,创建页面,内容为“{{Infobox_Scientist | name = 理查德·赫克<br /><small>{{lang|en|Richard Fred Heck}}</small> | image = | image_width = | caption…”
| name = 理查德·赫克<br /><small>{{lang|en|Richard Fred Heck}}</small>
| image =
| image_width =
| caption =
| birth_date = {{birth date|1931|8|15}}
| birth_place = {{USA}}[[马萨诸塞州]][[斯普林菲尔德 (马萨诸塞州)|斯普林菲尔德]]
| death_date = {{death date and age|2015|10|10|1931|08|15}}
| death_place = {{PHI}}[[馬尼拉]]
| residence =
| nationality = {{USA}}
| field = [[有机化学]]
| known_for =
| work_institution = [[特拉华大学]]
| alma_mater = [[加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校]]
| doctoral_advisor =
| doctoral_students =
| prizes = [[诺贝尔化学奖]](2010年)
| religion =
| footnotes =
| URL =
'''理查德·弗雷德·赫克'''({{lang-en|Richard Fred Heck}},{{bd|1931年|8月15日|2015年|10月10日|catIdx=Heck}}),[[美国]][[化学家]],因在「[[有机合成]]中的[[鈀催化偶联反应|鈀催化交叉偶联反应]]」方面做出贡献而與[[根岸英一]]、[[铃木章]]共同獲2010年[[诺贝尔化学奖]]。他最主要的贡献是发现[[赫克反应]],即[[钯]]催化的芳卤与烯烃间的[[偶联反应]]。
== 生平 ==
赫克1931年生于美国[[马萨诸塞州]][[斯普林菲尔德 (马萨诸塞州)|斯普林菲尔德]]。1952年和1954年,分别在[[加州大学洛杉矶分校]]取得理学学士和博士学位,指导教授是化学家[[绍尔·温施泰因]](Saul Winstein)。完成博士后之后,他前往[[苏黎世联邦理工学院]],不久后又回到加州大学洛杉矶分校。1957年,他开始在位于[[威尔明顿 (特拉华州)|威尔明顿]]的[[赫克力士公司]](Hercules)工作。在那里期间,他的研究屡出成果,使得他在1971年进入[[德拉瓦大學|特拉华州大学]]的化学与生物化学系就职。他在特拉华州大学一直工作到1989年退休。
赫克对现今称为赫克反应(亦称沟吕木-赫克反应)的研究,始于他20世纪60年代晚期,对芳基汞化合物与烯烃在钯催化下的偶联反应的研究。<ref>{{cite journal en
| title = Acylation, Methylation, and Carboxyalkylation of Olefins by Group VIII Metal Derivatives
| author = Richard F. Heck
| journal = [[Journal of the American Chemical Society|J. Am. Chem. Soc.]]]
| volume = 90
| issue =
| pages =
| year = 1968
| url =
| doi = 10.1021/ja01022a034}}</ref>当时赫克将研究发现发在《[[美国化学会刊]]》上,发了连号的7篇文章,这些文章的作者却只有他一位。<ref>{{cite journal en
| title = The arylation of allylic alcohols with organopalladium compounds. A new synthesis of 3-aryl aldehydes and ketones
| author = Richard F. Heck
| journal = [[Journal of the American Chemical Society|J. Am. Chem. Soc.]]
| volume = 90
| issue = 20
| pages = 5526–5531
| year = 1968
| url =
| doi = 10.1021/ja01022a035
}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal en
| title = Allylation of aromatic compounds with organopalladium salts
| author = Richard F. Heck
| journal = [[Journal of the American Chemical Society|J. Am. Chem. Soc.]]
| volume = 90
| issue = 20
| pages = 5531–5534
| year = 1968
| url =
| doi = 10.1021/ja01022a036
}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal en
| title = The palladium-catalyzed arylation of enol esters, ethers, and halides. A new synthesis of 2-aryl aldehydes and ketones
| author = Richard F. Heck
| journal = [[Journal of the American Chemical Society|J. Am. Chem. Soc.]]
| volume = 90
| issue = 20
| pages = 5535–5538
| year = 1968
| url =
| doi = 10.1021/ja01022a037
}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal en
| title = Aromatic haloethylation with palladium and copper halides
| author = Richard F. Heck
| journal = [[Journal of the American Chemical Society|J. Am. Chem. Soc.]]
