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| style="background: #008080" align= center|  '''<big>维多利亚宣言</big> '''
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1992年5月24日至29日在 [[ 加拿大维多利亚 ]] 举行的第一届 [[ 国际心脏健康会议 ]] 的闭幕会议上,世界卫生组织发布了“维多利亚心脏健康宣言”。全文共491个字,由声明以及执行摘要组成。宣言由国际心脏健康会议咨询委员会编写,同时也有国际心脏健康会议科学和计划委员会的协助。
中文名 维多利亚宣言 外文名 VictoriaDeclaration on Heart Health 提 出 WHO 发表时间 1992年
1 概况
2 维多利亚宣言原文——声明
3 维多利亚宣言原文——执行摘要
4 四大要素
▪ 合理膳食
▪ 适量运动
▪ 戒烟限酒
▪ 心理平衡
预防是健康的保证。据世界卫生组织的调查,导致疾病的因素中,内因15 %,社会因素10%,医疗因素8 % ,气候地理因素7 % ,个人生活方式的因素却占据了60 % ,所以,世界卫生组织于1992年发表了著名的《维多利亚宣言》,提出了健康的四大基石。
=='''维多利亚宣言原文''' ——声明== 
Recognizing that the scientific knowledge and widely tested methods exist to prevent most cardiovascular disease, the Advisory Board of the International Heart Health Conference calls upon professionals in health care, media, education and social science, and their associations, the scientific research community, government agencies concerned with health, education, trade, commerce and agriculture, the private sector, international organizations and agencies concerned with health and economic development, community health coalitions, voluntary health organizations and employers to join forces in eliminating this modern epidemic through the adoption of policies and the implementation of programs of health promotion and disease prevention, as well as through regulatory change directed at entire populations.
Cardiovascular disease is largely preventable. We have the scientific knowledge to create a world in which heart disease and stroke are rare. In such a world everyone, from infant to elderly person, would have access to and would practise positive healthy living. In most cases cardiovascular disease is brought about by some combination of the following factors: smoking, high blood pressure, elevated blood cholesterol level, unhealthy dietary habits (including excessive alcohol consumption), obesity, a sedentary lifestyle and psychosocial stress. Healthy living includes good nutrition, a tobacco-free lifestyle, regular physical exercise and supportive environments. To implement a global policy of cardiovascular disease prevention, we must unite people and their communities with health care professionals, scientists, industry and policymakers. From studying downward trends in cardiovascular disease in certain industrialized countries, we are learning how to reduce the toll of such disease, although it still remains a major problem. The primary challenge now is to maintain the downward trend while assisting and encouraging countries where rates of heart disease are increasing (developing countries and those in central and eastern Europe) to prevent the epidemic from spreading. The prescription is simple. To implement it is more difficult. The promotion of heart health on a global scale requires clear agreement on policy principles, implementation processes and the partnerships to make it happen. The prevention of cardiovascular disease requires the prevention of the onset of risk factors in children and youth everywhere and in entire populations of countries where cardiovascular disease has not yet reached epidemic proportions as well as the elimination or reduction of risk factors in all populations. The control of cardiovascular disease requires healthy living for everybody, regardless of age, sex, race or socioeconomic status. It also requires equitable access and appropriate treatment for people who are at high risk of or have cardiovascular disease. This will require mutual assistance involving people and communities within countries and between nations; a balance between prevention and treatment and between basic, applied and evaluative research; extensive communication, education and feedback evaluation at all levels; and action by individuals, many professional associations, communities and governments. The advisory board believes that all concerned with improving the health and quality of life of people around the world have a responsibility to heed this "call for action." It can be done.
''' 合理膳食'''
黑:黑木耳可以降低血液的黏度。 [1]
''' 适量运动'''
''' 戒烟限酒'''
''' 心理平衡'''
哲学家说,“[[性格决定命运]]”,在我们看来,“[[生活方式决定健康]]。”只要按照科学规律生活,就能健康享受每一天,实现个人幸福,家庭幸福,社会幸福。  <ref>[https://www.baidusohu.com/s?rtt=1&bsst=1&cl=2&tn=news&ie=utf-8&word=%E7%BB%B4%E5%A4%9A%E5%88%A9%E4%BA%9A%E5%AE%A3%E8%A8%80%E5%81%A5%E5%BA%B7%E5%9B%9B%E5%8E%9F%E5%88%99 a/343473862_100006300|   维多利亚 进化 宣言],网 易 9月1 易2004年4月19