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Feel Like A Million(谭咏麟演唱歌曲)

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|<center>'''谭咏麟'''<br><img src= http://p5.itc.cn/images01/20201230/5f29bc14ba3b49389b87af44d2517d11.jpeg width="250"></center><small>[https://www.sohu.com/a/24624207_114746 来自搜狐的图片]
'''《Feel Like A Million》'''是谭咏麟演唱歌曲,收录于专辑《THUNDER ARM》。
Feel Like A Million - 谭咏麟 (Alan Tam)
Lyrics by:Linda Henrrick
Composed by:芹泽广明
I don&apos;t care if anybody
Thinks that maybe I&apos;m not good enough
I don&apos;t care what anyone thinks anymore
Cause things are looking up
Oh All they know is what they see
And what they see is only part of me
I&apos;ve got a heart of gold
There were times
I was ready to pack it in
But I kept believing I could make it
Now I know I can
Well I don&apos;t know how it happened
Better than a dream it&apos;s a miracle
I can feel a change come over me
Feel like a million
Feel like a million
If you&apos;re lookin&apos; for somebody
With some love you can depend upon
You don&apos;t have to look no further
With my loving girl you can&apos;t go wrong
Oh Everyday it&apos;s getting better
And together we&apos;ll be going strong
With love enough for two
Come with me
I&apos;m the key to your happiness
Call me Mister Lucky
Take my hand and you can only win
&apos;Cause the odds are in our favour
Better than a dream it&apos;s a miracle
Can you see a change come over me
Feel like a million
Feel like a million
Come with me
I&apos;m the key to your happiness
Call me Mister Lucky
Take my hand and you can only win
&apos;Cause the odds are in our favour
Better than a dream it&apos;s a miracle
Can you see a change come over me
Feel like a million
Feel like a million
[[谭咏麟]](Alan Tam,1950年8月23日-),出生于[[中国香港]],毕业于义安理工学院,中国香港男歌手、音乐人、演员。<ref>[https://www.twoeggz.com/news/7454426.html 谭咏麟结发之妻寒心 放弃亿万身价给小三 独自出家]</ref>
1968年,成为Loosers乐队的成员,loosers意为失败者。也许是名字不吉利,这支乐队真的很失败,没两年就解散了。从而进入[[演艺圈]]。1973年,联合陈友、彭建新和叶智强,又邀请了[[钟镇涛]],几人一起重新组了乐队,叫温拿乐队,也即Wynners,意为成功者。谭咏麟任温拿乐队主音歌手,乐队获得不错成绩,温拿乐队名噪一时,他们也被称为「温拿五虎」。那个时候的年轻人衣柜里要是没有一条喇叭裤,录音带里没有一首温拿乐队的歌,那就称不上潮流年轻人。<ref>[https://www.sohu.com/a/166654779_563935 谭咏麟:没有这个永远25岁的男人,还有谁是我们一生中最爱 ]</ref>
1978年,[[温拿乐队]]宣布解散,成员们各自单飞发展。转年,谭咏麟发行了首张个人专辑——《反斗星》,并凭借这张专辑拿下金唱片奖。接下来的时间,谭咏麟持续发力,稳扎稳打。终于迎来了那张叫他红遍大江南北,奠定了他香港乐坛一线歌手地位的专辑——《忘不了您》。<ref>[https://www.twoeggz.com/news/9386199.html 谭咏麟——香港殿堂级歌手]</ref>
1984年,那是谭咏麟创作的高峰期,也是谭咏麟事业的巅峰。他所创作的《雾之恋》《爱的根源》《爱情陷阱》受到众多音乐人的推崇,甚至被当下的香港人称为表现香港人爱情观的「爱情三部曲」。<ref>[http://ent.lanzhou.cn/system/2017/06/21/011387832.shtml 谭咏麟罕见秀父子情,有个读牛津的儿子就是骄傲]</ref>
1984年,获得香港十大劲歌金曲“最受欢迎男歌星”奖。1987年,作曲的歌曲《知心当玩偶》获得香港十大中文金曲奖以及十大劲歌金曲奖。1988年,谭咏麟音乐照做、歌照唱,只是宣布不再领奖。<ref>[http://ent.sina.com.cn/y/2011-01-10/09563202382.shtml 谭咏麟:退休要到“26岁”再说(图]</ref>
1991年,谭咏麟登上[[春晚]]舞台,演唱了改编成国语的《水中花》。1996年,获得香港乐坛最高荣誉奖金针奖。2003年,与[[李克勤]]组成左麟右李组合。2007年,获CASH音乐成就大奖。2008年,获得香港特区政府颁受的荣誉勋章。2020年12月12日,将随组合举办的温拿云顶演唱会在云顶云星剧场演出。2021年1月2日,参加的大型文化音乐节目《经典咏流传第四季》定档在央视综合频道播出<ref>[https://ent.qq.com/a/20130803/002373.htm 谭咏麟自曝曾开导黎明 赞陈奕迅坚持努力终成功]</ref>
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