,创建页面,内容为“{| class="wikitable" style="float:right; margin: -10px 0px 10px 20px; text-align:left" |<center>''' 章喆 '''<br><img src=" https://sae.bit.edu.cn/images/2023-03/8…”
{| class="wikitable" style="float:right; margin: -10px 0px 10px 20px; text-align:left"
|<center>''' 章喆 '''<br><img src=" https://sae.bit.edu.cn/images/2023-03/8007c8d438094b16880d0a8429c32c0b.jpg " width="180"></center><small>[https://www.bit.edu.cn/ 北京理工大学]
'''章喆''',男, 北京理工大学教授。
=== 教育经历 ===
2013年09月-2019年01月, 北京航空航天大学,航空宇航推进理论与工程,工学博士;
2009年09月-2013年06月, 北京理工大学宇航学院,本科
=== 工作经历 ===
1. Xu S, Zhang Z*, Tang H, Ling W, A Wavelet-based Method for Thrust Noise Assessment in Gravitational Wave Detection over Wide-Frequency-Range, 197, 246-256, Acta Astronautica, 2022.
2. Zhang Z, Schäfer F, Zhang G, Tang H, Herdrich G, York T M, Investigation on Operational Stability of a Pulsed Plasma Thruster with a Pressure Probe, ACTA Astronautica, 197, 60-68, 2022.
3. Zhang Z, Fu Y, Zhang Z, Lin X, Qi J, Ling W Y L, Tang H*, Herdrich G, Transient buildup and dissipation of compressed plasma shockwave in arc-discharge plasma beams, Plasma sources science and technology, 30(12), 2021.
4. Zhang Z, Zhang Z*, Xu S, Ling W Y L, Ren J, Tang H, Three-dimensional measurement of a stationary plasma plume with a Faraday probe array, Aerospace science and technology, 110(1), 106480, 2021.
5. Xu S T, Zhang Z*, Zhang Z K, Yang W J, Tang H B, Ling W Y L, Time-frequency-domain method for thrust noise characteristics of electric thrusters, Acta Astronautica, 188, 308-325, 2021.
6. Zhang Z, Zhang Z*, Tang H, Ling W Y L, Qi J, Cao J, Diagnostics of ion and electron diffusion in pulsed plasma thrusters using neutral gas injection, Plasma sources science and technology, 29(4), 045006, 2020.
7. Zhang Z, Zhang Z*, Tang H, Ling W Y L, Chen Z, Ren J, Cao J, Measurement of the Distribution of Charge Exchange Ions in a Hall-effect Thruster Plume, Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 29(8), 085001, 2020.
8. Zhang Z, Zhang Z*, Ling W Y L, Han X, Zhou J, Tang H, Cao J, Time-resolved investigation of the asymmetric plasma plume in a pulsed plasma thruster, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 53(47), 475201, 2020.
9. Zhang Z, Ling W Y L, Tang H*, Cao J, Liu X, Wang N, A review of the characterization and optimization of ablative pulsed plasma thrusters, Reviews of Modern Plasma Physics, 3(5), 1-41, 2019.
10. Zhang Z, Ling W Y L, Ren J, Tang H*, Cao J, Lin X, York T M, The plasma morphology of an asymmetric electrode ablative pulsed plasma thruster, Plasma sources science and technology, 28(2), 025008, 2019.
11. Zhang Z, Ren J, Tang H*, Ling W Y L, York T M, Cao J, Direct investigation of near-surface plasma acceleration in a pulsed plasma thruster using a segmented anode, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 51(39), 395201, 2018.
12. Zhang Z, Ren J, Tang H*, Cao J, Cao S, Chen Z, Ling W Y L, Zhao R, The facility effects of a Hall effect thruster's relative exhaust direction in ground tests, Vacuum, 155, 199-209, 2018.
13. Zhang Z, Ren J, Tang H*, Xu S, Ling W Y L, Cao J, Inter-electrode discharge of an ablative pulsed plasma thruster with asymmetric electrodes, Plasma sources science and technology, 27(12), 124003, 2018.
14. Zhang Z, Ren J, Tang H*, Ling W Y L, York T M, An ablative pulsed plasma thruster with a segmented anode, Plasma sources science and technology, 27(1), 015004, 2017.