| volume = 90
| issue = 20
| pages = 5538–5542
| year = 1968
| url =
| doi = 10.1021/ja01022a038
}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal en
| title = The addition of alkyl- and arylpalladium chlorides to conjugated dienes
| author = Richard F. Heck
| journal = [[Journal of the American Chemical Society|J. Am. Chem. Soc.]]
| volume = 90
| issue = 20
| pages = 5542–5546
| year = 1968
| url =
| doi = 10.1021/ja01022a039
}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal en
| title = A synthesis of diaryl ketones from arylmercuric salts
| author = Richard F. Heck
| journal = [[Journal of the American Chemical Society|J. Am. Chem. Soc.]]
| volume = 90
| issue = 20
| pages = 5546–5548
| year = 1968
| url =
| doi = 10.1021/ja01022a040
70年代早期,日本化学家[[沟吕木勉]]<ref>{{cite journal en
| title = Arylation of Olefin with Aryl Iodine Catalyzed by Palladium
| author = Tsutomu Mizoroki, Kunio Mori and Atzumu Ozaki
| journal = [[Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan]]
| volume = 44
| issue = 2
| pages = 581
| year = 1971
| url =
| doi = 10.1246/bcsj.44.581
}}</ref>和赫克<ref>{{cite journal en
| title = Palladium-catalyzed Vinylic Hydrogen Substitution Reactions with Aryl, Benzyl, and Styryl Halides
| author = R.F. Heck and J.P Nolley, Jr.
| journal = [[The Journal of Organic Chemistry]]
| volume = 37
| issue = 14
| pages = 2320-2322
| year = 1972
| url =
| doi = 10.1021/jo00979a024}}</ref>各自报道了使用毒性较低的芳卤作为偶联底物的反应。赫克在此发现后,不断对反应条件进行研究,试图优化,将其发展为有机合成中有实际且重要用途的合成策略。
赫克反应自发现起,其在有机合成中的重要性便迅速增长。1982年,赫克在《[[有机反应 (期刊)|有机反应]]》上仅用45页,便可总结当时赫克反应的应用实例。<ref>{{cite journal en
| title = Palladium-Catalyzed Vinylation of Organic Halides
| author = Richard F. Heck
| journal = [[Organic Reactions]]
| volume = 27
| issue =
| pages =
| year = 1982
| url =
| doi = 10.1002/0471264180.or027.02
}}</ref>但到2002年,发在《有机反应》期刊上,仅与分子内赫克反应相关的文章,就已达377页。<ref>{{cite journal en
| title = The Intramolecular Heck Reaction Palladium-Catalyzed Vinylation of Organic Halides
| author = J. T. Link
| journal = [[Organic Reactions]]
| volume = 60
| issue =
| pages =
| year = 2002
| url =
| doi = 10.1002/0471264180.or060.02
}}</ref>现今,赫克反应是有机合成中构建碳-碳键的常用方法之一。对于该反应,文献中有多篇综述文章。<ref>M. Oestreich, Ed., ''The Mizoroki-Heck Reaction'' Wiley (2009)</ref>
在2006年退休後,與菲律賓籍妻子居住在馬尼拉。2012年,其妻去世,由其侄子照顧其生活。2013年後,因身體健康轉差,頻繁出入醫院,用盡家產。于2015年10月10日在[[马尼拉]]的医院中逝世。在这周早些时候他曾发生过严重的呕吐反应。<ref>{{cite news |last=Francisco |first=Rosemarie |date=2015-10-10 |title=Nobel laureate chemist Richard Heck, 84, dies in Manila |url=http://uk.reuters.com/article/2015/10/10/uk-nobel-prize-heck-philippines-idUKKCN0S40DD20151010 |agency=Reuters |access-date=}}</ref>
== 其他钯催化的偶联反应 ==
除发现卤代烃可通过与钯(0)氧化加成而活化外,赫克也是首位对π-烯丙金属络合物进行结构分析(JACS 82: 750)和首位阐明烯烃[[氢甲酰化反应|氢甲酰化]]机理(JACS 83:4023)的化学家。氢甲酰化反应现在用于制取各类醇、醛,每年产量高达150亿磅(6800万吨)。
== 荣誉奖项 ==
== 相关条目 ==
* [[赫克反应]]
== 参考文献 ==
== 延伸阅读 ==
* {{cite journal en| doi = 10.1016/S0022-328X(98)01136-X | title = A profile of Professor Richard F. Heck Discovery of the Heck reaction | year = 1999 | author = Negishi, E. | journal = [[Journal of Organometallic Chemistry]] | volume = 576 | pages = XV}}
== 外部链接 ==
* [http://www.udel.edu/chem/ 特拉华州大学化学与生物化学系]
{{DEFAULTSORT:Heck, Richard}}
