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④老弱树更新复壮经10余年或几十年结果,或因失管和病虫害导致枝条衰老,结果少,产量低的植株,可进行重截更新复壮。方法是:在离主干60-80厘米处重截主枝,重新培养骨干枝和枝组。根系也进行相应的短截,促发新根。可在离树干2米左右挖深、宽各40-50厘米的环状沟,施入腐熟的厩肥或堆肥,诱发新根。截干时间以10月至次年3月为好。经更新的植株,在正常管理下2年后便能有较好的收成。无论整形或修剪,都必须与施肥和病虫害防治紧密结合才能取得预期效果。<ref>[https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/1732000890678038547.html 澳芒,凯特,圣心,金兴芒这四个芒果品种中哪两个是最好的品种],百度, 2018-08-19</ref>
=== 论文 ===
1. Zhao W, Zhao S, Li L, Huang X, Xing S, Zhang Y, Qiu G, Han Z, Shang Y, Sun D, Shan C, Wu R, Gu L, Zhang S, Chen R, Xiao J, Mo Y, Wang J, Ji W, Chen X, Ding B, Liu Y, Mao H, Song B, Tan J, Liu J, Li H*, Chen L*. Sparse deconvolution improves the resolution of live-cell super-resolution fluorescence microscopy, Nature Biotechnology. article in press.
2. Zong W, Wu R*, Chen S, Wu J, Wang H, Zhao Z, Chen G, Tu R, Wu D, Hu Y, Xu Y, Wang Y, Duan Z, Wu H, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Wang A*, Chen L*, Cheng H. Miniature two-photon microscopy for enlarged field-of-view, multi-plane and long-term brain imaging, Nat Methods. 2021 Jan;18(1):46-49.
3. Zheng X, Duan R, Li L, Xing S, Ji H, Yan H, Gao K, Wang J, Wang J*, Chen L*. Live-cell superresolution pathology reveals different molecular mechanisms of Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease, Science Bulletin, 30 December 2020; 65(24): 2061-2064.
4. Dong D, Huang X, Li L, Mao H, Mo Y, Zhang G, Zhang Z, Shen J, Liu W, Wu Z, Liu G, Liu Y, Yang H, Gong Q, Shi K*, Chen L*, Super-resolution fluorescence-assisted diffraction computational tomography reveals the three-dimensional landscape of the cellular organelle interactome, Light Sci Appl. 2020 Jan 28;9:11. doi: 10.1038/s41377-020-0249-4. eCollection 2020.
5. Zhao J, Zong W, Zhao Y, Gou D, Liang S, Shen J, Wu Y, Zheng X, Wu R, Wang X, Niu F, Wang A, Zhang Y, Xiong JW, Chen L*, Liu Y*. In Vivo imaging of β-cell function reveals glucose-mediated heterogeneity of β-cell functional development. Elife. 2019 Jan 29;8. pii: e41540. doi: 10.7554/eLife.41540.
Highlighted in the Nature Reviews Endocrinology (2019). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41574-019-0181-y;
6. Huang X, Fan J, Li L, Liu H, Wu R, Wu Y, Wei L, Mao H, Lal A, Xi P, Tang L, Zhang Y, Liu Y, Tan S*, Chen L*. Fast, long-term super-resolution imaging with Hessian structured illumination microscopy, Nat Biotech., 2018 Jun;36(5):451-459. doi: 10.1038/nbt.4115.
Highlighted in the Nature Methods (2018) https://doi.org/10.1038/s41592-018-0023-1. Hessian SIM has also been commented in the review in Nature Methods (2018) 15(12):1011-1019. doi:10.1038/s41592-018-0211-z as “the most sensitive super-resolution SIM microscope with photon dose one order less than other SIM modalities ”. 工作入选了“2018年中国光学十大进展”; Field-weighted citation impact (FWCI): 11.70, higher than 99% of similar works in the same field
7. Zong W, Wu R, Li M, Hu Y, Li Y, Li J, Rong H, Wu H, Xu Y, Lu Y, Jia H, Fan M, Zhou Z, Zhang Y*, Wang A*, Chen L*, Cheng H. Fast High-resolution Miniature Two-photon Microscopy for Brain Imaging in Freely-behaving Mice. Nat Methods. 2017 Jul;14(7):713-719.
An exclusive commentary ‘Miniaturized two-photon microscope: seeing clearer and deeper into the brain’ in Light: Science & Applications (2017) 6, e17104; doi:10.1038/lsa.2017.104. 工作入选了“2017年中国科学十大进展”,“2017年中国十大医学科技新闻”和“2017年中国生命科学十大进展”; “Nature Methods: Method of the Year 2018”; FWCI: 11.61, higher than 99% of similar works in the same field
8. Yuan T, Liu L, Zhang Y, Wei L, Zhao S, Zheng X, Huang X, Boulanger J, Gueudry C, Lu J, Xie L, Du W, Zong W, Yang L, Salamero J, Liu Y*, Chen L*. Diacylglycerol Guides the Hopping of Clathrin-Coated Pits along Microtubules for Exo-Endocytosis Coupling. Dev Cell. 2015 Oct 12;35(1):120-30.
Previewed in the same issue of Dev Cell, highlighted in the F1000Prime as NEW FINDING and INTERESTING HYPOTHESIS and also highlighted on the American Society of Cell Biology (ASCB) website.
9. Zong W, Zhao J, Chen X, Lin Y, Ren H, Zhang Y, Fan M, Zhou Z, Cheng H, Sun Y*, Chen L*. Large-field high-resolution two-photon digital scanned light-sheet microscopy. Cell Res. 2015 Feb;25(2):254-7.<ref>[https://future.pku.edu.cn/ 北京大学未来技术学院]</ref>
[[Category:370 植物學總論]]