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创建页面,内容为“'''亨利·雅各·藍道'''(Henry Jacob Landau),生於1950年,於2020年10月逝世,是美國的數學家計算機科學家,研究信息论…”
'''亨利·雅各·藍道'''(Henry Jacob Landau),生於1950年,於2020年10月逝世,是美國的[[數學家]],[[計算機科學家]],研究[[信息论]],對信息理論的貢獻,包括帶限函數理論和矩問題。特別是{{le|有限帶寬|bandlimited}}函數以及[[矩 (數學)|矩]]的相關研究。

藍道分別在1953年、1955年及1957年在[[哈佛大學]]獲得[[文学士]]、[[文學碩士]]及[[哲學博士]],博士論文是''On Canonical Conformal Maps of Multiply Connected Regions'',由[[拉斯·阿尔福斯]]及{{le|約瑟夫·倫納德·沃爾什|Joseph Leonard Walsh}}指導<ref>{{MathGenealogy|8303}}</ref>。

藍道在畢業後,曾在[[普林斯頓 (紐澤西州)|普林斯頓]]的[[普林斯頓高等研究院]]二次擔任客座成員,也在[[纽约市立大学]]、[[香港中文大學]]及[[哥伦比亚大学]]擔任客座教授,最後成為[[貝爾實驗室]]的技術人員成員<ref>[http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/iel5/18/21670/01003819.pdf Shannon Theory: Perspective, Trends, and Applications, Preface] in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 48(6):1242, June 2002.</ref>。

以下是出版品的列表<ref>[http://achille.cs.bell-labs.com/cm/ms/former/hjl/pub.html Publication list] on his homepage (as of 1995).</ref>:

