创建页面,内容为“《'''丝绸之路上的东南亚文明·柬埔寨英文版'''》,作者:顾佳赟|译者:邝启漳,出版社:五洲传播,ISBN号:9787508540306。 …”
[[书籍]]对于人类原有很重大的意义,但,书籍不仅对那些不会读书的人是毫无用处,就是对那些机械地读完了书还不会从死的文字中引申活的思想<ref>[https://www.docin.com/p-581834483.html 思想指导人生],豆丁网,2013-01-15</ref>的人也是无用的。 —— [[乌申斯基]]<ref>[http://www.offcn.com/jiaoshi/2021/0919/479055.html 乌申斯基的教育思想],中公教育,2021-09-19</ref>
柬埔寨是古代海上丝绸之路的重要一站,在中国 史书中曾被称为扶南、真腊,创造过辉煌的吴哥文明 。
顾佳赟著的《[[丝绸之路]]上的东南亚文明(柬埔寨)( 英文版)》以时间为序,充分运用史料和 新学术研究 成果,配以精心拍摄的图片,将柬埔寨独特的历史演 变细细梳理。
全书运用东方话语向世界展现柬埔寨古老的辉煌 ,既是一部鲜活的柬埔寨 文明史,也是生动的中 柬友谊交流史。
Prologue The Silk Road and Khmer Civilization
1 Khmer Civilization Along the Mekong River
Prehistory to the Early Common Era
2 Funan—a Kingdom Named After a Mountain
From the First Century CE to the End of Sixth
3 Chenla—a Kingdom Set Between a River and Mountains
From the Mid-Sixth Century to the Latter Half of Eighth
4 The Magnificent Angkor Empire
From the Start of Ninth Century to the First Half of the Fifteenth
5 The Decline of the Khmer Empire
From the First Half of the Fifteenth Century to the Mid-Twentieth
6 Rebirth of the Nation
Post-World War II Onward
Epilogue Cambodia Today and the Maritime Silk Road
Reference Works
Editorial Note
[[Category:040 類書總論;百科全書總論]]
[[书籍]]对于人类原有很重大的意义,但,书籍不仅对那些不会读书的人是毫无用处,就是对那些机械地读完了书还不会从死的文字中引申活的思想<ref>[https://www.docin.com/p-581834483.html 思想指导人生],豆丁网,2013-01-15</ref>的人也是无用的。 —— [[乌申斯基]]<ref>[http://www.offcn.com/jiaoshi/2021/0919/479055.html 乌申斯基的教育思想],中公教育,2021-09-19</ref>
柬埔寨是古代海上丝绸之路的重要一站,在中国 史书中曾被称为扶南、真腊,创造过辉煌的吴哥文明 。
顾佳赟著的《[[丝绸之路]]上的东南亚文明(柬埔寨)( 英文版)》以时间为序,充分运用史料和 新学术研究 成果,配以精心拍摄的图片,将柬埔寨独特的历史演 变细细梳理。
全书运用东方话语向世界展现柬埔寨古老的辉煌 ,既是一部鲜活的柬埔寨 文明史,也是生动的中 柬友谊交流史。
Prologue The Silk Road and Khmer Civilization
1 Khmer Civilization Along the Mekong River
Prehistory to the Early Common Era
2 Funan—a Kingdom Named After a Mountain
From the First Century CE to the End of Sixth
3 Chenla—a Kingdom Set Between a River and Mountains
From the Mid-Sixth Century to the Latter Half of Eighth
4 The Magnificent Angkor Empire
From the Start of Ninth Century to the First Half of the Fifteenth
5 The Decline of the Khmer Empire
From the First Half of the Fifteenth Century to the Mid-Twentieth
6 Rebirth of the Nation
Post-World War II Onward
Epilogue Cambodia Today and the Maritime Silk Road
Reference Works
Editorial Note
[[Category:040 類書總論;百科全書總論]]