麥當勞的「M」字以象徵明亮、活潑、希望的黃色作顏色,可說是家喻戶曉。行銷心理專家路易斯·契斯金 (Louis Cheskin),他認為這對「金拱門」({{lang|en|Golden Arches}})可以引起消費者「母親雙乳」的潛意識聯想。<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/specials/1616_fastfood/page6.shtml|title=Attracting the Customers|publisher=英國廣播公司|quote=The M stands for McDonald’s, but the rounded m represents mummy’s mammaries, acccording the design consultant and psychologist Louis Cheskin. In the 1960's McDonald's was prepared to abandon this logo, but Cheskin successfully urged the company to maintain this branding with its Freudian symbolism of a pair of nourishing breasts. |language=en}}</ref>
編號 主餐 單點價格 A.經典配餐+$65 B.清爽配餐+$65 C.勁脆配餐+$78 D.炫冰配餐+$95 E.豪吃配餐+$95 F.地瓜配餐+$781號餐 大麥克 $75 $140 $140 $153 $170 $170 $1532號餐 雙層牛肉吉士堡 $65 $130 $130 $143 $160 $160 $1433號餐 嫩煎雞腿堡 $80 $145 $145 $158 $175 $175 $1584號餐 麥香雞 $45 $110 $110 $133 $140 $140 $1335號餐 麥克雞塊(6塊) $64 $129 $129 $142 $159 $159 $1426號餐 麥克雞塊(10塊) $104 $169 $169 $182 $199 $199 $1827號餐 勁辣雞腿堡 $75 $140 $140 $153 $170 $170 $1538號餐 麥脆雞塊(2塊) $120 $185 $185 $198 $215 $215 $1989號餐 麥脆雞翅(2塊) $98 $163 $163 $174 $193 $193 $17410號餐 麥香魚 $49 $114 $114 $124 $144 $144 $12414號餐(極選系列) BLT安格斯黑牛堡 $114 $179 $179 $192 $209 $209 $19215號餐(極選系列) BLT辣脆雞腿堡 $114 $179 $179 $192 $209 $209 $19216號餐(極選系列) BLT嫩煎雞腿堡 $114 $179 $179 $192 $209 $209 $19217號餐(極選系列) 蕈菇安格斯黑牛堡 $124 $189 $189 $202 $219 $219 $20218號餐(極選系列) 凱薩辣雞脆沙拉 $104 $169 $169 $182 $199 $199 $18219號餐(極選系列) 義氏烤雞沙拉 $104 $169 $169 $182 $199 $199 $182