| Variations of maximum-clique transversal sets on graphs ||Chuan-Min Lee||Annals of Operations Research (SCI)||2010.12 [[File:Gathering.jpg|thumb|344px|center|2010 Workshop on Algorithmic Graph Theory]]
| On the complexity of signed and minus total domination in graphs ||Chuan-Min Lee||Information Processing Letters (SCI)||2009.09 [[File:BlueDoorwithaCatKoala.jpg|thumb|344px|center|Blue Doors with 2009 Holding a CatKoala, GermanyAustralia]]
| Trivially-Perfect Width ||Ling-Ju Hung, Ton Kloks, Chuan-Min Lee ||The 20th International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (EI)||2009.07 [[File:ThreeGlassesofWineTheRock.jpg|thumb|344px|center|Three Glasses of Wine2009]Uluru / Ayers Rock, Australia]
| Signed and minus clique-transversal functions on graphs ||Chuan-Min Lee, Maw-Shang Chang ||Information Processing Letters (SCI)||2009.03 [[File:KoalaThreeGlassesofWine.jpg|thumb|344px|center|Holding a Koala, AustraliaThree Glasses of Wine]]
| Cellular networks modeled by distance hereditary graphs are maximum-clique perfect||Chuan-Min Lee||International Computer Symposium 2008||2008.11 [[File:ChungChengUniversity.jpg|thumb|344px|center|Chung Cheng University, Taiwan]]