15. Zhang Z, Tang H*, Zhang Z, Wang J, Cao S, A retarding potential analyzer design for keV-level ion thruster beams, Review of Scientific Instruments, 87(12), 123510, 2016.<ref>[https://www.bit.edu.cn/ 北京理工大学]</ref>
|<center>''' 章喆 '''<br><img src=" https://sae.bit.edu.cn/images/2023-03/8007c8d438094b16880d0a8429c32c0b.jpg " width="180"></center><small>[https://www.bit.edu.cn/ 北京理工大学]
'''章喆''',男, 北京理工大学教授。
=== 教育经历 ===
2013年09月-2019年01月, 北京航空航天大学,航空宇航推进理论与工程,工学博士;
2009年09月-2013年06月, 北京理工大学宇航学院,本科
=== 工作经历 ===
1. Xu S, Zhang Z*, Tang H, Ling W, A Wavelet-based Method for Thrust Noise Assessment in Gravitational Wave Detection over Wide-Frequency-Range, 197, 246-256, Acta Astronautica, 2022.
2. Zhang Z, Schäfer F, Zhang G, Tang H, Herdrich G, York T M, Investigation on Operational Stability of a Pulsed Plasma Thruster with a Pressure Probe, ACTA Astronautica, 197, 60-68, 2022.
3. Zhang Z, Fu Y, Zhang Z, Lin X, Qi J, Ling W Y L, Tang H*, Herdrich G, Transient buildup and dissipation of compressed plasma shockwave in arc-discharge plasma beams, Plasma sources science and technology, 30(12), 2021.
4. Zhang Z, Zhang Z*, Xu S, Ling W Y L, Ren J, Tang H, Three-dimensional measurement of a stationary plasma plume with a Faraday probe array, Aerospace science and technology, 110(1), 106480, 2021.
5. Xu S T, Zhang Z*, Zhang Z K, Yang W J, Tang H B, Ling W Y L, Time-frequency-domain method for thrust noise characteristics of electric thrusters, Acta Astronautica, 188, 308-325, 2021.
6. Zhang Z, Zhang Z*, Tang H, Ling W Y L, Qi J, Cao J, Diagnostics of ion and electron diffusion in pulsed plasma thrusters using neutral gas injection, Plasma sources science and technology, 29(4), 045006, 2020.
7. Zhang Z, Zhang Z*, Tang H, Ling W Y L, Chen Z, Ren J, Cao J, Measurement of the Distribution of Charge Exchange Ions in a Hall-effect Thruster Plume, Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 29(8), 085001, 2020.
8. Zhang Z, Zhang Z*, Ling W Y L, Han X, Zhou J, Tang H, Cao J, Time-resolved investigation of the asymmetric plasma plume in a pulsed plasma thruster, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 53(47), 475201, 2020.
9. Zhang Z, Ling W Y L, Tang H*, Cao J, Liu X, Wang N, A review of the characterization and optimization of ablative pulsed plasma thrusters, Reviews of Modern Plasma Physics, 3(5), 1-41, 2019.
10. Zhang Z, Ling W Y L, Ren J, Tang H*, Cao J, Lin X, York T M, The plasma morphology of an asymmetric electrode ablative pulsed plasma thruster, Plasma sources science and technology, 28(2), 025008, 2019.
11. Zhang Z, Ren J, Tang H*, Ling W Y L, York T M, Cao J, Direct investigation of near-surface plasma acceleration in a pulsed plasma thruster using a segmented anode, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 51(39), 395201, 2018.
12. Zhang Z, Ren J, Tang H*, Cao J, Cao S, Chen Z, Ling W Y L, Zhao R, The facility effects of a Hall effect thruster's relative exhaust direction in ground tests, Vacuum, 155, 199-209, 2018.
13. Zhang Z, Ren J, Tang H*, Xu S, Ling W Y L, Cao J, Inter-electrode discharge of an ablative pulsed plasma thruster with asymmetric electrodes, Plasma sources science and technology, 27(12), 124003, 2018.
14. Zhang Z, Ren J, Tang H*, Ling W Y L, York T M, An ablative pulsed plasma thruster with a segmented anode, Plasma sources science and technology, 27(1), 015004, 2017.
15. Zhang Z, Tang H*, Zhang Z, Wang J, Cao S, A retarding potential analyzer design for keV-level ion thruster beams, Review of Scientific Instruments, 87(12), 123510, 2016.<ref>[https://www.bit.edu.cn/ 北京理工大学]</ref>