it culminated in Chazal attempting to murder his wife and being sentenced to twenty years' imprisonment."</ref>。高更一直在秘魯生活到七歲,幼年時期異國風情的記憶,跟他後來流浪旅行的習慣有很大的關係。高更深深敬愛母親和外祖母,他的母親沒有屈服於困難,憑自己的雙手扶養起一雙兒女,而作為社會主義先驅的外祖母也對他產生了較深刻的影響。