苗 龙
,创建页面,内容为“{| class="wikitable" style="float:right; margin: -10px 0px 10px 20px; text-align:left" |<center>''' 苗 龙 '''<br><img src=" https://sae.bit.edu.cn/images/2021-05/…”
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|<center>''' 苗 龙 '''<br><img src=" https://sae.bit.edu.cn/images/2021-05/e248d204fb2b45ffa5e048cdb05cd116.jpg " width="180"></center><small>[https://www.bit.edu.cn/ 北京理工大学]
'''苗 龙''',男, 北京理工大学教授。
=== 教育经历 ===
=== 工作经历 ===
[1] Tian Feng, Miao Long*, Xia Qimeng, Wang Ningfei, Hou Xiao. Analysis of Effect of Ground Experiment Environment on Plasma Contactor Performance. AIAA Journal, 2023, 61(3): 1168-1180.
[2] He Zihao, Miao Long*, Zhu Zhengxi, Liang Fuwen, Song Jiahui, Wang Ningfei, Hou Xiao. Analysis of experimental methods for measuring the sputtering yield of ion thruster grid material. AIAA Journal, 2023, 61(7): 2799-2809.
[3] Tian Feng, Miao Long*, Xia Qimeng, Liang Fuwen, Wang Ningfei, Hou Xiao. Analysis of the effect of keeper working conditions on hollow cathode performance. Acta Astronautica, 2023, 211: 130-141.
[4] He Zihao, Miao Long*, Zhu Zhengxi, Yang Tongxun, Wang Ningfei, Hou Xiao. Differential sputtering yield measurement of ion grid materials by novel arch array system. Acta Astronautica, 2023, 213: 446-454.
[5] Liang Fuwen, Miao Long*, Tian Feng, Song Jiahui, Wang Ningfei, Hou Xiao. The effects of deployment friction on the dynamics of nonconductive space tethers. Acta Astronautica, 2023 (Accepeted).
[6] Miao Long*, Nie Mingqing, Grishin Yuri Mihailovich, Wang Xiaoyu, Zhu Zhengxi, Song Jiahui, He Zihao, Tian Feng, Wang Ningfei. Influence of vacuoles with gas-liquid inclusions on the thermobaric destruction conditions of natural quartz under dynamic heating in an RF-TICP torch system. Plasma Science and Technology, 2023, 25(4): 1-10.
[7] Tian Feng, Xie Kan*, Miao Long*, Liang Fuwen, Song Jiahui, Bai Song, Wang Ningfei. An equivalent model of discharge instability in the discharge chamber of Kaufman ion thruster. Plasma Science and Technology, 2022, 24: 1-9.
[8] Liang Fuwen, Xie Kan, Miao Long*, Tian Feng, Song Jiahui, Bai Song, Rebeccah O. Akintade, Wang Ningfei. Effects of tether dimensions and seasonal variations on the performance of bare electrodynamic tethers. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 2022, 30: 1-10.
[9] Miao Long*, Grishin Yuri Mihailovich. Gas dynamic-thermal-concentration fields and evaporation process of quartz particles in Ar–H2 inductively coupled plasma. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 2020, 29(6): 065006-065018.
[10] Miao Long*, Grishin Yuri Mihailovich. Dynamic heating and thermal destruction conditions of quartz particles in polydisperse plasma flow of RF-ICP torch system. Plasma Science and Technology, 2020. 22(11): 115505-115517.
[11] Grishin Yuri Mihailovich, Miao Long*. Numerical simulation of the evaporation process of monodispersed quartz particles in an argon plasma flow of induction plasmatron. High Temperature, 2020, 58(1): 1-11.
[12] Miao Long*, Grishin Yuri Mihailovich. Analysis of parameters of an rf inductively coupled plasma torch and dispersed flow of vaporized quartz particles. Technical Physics, 2020, 65(7), 1024-1031.
[13] Miao Long*, Grishin Yuri Mihailovich. Studies of vortex characteristics and gas-dynamic fields in Ar-H2 inductively coupled plasma. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 144: No.118671.
[14] Miao Long*, Grishin Yuri Mihailovich. Numerical investigation into the characteristics of a vortex in an argon inductively coupled plasma. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 2018, 27(11): 115008-115018.
[15] Miao Long*, Grishin Yuri Mihailovich. On the structure and intensity of vortex in rf inductively coupled argon plasma. Plasma Physics Reports, 2018, 44(11): 864-874.
[16] Bai Song, Wang Ningfei, Xie Kan*, Miao Long, Xia Qimeng. Performance model of vacuum arc thruster with inductive energy storage circuit. Acta Astronautica, 2021, 186: 426-437.
[17] 苗龙*, 聂明卿, 白松, 宋家辉, 赵立群, 王晓宇, 王宁飞. 大气压射频感应等离子体热流场及涡流形态数值计算研究. 中国科学: 技术科学, 2022: 1-19.
[18] 田丰, 苗龙*, 梁福文, 宋家辉, 何梓豪, 武志文, 王宁飞. 空心阴极羽流等离子体放电不稳定性二维仿真模型. 兵工学报, 2023: 1-12.
[19] 梁福文, 苗龙*, 田丰, 宋家辉, 白松, 何梓豪, 王宁飞. 摩擦力对空间非导电绳系释放动力学的影响. 兵工学报, 2023: 1-10.
