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''' 《Time Of The Season 》'''是许冠杰演唱歌曲,收录于专辑 《倾·听 《Time Of The Season 》。
Time of the Season
sung by The Zombies
It's the Time of the season
When love runs high
And this time
give it to me easy
And let me try with pleasured hands
To take you in the sun to (promised lands)
To show you every one
It's the time of the season for loving
What's your name
Who's your daddy
(He rich)Is he rich like me
Has he taken any time
(to show) To show you what you need to live
Tell it to me slowly(tell me what)
I really want to know
What's your name
Who's your daddy
(He rich)Is he rich like me
Has he taken any time
(to show) To show you what you need to live
Tell it to me slowly(tell me what)
I really want to know
It's the time of the season for loving
It's the time of the season for loving
[[许冠杰]](1948年9月6日-),出生于广东省广州市,中国香港歌手、演员、音乐人。<ref>[https://www.sohu.com/a/288978709_584745 70岁许冠杰风采依旧, 外国妻子陪伴左右, 两混血孙子超级抢眼 ]</ref>