| name = 理查德·赫克<br /><small>{{lang|en|Richard Fred Heck}}</small>
| image =
| image_width =
| caption =
| birth_date = {{birth date|1931|8|15}}
| birth_place = {{USA}}[[马萨诸塞州]][[斯普林菲尔德 (马萨诸塞州)|斯普林菲尔德]]
| death_date = {{death date and age|2015|10|10|1931|08|15}}
| death_place = {{PHI}}[[馬尼拉]]
| residence =
| nationality = {{USA}}
| field = [[有机化学]]
| known_for =
| work_institution = [[特拉华大学]]
| alma_mater = [[加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校]]
| doctoral_advisor =
| doctoral_students =
| prizes = [[诺贝尔化学奖]](2010年)
| religion =
| footnotes =
| URL =
'''理查德·弗雷德·赫克'''({{lang-en|Richard Fred Heck}},{{bd|1931年|8月15日|2015年|10月10日|catIdx=Heck}}),[[美国]][[化学家]],因在「[[有机合成]]中的[[鈀催化偶联反应|鈀催化交叉偶联反应]]」方面做出贡献而與[[根岸英一]]、[[铃木章]]共同獲2010年[[诺贝尔化学奖]]。他最主要的贡献是发现[[赫克反应]],即[[钯]]催化的芳卤与烯烃间的[[偶联反应]]。
== 生平 ==
赫克1931年生于美国[[马萨诸塞州]][[斯普林菲尔德 (马萨诸塞州)|斯普林菲尔德]]。1952年和1954年,分别在[[加州大学洛杉矶分校]]取得理学学士和博士学位,指导教授是化学家[[绍尔·温施泰因]](Saul Winstein)。完成博士后之后,他前往[[苏黎世联邦理工学院]],不久后又回到加州大学洛杉矶分校。1957年,他开始在位于[[威尔明顿 (特拉华州)|威尔明顿]]的[[赫克力士公司]](Hercules)工作。在那里期间,他的研究屡出成果,使得他在1971年进入[[德拉瓦大學|特拉华州大学]]的化学与生物化学系就职。他在特拉华州大学一直工作到1989年退休。
赫克对现今称为赫克反应(亦称沟吕木-赫克反应)的研究,始于他20世纪60年代晚期,对芳基汞化合物与烯烃在钯催化下的偶联反应的研究。<ref>{{cite journal en
| title = Acylation, Methylation, and Carboxyalkylation of Olefins by Group VIII Metal Derivatives
| author = Richard F. Heck
| journal = [[Journal of the American Chemical Society|J. Am. Chem. Soc.]]]
| volume = 90
| issue =
| pages =
| year = 1968
| url =
| doi = 10.1021/ja01022a034}}</ref>当时赫克将研究发现发在《[[美国化学会刊]]》上,发了连号的7篇文章,这些文章的作者却只有他一位。<ref>{{cite journal en
| title = The arylation of allylic alcohols with organopalladium compounds. A new synthesis of 3-aryl aldehydes and ketones
| author = Richard F. Heck
| journal = [[Journal of the American Chemical Society|J. Am. Chem. Soc.]]
| volume = 90
| issue = 20
| pages = 5526–5531
| year = 1968
| url =
| doi = 10.1021/ja01022a035
}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal en
| title = Allylation of aromatic compounds with organopalladium salts
| author = Richard F. Heck
| journal = [[Journal of the American Chemical Society|J. Am. Chem. Soc.]]
| volume = 90
| issue = 20
| pages = 5531–5534
| year = 1968
| url =
| doi = 10.1021/ja01022a036
}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal en
| title = The palladium-catalyzed arylation of enol esters, ethers, and halides. A new synthesis of 2-aryl aldehydes and ketones
| author = Richard F. Heck
| journal = [[Journal of the American Chemical Society|J. Am. Chem. Soc.]]
| volume = 90
| issue = 20
| pages = 5535–5538
| year = 1968
| url =
| doi = 10.1021/ja01022a037
}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal en
| title = Aromatic haloethylation with palladium and copper halides
| author = Richard F. Heck
| journal = [[Journal of the American Chemical Society|J. Am. Chem. Soc.]]
| volume = 90
| issue = 20
| pages = 5538–5542
| year = 1968
| url =
| doi = 10.1021/ja01022a038
}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal en
| title = The addition of alkyl- and arylpalladium chlorides to conjugated dienes
| author = Richard F. Heck
| journal = [[Journal of the American Chemical Society|J. Am. Chem. Soc.]]