[20] 宋家辉,许爱国,苗龙*, [[廖煜淦]],梁福文,田丰, [[聂明卿]], 王宁飞. 激波/平板层流边界层干扰熵增特性. 航空学报,2023(Accepted) <ref>[https://www.bit.edu.cn/ 北京理工大学]</ref>
|<center>''' 苗 龙 '''<br><img src=" https://sae.bit.edu.cn/images/2021-05/e248d204fb2b45ffa5e048cdb05cd116.jpg " width="180"></center><small>[https://www.bit.edu.cn/ 北京理工大学]
'''苗 龙''',男, 北京理工大学教授。
=== 教育经历 ===
=== 工作经历 ===
[1] Tian Feng, Miao Long*, Xia Qimeng, Wang Ningfei, Hou Xiao. Analysis of Effect of Ground Experiment Environment on Plasma Contactor Performance. AIAA Journal, 2023, 61(3): 1168-1180.
[2] He Zihao, Miao Long*, Zhu Zhengxi, Liang Fuwen, Song Jiahui, Wang Ningfei, Hou Xiao. Analysis of experimental methods for measuring the sputtering yield of ion thruster grid material. AIAA Journal, 2023, 61(7): 2799-2809.
[3] Tian Feng, Miao Long*, Xia Qimeng, Liang Fuwen, Wang Ningfei, Hou Xiao. Analysis of the effect of keeper working conditions on hollow cathode performance. Acta Astronautica, 2023, 211: 130-141.
[4] He Zihao, Miao Long*, Zhu Zhengxi, Yang Tongxun, Wang Ningfei, Hou Xiao. Differential sputtering yield measurement of ion grid materials by novel arch array system. Acta Astronautica, 2023, 213: 446-454.
[5] Liang Fuwen, Miao Long*, Tian Feng, Song Jiahui, Wang Ningfei, Hou Xiao. The effects of deployment friction on the dynamics of nonconductive space tethers. Acta Astronautica, 2023 (Accepeted).
[6] Miao Long*, Nie Mingqing, Grishin Yuri Mihailovich, Wang Xiaoyu, Zhu Zhengxi, Song Jiahui, He Zihao, Tian Feng, Wang Ningfei. Influence of vacuoles with gas-liquid inclusions on the thermobaric destruction conditions of natural quartz under dynamic heating in an RF-TICP torch system. Plasma Science and Technology, 2023, 25(4): 1-10.
[7] Tian Feng, Xie Kan*, Miao Long*, Liang Fuwen, Song Jiahui, Bai Song, Wang Ningfei. An equivalent model of discharge instability in the discharge chamber of Kaufman ion thruster. Plasma Science and Technology, 2022, 24: 1-9.
[8] Liang Fuwen, Xie Kan, Miao Long*, Tian Feng, Song Jiahui, Bai Song, Rebeccah O. Akintade, Wang Ningfei. Effects of tether dimensions and seasonal variations on the performance of bare electrodynamic tethers. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 2022, 30: 1-10.
[9] Miao Long*, Grishin Yuri Mihailovich. Gas dynamic-thermal-concentration fields and evaporation process of quartz particles in Ar–H2 inductively coupled plasma. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 2020, 29(6): 065006-065018.
[10] Miao Long*, Grishin Yuri Mihailovich. Dynamic heating and thermal destruction conditions of quartz particles in polydisperse plasma flow of RF-ICP torch system. Plasma Science and Technology, 2020. 22(11): 115505-115517.
[11] Grishin Yuri Mihailovich, Miao Long*. Numerical simulation of the evaporation process of monodispersed quartz particles in an argon plasma flow of induction plasmatron. High Temperature, 2020, 58(1): 1-11.
[12] Miao Long*, Grishin Yuri Mihailovich. Analysis of parameters of an rf inductively coupled plasma torch and dispersed flow of vaporized quartz particles. Technical Physics, 2020, 65(7), 1024-1031.
[13] Miao Long*, Grishin Yuri Mihailovich. Studies of vortex characteristics and gas-dynamic fields in Ar-H2 inductively coupled plasma. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 144: No.118671.
[14] Miao Long*, Grishin Yuri Mihailovich. Numerical investigation into the characteristics of a vortex in an argon inductively coupled plasma. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 2018, 27(11): 115008-115018.
[15] Miao Long*, Grishin Yuri Mihailovich. On the structure and intensity of vortex in rf inductively coupled argon plasma. Plasma Physics Reports, 2018, 44(11): 864-874.
[16] Bai Song, Wang Ningfei, Xie Kan*, Miao Long, Xia Qimeng. Performance model of vacuum arc thruster with inductive energy storage circuit. Acta Astronautica, 2021, 186: 426-437.
[17] 苗龙*, 聂明卿, 白松, 宋家辉, 赵立群, 王晓宇, 王宁飞. 大气压射频感应等离子体热流场及涡流形态数值计算研究. 中国科学: 技术科学, 2022: 1-19.
[18] 田丰, 苗龙*, 梁福文, 宋家辉, 何梓豪, 武志文, 王宁飞. 空心阴极羽流等离子体放电不稳定性二维仿真模型. 兵工学报, 2023: 1-12.
[19] 梁福文, 苗龙*, 田丰, 宋家辉, 白松, 何梓豪, 王宁飞. 摩擦力对空间非导电绳系释放动力学的影响. 兵工学报, 2023: 1-10.
[20] 宋家辉,许爱国,苗龙*, [[廖煜淦]],梁福文,田丰, [[聂明卿]], 王宁飞. 激波/平板层流边界层干扰熵增特性. 航空学报,2023(Accepted) <ref>[https://www.bit.edu.cn/ 北京理工大学]</ref>