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== 论文和专著 钟扬精神 ==[1] Jung, S[File:钟扬在野外科考., Perkins, Sjpg|缩略图|钟扬在野外科考[http://www., Zhong, Ywhb., Pramanik, S., Beaman, J. H. 1995. A new data model for biological classification. Computer Applications in Biosciences (CABIOS) 11: 237-246cn/zhuzhan/jjl/20180927/214894.html 原图链接]]]钟扬曾说,“当一个物种要拓展其疆域而必须迎接恶劣环境挑战的时候,总是需要一些先锋者牺牲个体的优势,以换取整个群体乃至物种新的生存空间和发展机遇。共产党员就是这样的先锋者。”<br>
[2] Zhong, Y., Jung, S, Pramanik, S, Beaman, J H. 1996. Data model and comparison and query methods for interacting classifications in a taxonomic database. Taxon 45(2): 223-241.钟扬曾说,“一个基因可以拯救一个国家,一粒种子可以造福万千苍生。” “人生没有绝对,不必等到临终才来回首自己的人生,只要把每个年龄段该干的事都干了,就能不负人生。”三十余年教龄,十六年援藏,海边的那片红树林,多少人含泪重读这一切,想念那个挑战极限只为播种未来的钟老师!<br>
[3] Zhong, Y., Meacham, C. A., Pramanik, S. 1997. A general method for tree-comparison based on subtree similarity and its use in a taxonomic database. BioSystems 42: 1-8.十六年援藏,只为填补西藏的生态学植物学空白,为带出一支留得下的学术队伍;十七年参与科普志愿服务,让公益与学术交相辉映、相得益彰;长期致力于生物多样性研究和保护,在青藏高原这个最艰苦卓绝的地方奋斗不止,为国家种质库收集了数千万颗植物种子,用科技报效国家……每一项事业的进步,都是震惊中外的大担当、大作为,都是那么感人至深、催人奋进,何况这些奉献还仅来自于钟杨教授一人之举。<br>
[4] Zhong, Y., Luo, Y., Pramanik, S., Beaman, J. H. 1999. HICLAS: a taxonomic database system for displaying and comparing biological classification and phylogenetic trees. Bioinformatics 15(2): 149-156.作为一名党员,他对党和国家忠诚,始终以“为人民服务”为宗旨,用奋斗诠释着一身不渝的追求,以“持久的热情和长期的投入”,为共和国科学事业埋下珍贵的“种子”,默默生根,努力开花,砥砺前行。<br>
[5] Zhong, Y., Shi, S. H., Tang, X. H., Huang, Y. L., Tan, F. X., Zhang, X. Y. 2000. Testing relative evolutionary rates and estimating divergence times among six genera of Rhizophoraceae using cpDNA and nrDNA sequences. Chinese Science Bulletin 45: 1011-1015.作为一名科学家,他对科学事业忠诚,足迹遍布西藏最偏远、最艰苦的地区,深深扎根于祖国西部这片鲜有问津的土地上,让科研的精神遍布高原大地。<br>
[6] Shi, S., Jin, H., Zhong, Y., He, X., Huang, Y., Tan, F., Boufford, D. E. 2000. Phylogenetic relationships of the Magnoliaceae inferred from cpDNA matK sequences. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 101: 925-930.作为一名教师,他对“传道授业”的伟业忠诚,以德修身、以德立学、以德施教,尽心尽力帮助学生成长成才,为国家积蓄科研伟力和人才后劲。<br>
[7[习近平] Sang, T., Zhong, Y. 2000. Testing hybridization hypotheses based on incongruent gene trees. Systematic Biology 49: 422-434.]总书记说,“幸福都是奋斗出来的,新时代是奋斗者的时代。”钟扬教授正是习总书记所称赞的奋斗者。钟扬曾说:“我想带出一批博士生团队,探索一种高端人才培养的支教模式,帮助西藏形成人才培养的造血机制。”他不仅是这么说的,更是这么做的,敞开胸怀,迎接援藏的人才,挑起担子,甘做事业的高峰。<br>
钟杨教授将忠诚、敬业、奋斗、责任、担当等优秀品质永远地留在了所热爱的事业之上,凝聚成一座巍峨的丰碑,更竖立起了一座精神上的“珠穆朗玛峰”,为勇敢坚毅者、奋进作为者点亮了前行的明灯。我们全社会都要珍视,并学习好钟杨同志的先进品质、优秀人格、伟大德行,共同为新时代中国特色社会主义发展和进步奉献力量、积蓄后劲、成就未来。<ref>[8] Cui, Xhttp://theory. Hpeople., Zhong, Ycom., Chen, Jcn/n1/2018/0402/c40531-29902575. K. 2000. Influence of a catastrophic flood on densities and biomasses of three plant species in Poyang Lake, China. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 15: 537html “钟杨精神”为新时代奉献力量和希望],人民网,2019-01-541.31</ref>
[9] He, Z. C., Zhang, X. Y., Zhong, Y., Ye, L. 2000. Phylogenetic relationships of Actinidia and related genera based on micromorphological characters of foliar trichomes. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 47: 627-639.
[10] Wang, J. B., Wang, C., Shi, S. H., Zhong, Y. 2000. ITS regions in diploids of Aegilops (Poaceae) and their phylogenetic implications. Hereditas 132: 209-213.
[11] Wang, J. B., Wang, C., Shi, S. H., Zhong, Y. 2000. Evolution of parental ITS regions of nuclear rDNA in allopolyploid Aegilops (Poaceae) species. Hereditas 133: 1-7.
[12] Zhong, Y., Zhang, L., Su, D. M. 2000. Collaborations tailored for bioinformatics projects. Science 290: 2074. (Letter)
[13] Shi, S., Huang, Y., Zhong, Y., Du, Y., Zhang, Q., Chang, H., Boufford, D.E. 2001. Phylogeny of the Altingiaceae based on cpDNA matK, PY-IGS and nrDNA ITS sequences. Plant Systematics and Evolution 230: 13-24.
[14] Wu, J., Liang, Y., Zhong, Y., Fu, C., Chen, J. 2002. Advances in phylogenetic studies of Nematoda. Chinese Science Bulletin 47: 10-15.
[15] Huang, Y., Shi, S., Zhong, Y., Tan, F. 2002. A new method for preparation of template DNA for PCR from special plant materials. Chinese Science Bulletin 47: 725-727.
[16] Shi, S., Zhong, Y., Huang, Y., Du, Y., Qiu, X., Chang, H. 2002. Phylogenetic relationships of the Rhizophoraceae in China based on sequences of the chloroplast gene matK and the internal transcribed spacer regions of nuclear ribosomal DNA and combined data set. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 30: 309-319. 等。
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