| volume = 90
| issue = 20
| pages = 5542–5546
| year = 1968
| url =
| doi = 10.1021/ja01022a039
}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal en
| title = A synthesis of diaryl ketones from arylmercuric salts
| author = Richard F. Heck
| journal = [[Journal of the American Chemical Society|J. Am. Chem. Soc.]]
| volume = 90
| issue = 20
| pages = 5546–5548
| year = 1968
| url =
| doi = 10.1021/ja01022a040
70年代早期,日本化学家[[沟吕木勉]]<ref>{{cite journal en
| title = Arylation of Olefin with Aryl Iodine Catalyzed by Palladium
| author = Tsutomu Mizoroki, Kunio Mori and Atzumu Ozaki
| journal = [[Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan]]
| volume = 44
| issue = 2
| pages = 581
| year = 1971
| url =
| doi = 10.1246/bcsj.44.581
}}</ref>和赫克<ref>{{cite journal en
| title = Palladium-catalyzed Vinylic Hydrogen Substitution Reactions with Aryl, Benzyl, and Styryl Halides
| author = R.F. Heck and J.P Nolley, Jr.
| journal = [[The Journal of Organic Chemistry]]
| volume = 37
| issue = 14
| pages = 2320-2322
| year = 1972
| url =
| doi = 10.1021/jo00979a024}}</ref>各自报道了使用毒性较低的芳卤作为偶联底物的反应。赫克在此发现后,不断对反应条件进行研究,试图优化,将其发展为有机合成中有实际且重要用途的合成策略。
赫克反应自发现起,其在有机合成中的重要性便迅速增长。1982年,赫克在《[[有机反应 (期刊)|有机反应]]》上仅用45页,便可总结当时赫克反应的应用实例。<ref>{{cite journal en
| title = Palladium-Catalyzed Vinylation of Organic Halides
| author = Richard F. Heck
| journal = [[Organic Reactions]]
| volume = 27
| issue =
| pages =
| year = 1982
| url =
| doi = 10.1002/0471264180.or027.02
}}</ref>但到2002年,发在《有机反应》期刊上,仅与分子内赫克反应相关的文章,就已达377页。<ref>{{cite journal en
| title = The Intramolecular Heck Reaction Palladium-Catalyzed Vinylation of Organic Halides
| author = J. T. Link
| journal = [[Organic Reactions]]
| volume = 60
| issue =
| pages =
| year = 2002
| url =
| doi = 10.1002/0471264180.or060.02
}}</ref>现今,赫克反应是有机合成中构建碳-碳键的常用方法之一。对于该反应,文献中有多篇综述文章。<ref>M. Oestreich, Ed., ''The Mizoroki-Heck Reaction'' Wiley (2009)</ref>
在2006年退休後,與菲律賓籍妻子居住在馬尼拉。2012年,其妻去世,由其侄子照顧其生活。2013年後,因身體健康轉差,頻繁出入醫院,用盡家產。于2015年10月10日在[[马尼拉]]的医院中逝世。在这周早些时候他曾发生过严重的呕吐反应。<ref>{{cite news |last=Francisco |first=Rosemarie |date=2015-10-10 |title=Nobel laureate chemist Richard Heck, 84, dies in Manila |url=http://uk.reuters.com/article/2015/10/10/uk-nobel-prize-heck-philippines-idUKKCN0S40DD20151010 |agency=Reuters |access-date=}}</ref>
== 其他钯催化的偶联反应 ==
除发现卤代烃可通过与钯(0)氧化加成而活化外,赫克也是首位对π-烯丙金属络合物进行结构分析(JACS 82: 750)和首位阐明烯烃[[氢甲酰化反应|氢甲酰化]]机理(JACS 83:4023)的化学家。氢甲酰化反应现在用于制取各类醇、醛,每年产量高达150亿磅(6800万吨)。
== 荣誉奖项 ==
== 相关条目 ==
* [[赫克反应]]
== 参考文献 ==
== 延伸阅读 ==
* {{cite journal en| doi = 10.1016/S0022-328X(98)01136-X | title = A profile of Professor Richard F. Heck Discovery of the Heck reaction | year = 1999 | author = Negishi, E. | journal = [[Journal of Organometallic Chemistry]] | volume = 576 | pages = XV}}
== 外部链接 ==
* [http://www.udel.edu/chem/ 特拉华州大学化学与生物化学系]
{{DEFAULTSORT:Heck, Richard}}