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* (3) 表观遗传修饰(DNA methylation & histon modification)在附睾和精子成熟中的作用。
* 目前正联合所内外力量,优势互补,在此基础上趁胜追击,为我国附睾与精子相关的功能基因组学和男性节育和不育作出更大的供献。实验室已经和国际上的许多实验室有合作课题,遍及美国、英国、澳大利亚和香港地区。目前,课题经费来源国于国家自然科学基金委、中国科学院、上海市科委及美国NIH国际合作项目等。成果
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== 主要奖项 ==
* 获得国家自然科学三等奖和二等奖
* 7.J. S. Zhang, Q. Liu, Y. M. Li, S. H. Hall, F. S. French, and Y. L. Zhang. 2006. Genome-wide profiling of segmental-regulated transcriptomes in human epididymis using oligo microarray. Mol Cell Endocrinol. 250(1-2): 169-177.
* 8.H. X. Yuan, A. H. Liu, L. Zhang, H. Zhou, Y. Wang, H. Zhang, G. Wang, R. Zeng, Y. L. Zhang, and Z. J. Chen. 2006. Proteomic profiling of regionalized proteins in rat epididymis indicates consistency between specialized distribution and protein functions. J Proteome Res. 5(2): 299-307.
[[File:张永莲2.jpg|缩略图|张永莲[https://p1.ssl.qhmsg.com/t011f65c4dc1f9587db.jpg 原图链接]]]
* 9.H. Diao, C. Y. Guo, D. H. Lin, and Y. L. Zhang. 2007. Intein-mediated expression is an effective approach in the study of beta-defensins. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 357(4): 840-846.
* 10.C. F. Zhu, Q. Liu, L. Zhang, H. X. Yuan, W. Zhen, J. S. Zhang, Z. J. Chen, S. H. Hall, F. S. French, and Y. L. Zhang. 2007. RNase9, an androgen-dependent member of the RNase A family, is specifically expressed in the rat epididymis. Biol Reprod. 76(1): 63-73.