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{{Infobox person| name = 奧伯利·皮普爾斯| 民族 =美國白種人|本名=Aubrey Shea Peeples| image = <img src="http://images.movie.xunlei.kankan.com/gallery/1506/a15c35e3a49cc91d9ea75c0eece31dad.jpg" width="220" ><br><small>[http://movie.kankan.com/person/aobulipipuersi/introduction圖片來自天天看看]</small>| caption = | birth_name = | birth_date = {{Birth_date_and_age|1993|11|27}}| birth_place = [[美國]][[佛羅里達州]][[瑪麗湖]]| death_date = | death_place = | death_cause = | body_discovered = | resting_place = | education = | alma_mater = | religion = | hometown = | residence = | nationality = {{USA}}| other_names = | occupation = 演員、歌手| years_active = 2009年至今| spouse =| domestic_partner = | children = | parents = | known_for = 《即刻復仇》| awards = | 語言 = [[英語]]| signature = | website = | IMDb = nm2874427}}'''奧伯利·皮普爾斯'''({{lang-en|Aubrey Shea Peeples}},{{bd|1993年|11月26日}}<ref>[http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/1993-12-26/news/9312230080_1_park-memorial-hospital-winter-seminole-hospital "Births"]. Orlando Sentinel. Orlando, FL. December 26, 1993. Retrieved 2014-01-16. "Peeples, Aubrey Shea, born to Wendy and Ashley, Lake Mary, Winter Park Memorial Hospital"</ref><ref>Taramykin, Cherylann (September–October 2009). [http://www.bluetoad.com/publication/?i=21656&p=122 "Check out this kid: Aubrey Peeples"]. Lake Mary Life. Lake Mary, FL. Retrieved 2014-01-16. "At 15, Aubrey … parents, Wendy and Ashley"</ref>),是 [[ 美國 ]] 女演員兼歌手,最廣人所知的電影為2014年《[[即刻復仇]]》飾演保羅女兒凱琳·馬奎爾而人氣聞名,另外,她出演過電影2013年《[[風飛鯊]]》。
皮普爾斯出生於佛羅里達州瑪麗湖,她和她的父母及妹妹艾莉住在一起,長大後,她參與Orlando Repertory Theatre話劇10年<ref> Manieri, Kristen (November 1, 2013). [http://www.lakemarylife.com/articles/lake-mary-to-nashville/ "Lake Mary to Nashville"]. Lake Mary Life. Lake Mary, FL. Retrieved 2014-01-16. "Aubrey Peeples … the 19-year-old actress from Lake Mary"</ref><ref> Boedeker, Hal (August 1, 2013). [http://www.orlandosentinel.com/entertainment/blogs/tv-guy/os-sharknado-sends-lake-mary-actress-flying-20130801,0,5669901.post "'Sharknado' sends Lake Mary actress flying"] {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20140225195653/http://www.orlandosentinel.com/entertainment/blogs/tv-guy/os-sharknado-sends-lake-mary-actress-flying-20130801,0,5669901.post |date=2014-02-25 }}. Orlando Sentinel. Orlando, FL. Retrieved 2014-01-16.</ref>,她從Lake Mary Preparatory學校畢業,是班上2012年的畢業生代表。皮普爾斯被接受了[[哈佛大學]],但推遲進入兩次,第二次接受她在納許維爾的角色。
{| class="wikitable"
! 年分 !! 名稱 !! 角色!! 備註
|2013||[[風飛鯊]] Sharknado||Claudia Shepherd||Television film
|2014||[[即刻復仇]] Rage||Caitlin Maguire||Direct-to-VOD
|2015||[[芙蓉仙子]] Jem and the Holograms||Jem / Jerrica Benton||Film
{| class="wikitable"
! 年分 !! 名稱 !! 角色!! 備註
|2013-2016||[[下一站,天后]] Nashville||Layla Grantl||Recurring role (seasons 2–3); main role (season 4); 40 episodes
== 外部連結 ==
*{{IMDb name|2874427}}
== 參考文獻 ==
{{Authority control|MUSICBRAINZ=acfdefff-ca07-402e-973f-3d2a7b711d57}}
{{DEFAULTSORT: Peeples, Aubrey}}