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{{Infobox person| 姓名 = 韩杰才| 图像 = [[File:韩杰才.jpg|缩略图|center|[http://www.casad.cas.cn/wcm/sourcedb_ad_cas/zw2/json/jskxb/201512/W020151224552679607820.jpg 原图链接]]]| 图像说明 = '''<big>韩杰才</big>'''| 出生日期 = 1966年3月| 国籍 = 中国| 民族 = 汉| 籍贯 = 四川巴中市| 职业 = 复 合材料和光学材料专家 | 母校 = 哈尔滨 工业 科学技术 大学 教授 | 研究领域 = <br>超高温复合材料 副校长。1966年3月出生于四川巴 红外光学晶体与薄膜材料}}<big>'''韩杰才'''</big><ref>[http://www.casad.cas.cn/aca/371/jskxb-201512-t20151224_4502696.html 韩杰才] 市,籍贯四川巴中。1985年毕业于哈尔滨 科学 技术大 院</ref><br>:复合材料和光 ,1988年和1992年于 材料专家, 哈尔滨工业大学 获硕士和博士学位 教授、副校长 长期从事超高温复合材料、红外光学晶体与薄膜材料的研究。揭示了材料超高温烧蚀机理和规律,发展了细观热烧蚀理论,提出了多元氧化物和固溶体抑制氧化烧蚀的机制,实现了材料氧化抑制与高温强韧化的协同,应用于高超声速飞行器防热系统;发明了大尺寸蓝宝石晶体专用生长方法及生长装备、四面体非晶碳复合增透保护膜及制备工艺,用于多个工程型号的红外窗口,并实现了产业化。 == 教育背景 ==# 1981.09~1985.07:哈尔滨理工大学机械工程系材料科学学士# 1985.09~1988.07:哈尔滨工业大学材料学院材料科学硕士# 1989.03~1992.10:哈尔滨工业大学航天与力学系 博士== 工作经历==* 1988/07~1992/12: 哈尔滨工业大学复合材料研究所助教、讲师* 1992/12~1995/12:哈尔滨工业大学复合材料研究所副教授* 1995/12~1998/10:哈尔滨工业大学复合材料研究所教授* 1998/10~1999/07:英国诺丁汉大学工学院皇家学会访问学者* 1999/09~2004/12:哈尔滨工业大学航天学院院长、教授* 2004/12~2007/09:哈尔滨工业大学校长助理、教授* 1997/12~至今:哈尔滨工业大学复合材料与结构研究所博导* 2008/10~至今:特种环境复合材料技术国防科技重点实验室主任* 2007/09~至今:哈尔滨工业大学教授、副校长* 2015年12月7日:当选中国科学院技术科学部院士。== 研究方向 ==:超高温防热/结构复合材料:防热/红外透波晶体与薄膜:超常环境复合材料性能表征与评价== 主要奖项 ==::::{| class="wikitable"|-! 时间 !! 奖项|-| 1996年 || 第五届中国青年科技奖|-| 1997年 || 首批入选国家千百万人才工程|-| 1997年 || 教育部跨世纪人才培养基金获得者|-| 2000年 || 教育部首届青年教师奖|-| 2002年 || 得第十三届全国十大杰出青年提名奖|-| 2004年 || 国防科技进步二等奖|-| 2006年 || 国防科技进步一等奖|-| 2007年 || 国家科技进步二等奖|-| 2007年 || 国家自然科学 基金委员会杰出青年基金|-| 2008年 || 国家自然科学基金委创新研究群体负责人|-| 2009年 || 国家技术发明二等 |-| 2010年 || 黑龙江省自然科学一 等奖 |-| 2011年 || 国家技术发明 二等奖 |}== 学术成果<ref>[http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/hanjc 韩杰才奖项成果] 哈尔滨工业大学</ref> ==:获国家发明专利授权61项,出版学术专著2本,在Composites Science and Technology, Acta Materialia, Scripta Materialia, Applied Physics Letters, Journal of The American Ceramic Society, Mechanics of Materials, Journal of The European Ceramic Society, Physical Review B 国际期刊发表文章350余篇 :代表性文章如下:<small>01 Zhang, MF; Guo, HX; Han, JC; Zhang, HL; Xu, CH, Distribution of Neodymium and properties of Nd:YAG crystal by horizontal directional solidification, Journal Of Crystal Growth, V340 N1 P130-134: FEB 1 2012 02 Li, HB; Zheng, YT; Han, JC; Zhou, LJ, Effect of reactant Ti/B(4)C ratio on the stoichiometry and mechanical properties of h-BN-Ti(C,N) prepared by combustion synthesis, Materials Science And Engineering A- V528 N 6 P2380-2384 MAR 15 2011 03 Han, JC; Wang, BL ,Thermal shock resistance of ceramics with temperature-dependent material properties at elevated temperature, Acta Materialia V 59 N4 P1373-1382: FEB 2011 04 Wang, B; Han, JC; Du, S, analysis of fiber breaking in fiber/matrix composites under torsional loads ,Mechanics of Composite Materials V46 N4 P365-374: NOV 2010 05 Liu, QA; Han, WB; Han, JC, Influence of SiCnp content on the microstructure and mechanical properties of ZrB(2)-SiC nanocomposite, Scripta Materialia V63 N6 P581-584: SEP 2010 06 Zhang, YM; Hu, LY; Han, JC; Jiang, ZH; Zhou, M , Soluble starch scaffolds with uniaxial aligned channel structure for in situ synthesis of hierarchically porous silica ceramics, Microporous And Mesoporous Materials V130 N1-3 P327-332: MAY 2010 07 Liang, J; Wang, Y; Fang, GD; Han, JC, Research