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Ben Savage

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{{Infobox person| 姓名 ='''Bennett Joseph Savage (本名)'''| 圖像 = [[File:Ben Savage4.jpg|缩略图]]|center|[https://img3.doubanio.com/view/celebrity/s_ratio_celebrity/public/p1393775585.96.webp 原图链接]]]| 出生日期 = 1980-09-13 | 國籍 = 美国 | 别名 = Bennett Joseph Savage (本名)| 職業 = 演员| 知名作品 = }}== '''基本信息''' =={| class="wikitable"|-! 中文名称 !! 国籍 !!别名 !!出生地 !! 出生日期!! 座 !!職業|-| - || 美国 || Bennett Joseph Savage (本名) ||伊利诺伊州,芝加哥 || 1980-09-13|| 处女座|| 演员|-|} == '''人物生平''' ==Bennett "Ben" Joseph Savage was born on September 13th, 1980, in Chicago, Illinois. Ben got his start in acting when he appeared in his first commercial at the tender age of 5. From there, his first major speaking role was in the comedy series, Dear John (1988), opposite Judd Hirsch and fellow Chicago-native, Isabella Hofmann. He starred in a ... See full bio »Born: September 13, 1980 in Chicago, Illinois, USA