# On Uniform Approximation to Continuous Functions by Rational Functions with Preassigned Poles, H. J. Landau, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 5 (1954), pp.&nbsp;671–676.
# Operational Requirements for a Collision Warning System, Eduardo I. Pina and H. J. Landau, Operations Research, 5 (1957), pp.&nbsp;794–814.
# Some Distortion Theorems for Multivalent Mappings, H. J. Landau and Robert Osserman, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 10 (1959), pp.&nbsp;87–91.
# On Canonical Conformal Maps of Multiply Connected Regions, J. L. Walsh and H. J. Landau, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 93:1 (October 1959), pp.&nbsp;81–96.
# On the Recovery of a Band-Limited Signal, After Instantaneous Companding and Subsequent Band Limiting, H. J. Landau, Bell Sys. Tech. J., 39:2 (March 1960), pp.&nbsp;351–364.
# On Analytic Mappings of Riemann Surfaces, R. Osserman and H. J. Landau, J. d'Analyse Mathematique, 7 (1960), pp.&nbsp;249–279.
# Prolate Spheroidal Wave Functions, Fourier Analysis and Uncertainty, II, Henry O. Pollak and H. J. Landau, Bell Sys. Tech. J., 40:1 (January 1961), pp.&nbsp;65–84.
# The Recovery of Distorted Band-Limited Signals, Willard L. Miranker and H. J. Landau, J. Math. Anal. and Appl., 2:1 (February 1961), pp.&nbsp;97–104.
# On Canonical Conformal Maps of Multiply Connected Domains, H. J. Landau, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 99:1 (April 1961), pp.&nbsp;1–20.
# Prolate Spheroidal Functions, Fourier Analysis and Uncertainty, III. The Dimension of the Space of Essentially Time- and Band-Limited Signals, H. J. Landau and H. O. Pollak, Bell Sys. Tech. J., 41 (July 1962), pp.&nbsp;1295–1336.
# A Sparse Regular Sequence of Exponentials Closed on Large Sets, H. J. Landau, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., 70 (1964), pp.&nbsp;566–569.
# The Eigenvalue Behavior of Certain Convolution Equations, H. J. Landau, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 115 (March 1965), pp.&nbsp;242–256.
# On the Optimality of the Regular Simplex Code, H. J. Landau and David Slepian, Bell Sys. Tech. J., 45 (October 1966), pp.&nbsp;1247–1272.
# Necessary Density Conditions for Sampling and Interpolation of Certain Entire Functions, H. J. Landau, Acta Math., 117 (February 1967), pp.&nbsp;37–52.
# Sampling, Data Transmission, and the Nyquist Rate, H. J. Landau, Proc. IEEE, 55 (October 1967), pp.&nbsp;1701–1706.
# On the Supremum of a Gaussian Process, H. J. Landau and Lawrence Shepp, Sankhya A, 32 (December 1970), pp.&nbsp;369–378.
# How Does a Porcupine Separate its Quills, H. J. Landau, IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, It-17:2 (1971), pp.&nbsp;157–161.
# Some Computer Experiments in Picture Processing for Bandwidth Reduction, H. J. Landau and D. Slepian, Bell Sys. Tech. J., 50:5 (1971), pp.&nbsp;1525–1540.
# On the Completeness of a Set of Translates, H. J. Landau, J. Approx. Theory, 5:4 (1972), pp.&nbsp;438–440.
# On Szegö's Eigenvalue Distribution Theorem and Non-Hermitian Kernels, H. J. Landau, J. d'Analyse Mathematique, 28 (1975), pp.&nbsp;335–357.
# Loss in Unstable Resonators, H. J. Landau, J. Opt. Soc. Amer., 66:6 (June 1976), pp.&nbsp;525–529.
# Pricing in a Dynamic Model with Saturation, H. J. Landau, Econometrica, 44:6 (November 1976), pp.&nbsp;1153–1156.
# The Notion of Approximate Eigenvalues Applied to an Integral Equation of Laser Theory, H. J. Landau, Quart. Appl. Math., April 1977, pp.&nbsp;165–172.
# A Note on the Eigenvalues of Hermitian Matrices, D. Slepian and H. J. Landau, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 9:2 (1978), pp.&nbsp;291–297.
# A Game-Theoretic Analysis of Bargaining with Reputations, Robert W. Rosenthal and H. J. Landau, J. of Mathematical Psychology, 20:3 (1979), pp.&nbsp;233–255.
# The Classical Moment Problem, Hilbertian Proofs, H. J. Landau, J. Functional Analysis, 38 (1980), pp.&nbsp;255–272.
# On Comparison of Cash Flow Streams, H. J. Landau, Management Science, 26:12 (1980), pp.&nbsp;1218–1226.
# The Eigenvalue Distribution of Time and Frequency Limiting, H. J. Landau and Harold Widom, J. Math. Anal. and Appl., 77:2 (1980), pp.&nbsp;469–481.
# Repeated Bargaining with Opportunities for Learning, R. W. Rosenthal and H. J. Landau, J. Math. Sociology, 8 (1981), pp.&nbsp;61–74.
# Bounds for Eigenvalues of Certain Stochastic Matrices, H. J. Landau and Andrew Odlyzko, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 38 (1981), pp.&nbsp;5–15.
# The Inverse Problem for the Vocal Tract and the Moment Problem, H. J. Landau, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 14:5 (1983), pp.&nbsp;1019–1035.
# Mobility and Wages, H. J. Landau and Andrew Weiss, Economics Letters, 15 (1984), pp.&nbsp;97–102.
# Optimum Waveform Signal Sets with Amplitude and Energy Constraints, H. J. Landau and [[Aaron D. Wyner]], IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, IT-30:4 (1984), pp.&nbsp;615–622.
# Wages, Hiring Standards, and Firm Size, H. J. Landau and A. M. Weiss, J. Labor Econ., 2:4 (1984), pp.&nbsp;477–499.
# Diffusion, Cell Mobililty and Bandlimited Functions, H. J. Landau, Benjamin F. Logan, L. A. Shepp and N. Bauman, SIAM J. Appl. Math., 44:6 (1984), pp.&nbsp;1232–1245.
# The Stationary Distribution of Reflected Brownian Motion in a Planar Region, J. Michael Harrison, H. J. Landau and L. A. Shepp, Annnals of Prob., 13:3 (1985), pp.&nbsp;744–757.
# An Overview of Time and Frequency Limiting, H. J. Landau, Fourier Techniques and Applications, J. F. Price (editor), Plenum, New York, 1985, pp.&nbsp;201–220.
# An Inequality Conjectured by Hajela and Seymour Arising in Combinatorial Geometry, H. J. Landau, B. F. Logan and L. A. Shepp, Combinatorica, 5:4 (1985), pp.&nbsp;337–342.
# Extrapolating a Band-Limited Function from Its Samples Taken in a Finite Interval, H. J. Landau, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, IT-32:4 (1986), pp.&nbsp;464–470.
# Maximum Entropy and the Moment Problem, H. J. Landau, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., 16:1 (1987), pp.&nbsp;47–77.
# Polynomials Orthogonal on the Semicircle, II, Walter Gautschi, H. J. Landau and Gradimir Milovanović, Constr. Approx., 3:4 (1987), pp.&nbsp;389–404.
# Moments in Mathematics, H. J. Landau, Proc. Symp. Appl. Math., (editor), Amer. Math. Soc., 37 (1987).
# Classical Background of the Moment Problem, H. J. Landau, Proc. Symp. Appl. Math., 37 (1987), pp.&nbsp;1–15.
# Polynomials Orthogonal in an Indefinite Metric, H. J. Landau, Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, 34 (1988), pp.&nbsp;203–214.
# On the Minimum Distance Problem for Faster-than-Nyquist Signaling, James E. Mazo and H. J. Landau, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, IT-34:6 (1989), pp.&nbsp;1420–1427.
# On the Density of Phase-Space Expansions, H. J. Landau, IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, IT-39:4 (1993), pp.&nbsp;1152–1156.
# The Inverse Eigenvalue Problem for Real Symmetric Toeplitz Matrices, H. J. Landau, J. Amer. Math. Soc., 7:3 (1994), pp.&nbsp;749–767.
# Prediction and the Inverse of Toeplitz Matrices, Israel Gohberg and H. J. Landau, Approximation and Computation, Int. Series of Numerical Mathematics, R. Zahar (editor), Birkhauser, Boston, 119 (1995), pp.&nbsp;219–230.
# Gabor Time-Frequency Lattices and the Wexler-Raz Identity, Ingrid Daubechies, H. J. Landau and Zeph Landau, J. Fourier Analysis and Appl., (4):437–478, 1995
# An iterated random function with Lipschitz number one, Aaron Abrams, H.J. Landau, Z. Landau, James Pommersheim, Eric Zaslow, Theory of Probability and its Applications, 47(2):286–300, 2002
# Evasive random walks and the clairvoyant demon, A. Abrams, H.J. Landau, Z. Landau, J. Pommersheim, E. Zaslow, Random Structures and Algorithms, 20(2):239–248, 2002
# Random Multiplication Approaches Uniform Measure in Finite Groups, A. Abrams, H.J. Landau, Z. Landau, J. Pommersheim, E. Zaslow, Journal of Theoretical Probability, 20(1), March, 2007


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== 參考文獻 ==

*[https://peoplepill.com/people/henry-landau/  peoplepill-HENRY LANDAU]
*[https://amp.ww.en.freejournal.org/19646350/1/henry-landau.html freejournal-HENRY LANDAU]
*[https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/dailygazette/name/henry-landau-obituary?pid=197415514 legacy