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5.Fan F, He Z, Kong LL, Chen Q, Yuan Q, Zhang S, Ye J, Liu H, Sun X, Geng J, Yuan L, Hong L, Xiao C, Zhang W, Sun X, Li Y, Wang P, Huang L, Wu X, Ji Z, Wu Q, Xia NS, Gray NS, Chen L, Yun CH*, Deng X*, Zhou D*.Pharmacological targeting of kinases MST1 and MST2 augments tissue repair and regeneration.Science Translational Medicine. 2016 Aug 17;8(352)
{| class="wikitable" align="right"|-| style="background: #FF2400" align= center| '''<big>周大旺</big>'''|-|<center><img src=https://news.youth.cn/gn/201711/W020171106634176055430.jpg width="300"></center><small>[http://news.youth.cn/gn/201711/t20171106_10970126_2.htm 来自 中国青年网 的图片]</small>|-| style="background: #FF2400" align= center| |-| align= light||}
6.Geng J, Sun X, Wang P, Zhang S, Wang X, Wu H, Hong L, Xie C, Li X, Zhao H, Liu Q, Jiang M, Chen Q, Zhang J, Li Y, Song S, Wang HR, Zhou R, Johnson RL, Chien KY, Lin SC, Han J, Avruch J, Chen L*, Zhou D*.Kinases Mst1 and Mst2 positively regulate phagocytic induction of reactive oxygen species and bactericidal activity. Nature Immunol. 2015 Nov;16(11)