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It Came Upon a Midnight Clear(Brian Crain)

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'''<big>Until The Last Moment It Came Upon a Midnight Clear </big> (歌曲)'''
歌曲名 :Until The Last Moment :It Came Upon a Midnight Clear 歌手 :Yanni :Brian Crain 所属专辑: 《The Concert Event 《A Traditional Christmas
发行公司:Private Music 发行时间 :2006:2021-0804-15<ref>[https://www.9ku.com/geshou/164617934.htm Until The Last Moment It Came Upon a Midnight Clear ],九酷音乐</ref>  
If I die tonight I’d go with no regrets If it’s in your arms I know that I was blessed And if your eyes are the last thing that I see Then I know the beauty heaven holds for me But if I make it through If I live to see the day If I’m with you I’ll know just what to say The truth be told Girl you take my breath away Every minute, every hour, every day  ’Cause every moment we share together ]Is even better than the moment before Every day was as good as today was I can’t wait until tomorrow comes A moment in time is all that’s given you and me A moment in time And it’s something you should seize So I won’t make the mistake of letting go Everyday you’re here I’m gonne let you know That every moment we share together Is even better than the moment before Every day was as good as today was I can’t wait until tomorrow comes Each morning that I get up I love you more than ever So girl I’ll never go away Never stray So every moment we share together Is even better than the moment before If every day was as good as today was Then I can’t wait until tomorrow comes Every moment we share together Is even better than the moment before Every day was as good as today was I can’t wait until tomorrow comes I love, love, love the moments (oh yeah) Moments that we share together I love, love, love the moments (oh yeah) I pray they’d last forever I love, love, love the moments (oh yeah) Moments that we share together I love, love, love the moments (oh yeah) I pray they’d last forever
[[ 雅尼]]([[Yanni]]),著名[[演奏家]],[[作曲家Brian Crain]] ,1954年 出生 [[ 希腊卡拉马塔加利福尼亚]] ,原名雅尼·克里索马利斯,后加入[[ 美国好莱坞]] 国籍 ,10岁开始学钢琴 英文名大卫·兰森 但不久就对钢琴练习产生厌倦
1972年 19岁时 毕业于为了完成第一部采用旋转磁头数码录音的好莱坞全本电影,他建立了一个录音工作室。在这个期间,Brian Crain偶尔会坐到被遗忘很久的钢琴前,他会即兴演奏一段,正象他以前用口哨即兴演奏一样,直到这些音符听起来很好听为止。不知不觉中,他就这样自学了[[ 美国明尼苏达大学钢琴]] 。出于对音乐的热爱,毕业后走上音乐之路
1980年,录制了第一张专辑《[[Optimystique]]》,至今 现在,Brian Crain 发行 经售 了数 专辑,两度被格莱美奖提名,其作品在过去十年中一直是奥林匹克运动会广播音乐的最爱 唱片
有人 希腊卫城 形容听到Brian Crain演奏的钢琴曲子后有这样的感觉:“就好像漫天轻柔雪花在舞蹈 印度[[泰姬陵]] 它们来自天堂 中国[[故宫]] 纯洁无瑕的笼罩着周围的世界。”而听他的音乐给我有种冲动想喝杯咖啡 英国[[伦敦]] 放下所有的事 [[拉斯维加斯]]举办过 静静的在 音乐 的抚慰下旋转和跳跃……
雅尼《UNTIL THE LAST MOMENT Jackie Evancho《It Came Upon a Midnight Clear 恋恋不舍