CCI應該要順勢操作,加上濾網和停損停利<ref>[ CCI指標使用技巧]07.18.2018 Jason Xuite日誌</ref>
condition1= H>lowD(0)+1.5*AvgTrueRange(60);
condition2= L<highD(0)-1.5*AvgTrueRange(60);
if condition1 and AverageFC(CCIval,Slen) > AverageFC(CCIval,Llen) and H>=DH then buy next bar at highest(H,3)+1stop;
if condition2 and AverageFC(CCIval,Slen) <AverageFC(CCIval,Llen) and L<=DL then sellshort next bar at lowest(L,3)-1stop;
if marketposition=1 then sell next bar at entryprice*(1-STL)stop;
if marketposition=-1 then buytocover next bar at entryprice*(1+STL)stop;
== 影片 ==