on thermal shock resistance of ZrB(2)-SiC-AlN ceramics using an indentation-quench method, Journal of Alloys And Compounds , V493 N1-2 P695-698: MAR 18 2010 08 Han, JC; Hu, LY; Zhang, YM; Jiang, ZH; Zhou, YF, In situ synthesis of hierarchically porous silica ceramics with unidirectionally aligned channel structure, Scripta Materialia V62 N6 P431-434: MAR 2010 09 Han, JC; Hong, CQ; Zhang, XH); Du, JC; Zhang, W, Highly porous ZrO(2) ceramics fabricated by a camphene-based freeze-casting route: Microstructure and properties, Journal of The European Ceramic Society V30 N1 P53-60: JAN 2010 10 Song, B; Han, JC; Jian, JK; Li, H; Wang, YC; Bao, HQ; Wang, WY; Zuo, HB; Zhang, XH; Meng, SH; Chen, XL, Experimental observation of defect-induced intrinsic ferromagnetism in III-V nitrides: The case of BN, Physical Review B V80 N15: OCT 2009 11 Han, JC; Hu, LY; Zhang, YM; Zhou, YF, Fabrication of Ceramics with Complex Porous Structures by the Impregnate-Freeze-Casting Process, Journal of The American Ceramic Society V92 N9 P2165-2167: SEP 2009 12 Sun, YB; Han, JC; Zhang, YM, Relative dielectric constant calculation model for three-phase porous composite materials, Computational Materials Science V45 N4 P1125-1128: JUN 2009 13 Zhang, XH; Li, XY; Han, JC; Han, WB; Hong, CQ, Effects of Y2O3 on microstructure and mechanical properties of ZrB2-SiC ceramics, Journal of Alloys And Compounds V465 N1-2 P 506-511: OCT 6 2008 14 Zhang, YM; Zhang, YL; Han, JC; Zhou, YF; Hu, LY; Yao, W; Qu, W ,The effect of annealing temperature on micro-structure and mechanical properties of C/SiC composites , Materials Science And Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure And Processing, V497 N1-2 P383-387: DEC 15 2008 15 Zhu, JQ; Han, JC; Han, X; Schlaberg, HI; Wang, JZ , sp(3)-rich deposition conditions and growth mechanism of tetrahedral amorphous carbon films deposited using filtered arc, Journal of Applied Physics V104 N1: JUL 1 2008 16 Zhang, XH; Hu, P; Han, JC; Meng, SH, Ablation behavior of ZrB2-SiC ultra high temperature ceramics under simulated atmospheric re-entry conditions, Composites Science and Technology, V68 N7-8 P1718-1726: JUN 2008 17 Han, JC; Hu, P; Zhang, XH ;Meng, SH; Han, WB , Oxidation-resistant ZrB2-SiC composites at 2200 degrees C, Composites Science and Technology, V68 N3-4 P:799-806 MAR 2008 18 Zhang, XB; Hu, P; Han, JC; Xu, L; Meng, SH, The addition of lanthanum hexaboride to zirconium diboride for improved oxidation resistance, Scripta Materialia, V57 N11 P1036-1039: DEC 2007 19 Tan, ML; Zhu, JQ; Han, JC; Gao, W; Niu, L; Lu, J, Chemical analysis and vibrational properties of boronated tetrahedral amorphous carbon films, Diamond And Related Materials v16 n9 p1739-1745: SEP 2007 20 Han, JC; Hong, CQ; Zhang, XH; Meng, SH, Microstructural characterization and ablation mechanism of TiB2/(Cu,Ni) melt-infiltrated ceramic composite, Composites Science and Technology v67 n11-12 p2231-2237: SEP 2007 21 Han, JC; Liu, AP; Zhu, JQ; Tan, ML; Wu, HP, Effect of phosphorus content on structural properties of phosphorus incorporated tetrahedral amorphous carbon films, Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing v88 n2 p341-345: AUG 2007 22 Han, JC, Thermal shock resistance of ceramic coatings, Acta