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| style="background: #008080" align= center| '''<big> 滇藏叶下珠郝志新</big> '''
[[File:123223郝志新.jpg|缩略图|居中|[https://baikep1.sogoussl.qhimgs1.com/PicBooklet.v?relateImageGroupIds=&lemmaId=9151411&now=https%3A%2F%2Fpic.baike.soso.com%2Fp%2F20120228%2F20120228153238-2034849871sdr/400__/t01d443e81375aae697.jpg&type=1#simple_0 原图链接][https://baikeimage.sogouso.com/v9151411.htm view?q=%E9%83%9D%E5%BF%97%E6%96%B0&src=srp&correct=%E9%83%9D%E5%BF%97%E6%96%B0&ancestor=list&cmsid=767d71ab7ff68488b1c3e8a5bf65730d&cmras=0&cn=0&gn=0&kn=0&crn=0&bxn=0&fsn=60&cuben=0&pornn=0&manun=0&adstar=0&clw=233#id=ac8f75e7867c4577da805a38ef367b09&currsn=0&ps=60&pc=60 来自 搜狗 的图片]]]
2015年12月晋升[[研究员]]。主要参加和主持了国家973全球变化项目、中科院碳专项项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目及地理资源所可桢青年学者项目。<ref>[http://www.cca.org.cn/ztbd/detail/19967.html   郝志新],中国消费者协会,2014-12-10</ref>已培养毕业硕士研究生4名。
1. Zhixin Hao, Jingyun Zheng, Xuezhen Zhang, Haolong Liu, Mingqi Li and Quansheng Ge. Spatial patterns of precipitation anomalies in eastern China during centennial cold and warm periods of the past 2000 years. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY
2. Lingling Ding, Quansheng Ge, Jingyun Zheng and Zhixin Hao (CA). Variations in annual winter mean temperature in South China since 1736. BOREAS
3. J. Zheng, Z. Hua, Y. Liu, Z. Hao (CA). Temperature changes derived from phenological and natural evidences in South Central China from 1850 to 2008. Clim. Past
4. Hao, ZX, Sun, D, Zheng, JY. East Asian Monsoon Signals Reflected in Temperature and Precipitation Changes over the Past 300 Years in the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River. PLOS ONE
5. Hao, Z.-X., Wang, H., Zheng, J-Y. Temporal and spatial characteristics of large volcanic eruptions from 1750 to 2010. 2014, J. Geogr
6. Ding L., Ge,Q., Zheng,J., Hao,Z. (CA), Variations in the starting date of the pre-summer rainy season in South China, 1736–2010. J. Geogr
7. Ge, Q.-S., Z. X. Hao (CA) , J.-Y. Zheng, X.-M. Shao. Temperature changes over the past 2000 yr in China and comparison with the Northern Hemisphere. Climate of the Past
8. Zheng, J., Ding, L., Hao, Z. & Ge, Q. Extreme cold winter events in southern China during AD1650–2000. Boreas
9. Hao Zhixin, Zheng Jingyun, Ge Quansheng. Winter Temperature Variations over Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River during the Past Three Centuries
10. Zhixin Hao, Jingyun Zheng, Quansheng Ge. Spatial patterns of precipitation for 30-years warm periods in China during the past 2000 years
11. Zhixin Hao, Jingyun Zheng, Quansheng Ge. Historical analogues of the 2008 extreme snow event over Central and Southern China. Climate Research
12. Ge Q.-S., Hao Z.-X. Zheng J.-Y. The rainy season in the Northwestern part of the East Asian Summer Monsoon in the 18th and 19th centuries
13. Ge, Q. -S., Zheng, J-Y., Hao, Z. -X.(CA), Shao, X. -M., Wang, Wei-Chyung, Luterbacher, Juerg. Temperature variation through 2000 years in China: An uncertainty analysis of reconstruction and regional difference
14. Hao Zhixin, Zheng JingYun, Wu GuoFeng, Zhang XueZhen, Ge QuanSheng. 1876-1878 severe drought in North China: Facts, impacts and climatic background
[[Category:390 人類學總論]]