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曾荣光,叶菊艳,罗云. 教育科学的追求: 教育研究工作者的百年朝圣之旅, 北京大学教育评论,2020(1),134-176;
Ping, C.; Schellings, G.; Beijaard, D.; & Ye, J. (2020). Teacher educators’ professional learning: perceptions of Dutch and Chinese teacher educators. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, https://doi.org/10.1080/1359866X.2020.1725808
Ye, J.; Zhu, X.; Lo, N.K. (2019). Reform of teacher education in China: A survey of policies for systemic change. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 25(7), 757-781.
Ye, J.; & Zhao, D. (2019). Developing different identity trajectories: lessons from the Chinese teachers. Teachers and Teaching:Theory and Practice, https://doi.org/10.1080/13540602.2018.1532408. (SSCI)
Liu, Laura; Ye, J. (2019). Ren-De agency in international faculty professional development: A China case study of glocal identity integration. Teacher Development, 23(4), 447-468. (ESCI)
叶菊艳. 教育变革的路与道,教师月刊,2015(6),13-15
叶菊艳. 从博弈到协同:“二战”后英美国家教育变革中教师专业、国家、市场三者关系的演变及趋势[J].比较教育研究, 2014(3), 37-43
Ye, J. (2016). How Chinese teachers do the Teacher Rotation Policy and its implications for school-based teacher development——Case study on A County. Paper accepted by the Association for Teacher Education in Europe. Amsterdam,
Ye, J.; Lo, L. (2015). “To be (act) or not to be (act)?”——The Ambivalent Identity of Chinese Teachers in a transformative Context. Paper presented in the 17th Biennial Conference of the International Study Association of Teacher and Teaching (ISATT). Auckland, New Zealand.
Ye, J. (2014). Professional learning community in Chinese schools: Realities and possibilities. Paper presented in the first International Conference of School as Learning Community. Tokyo, Japan.