Materialia, v55 n10 p3573-3581: JUN 2007 23 Wang, BL; Han, JC,Multiple surface cracking of elastic coatings subjected to dynamic load, Mechanics of Materials v39 n5 p445-457: MAY 2007 24 Han, JC; Gao, W; Zhu, JQ; Meng, SH; Zheng, WT, Density-functional theory study of the microstructure, electronic structure, and optical properties of amorphous carbon, Physical Review B v75 n15: APR 2007 25 Han, JC; Tan, ML; Zhu, JQ; Meng, SH; Wang, BS; Mu, SJ; Cao, DW , Photovoltaic characteristics of amorphous silicon solar cells using boron doped tetrahedral amorphous carbon films as p-type window materials, Applied Physics Letters v90 n8: FEB 19 2007 26 Wang, HB; Han, JC; Du, SY; Northwood, DO , Reaction synthesis of nickel/aluminide multilayer composites using Ni and Al foils: Microstructures, tensile properties, and deformation Behavior, Metallurgical And Materials Transactions A-Physical Metallurgy And Materials Science v38A n 2 p409-419: FEB 2007 27 Zhu, JQ; Han, JC; Han, X; Meng, SH; Liu, AP; He, XD, Optical properties of amorphous diamond films evaluated by non-destructive spectroscopic ellipsometry, Optical Materials v28 n5 p473-479: APR 2006 28 Han, JC; Wang, BL ,Crack spacing effect for a piezoelectric cylinder under electro-mechanical loading or transient heating, International Journal of Solids and Structures , v43 n7-8 p2126-2145: APR 2006 29 Han, JC; Bao-Lin, W , Thermal shock resistance enhancement of functionally graded materials by multiple cracking, Acta Materialia v54 n4 p963-973: FEB 2006 30 Han, JC; Hong, CQ; Zhang, XH; Wang, BL, Thermal shock resistance of TiB2-Cu interpenetrating phase composites, Composites Science And Technology v65 n11-12 p1711-1718: SEP 2005 31 Zhang, XH; Han, JC; He, XD; Yan, C; Wang, BL; Xu, Q, Ablation-resistance of combustion synthesized TiB2-Cu cermet ,Journal of The American Ceramic Society v88 n1 p89-94 : JAN 2005 32 Wang, BL; Noda, N; Han, JC; Du, SY, Surface thermal shock fracture of a semi-infinite piezoelectric medium (poling axis parallel to the crack plane), Mechanics of Materials v34 n3 p135-144: MAR 2002 33 Wang, HB; Han, JC; Du, SY, Effect of nitrogen pressure and oxygen-containing impurities on self-propagating high temperature synthesis of Si3N4, Journal of The European Ceramic Society v21 n3 p297-302: MAR 2001 34 Wang, BL; Han, JC; Du, SY, Electroelastic fracture dynamics for multilayered piezoelectric materials under dynamic anti-plane shearing, International Journal of Solids And Structures v37 n38 p5219-5231: SEP 2000 35 Han, JC; Zhang, XH; Wood, JV , In-situ combustion synthesis and densification of TiC-xNi cermets, Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure And Processing v280 n2 p328-333: MAR 31 2000 36 Wang, BL; Han, JC; Du, SY, Thermoelastic fracture mechanics for nonhomogeneous material subjected to unsteady thermal load, Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of The ASME v67 n1 p87-95: MAR 2000 37 HAN, JC; HE, XD; DU, SY, oxidation and ablation of 3d carbon-carbon composite at up to 3000-degrees-c, CARBON v33 n4 p473-478: 1995</small>== 参考资料 =={{Reflist}}== 外部链接 ==* [https://sichuan.scol.com.cn/ggxw/201512/54175675.html 巴中恩阳籍科学家当选中科院院士 15岁考上大学]* [http://www.casad.cas.cn/doc/16228.html 关于公布2015年中国科学院院士增选初步候选人名单的公告]