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! <p style="background: #0088A8; color: #FFFFFF; margin:auto; padding:5px 0; "> '''緣點白粉蝶''' </p>
|<center><img src="http://image.digitalarchives.tw/ImageCache/00/56/06/34.jpg" width="280"></center><small>[https://catalog.digitalarchives.tw/item/00/46/d3/2d.html 圖片來自典藏台灣]
'''緣點白粉蝶''' 學名:'''Pieris canidia''',英文名:{{lang|en|Indian Cabbage White}},中文又名:'''臺灣紋白蝶'''、'''多點菜粉蝶'''、'''東方菜粉蝶'''。<ref>[https://www.facebook.com/TaiwanbutterflyCS/posts/759676010854671/ 白粉蝶與緣點白粉蝶 ],台灣蝴蝶保育學會</ref>

== 簡介概述 ==
*-{zh-hans:在台灣名'''缘点白粉蝶''';zh-hant:在台灣又名'''緣點白粉蝶''';zh-tw:在台灣以外漢語使用地區又名'''東方菜粉蝶''';}-,是屬於[[粉蝶科]]的一種[[蝴蝶]],是[[粉蝶屬]]的一種。廣泛分佈於[[亞洲大陸]]之[[溫帶]]及[[亞熱帶]]低至中海拔山區。西至[[土耳其]],南至[[中南半島]],東達日本[[對馬島]]。模式產地為[[華南]]<ref>Linnaeus in Sparrman, 1768. Iter in Chinam quod praeside D. D. Car. v. Linné Amoenitates Acad. 7: [https://archive.org/stream/carolilinneamoen07linn#page/504/mode/1up 504]</ref>。
*[[幼蟲]]的[[寄主]]主要為[[十字花科]]植物,大多都是農作產物,所以此蝶也是一種常見的農業[[害蟲]]。<ref name = t2013>{{Cite book | author = 徐堉峰 | title = 臺灣蝴蝶圖鑑.上【弄蝶、鳳蝶、粉蝶】 | location = 台灣 | publisher = 晨星出版有限公司 | date = 2013年2月10日 | page = 305-306 | ISBN = 9789861776705 | language= zh-hant }}</ref>

== 分佈區域 ==
*[[台灣]]、[[朝鮮半島]]、[[越南]]、[[老撾]]、[[緬甸]]、[[柬埔寨]]、[[泰國]]、[[菲律賓]]、[[土耳其]]等。<ref name=c1994>Chou, 1994. Monografia Rhopalocerorum Sinensium 1: 258 {{zh-hans}}</ref>
{| class="wikitable" style="float:right; margin: 10px 0 10px 20px; text-align:left"
|<center><img src="https://kmweb.coa.gov.tw/files/butterfly_illustration/31/butterfly2014_031_97_m.jpg" width="280"></center><small>緣點白粉蝶 Pieris canidia<br>[https://kmweb.coa.gov.tw/theme_data.php?theme=butterfly_illustration&id=31 圖片來自農業知識入口網]</small>

== 外形特徵 ==
*蛹的胸背隆起較高,腹背兩側突起呈針狀。<ref name=t2014>{{Cite book | author = 呂至堅、陳建仁 | title = 蝴蝶生活史圖鑑 | location = 台灣 | publisher = 晨星出版有限公司 | date = 2014年3月23日 | ISBN = 9789861777849 | page = 161, 194-195 | language= zh-hant }}</ref>
*雌蝶的翅背面黑褐色斑紋遠比雄蝶鮮明,前翅翅基黑褐色紋也較雄蝶明顯。<ref name = t2013/><ref name=c1994/>日本チョウ類保全協會 [日本蝴蝶保護協會] (2012). フィールドガイド 日本のチョウ 日本産全種がフィールド寫真で検索可能 [野外指南 日本蝴蝶 所有來自日本的物種都可以使用現場照片進行搜索. 東京: 誠文堂新光社. p92. ]

== 棲息習性 ==
=== 幼重時期 ===
*寄主植物包括<ref name=t2013/><ref name=c1994/><ref name=t2014/>:
{| class="wikitable"
! colspan="2" | [[十字花目]]
| [[十字花科]] Brassicaceae || [[醉蝶花科]] Cleomaceae
* [[碎米薺屬]] ''Cardamine''
** [[彎曲碎米薺]] ''C. flexuosa''
** [[圓齒碎米薺]] ''C. scutata''
* [[獨行菜屬]] ''Lepidium''
** [[北美獨行菜]](小團扇薺) ''L. virginicum''
* [[蘿蔔屬]] ''Raphanus''
* [[蕓薹屬]] ''Brassica''
** [[芥藍|芥蘭]] ''B. oleracea var. alboglabra''
** [[大白菜]] ''B. rapa pekinensis''
* [[蔊菜屬]] ''Rorippa''
** [[蔊菜]] ''R. indica''
* [[白花菜屬]] ''Cleome''
** [[皺子白花菜]] ''C. rutidosperma''
** [[白花菜]] ''C. gynandra''
** [[醉蝶花]] ''C. spinosa''
| [[鐘萼木科]] Bretschneideraceae || [[山柑科]] Capparaceae
* 鐘萼木屬 Bretschneidera
** [[鐘萼木]](伯樂樹) ''B. sinensis''
* [[魚木屬]] ''Crateva''
** [[台灣魚木]] ''C. formosensis''
! [[龍膽目]] !! [[毛茛目]]
| [[夾竹桃科]] Apocynaceae || [[毛茛科]] Ranunculaceae
* [[黑板樹屬]] ''Alstonia''
** [[黑板樹]] ''A. scholaris''
** [[硬毛南芥]] ''A. hirsuta''
* [[金蓮花屬]] ''Trollius''
** [[金蓮花]] ''T. chinensis''

=== 成蟲時期 ===
*飛行緩慢,常在花叢上覓食,雄蝶會在濕地上[[吸水]]。<ref name = t2013/>

== 亞種 ==
* ''P. c. canidia''
:- 指名亞種,分佈於[[印度]]西北部、[[緬甸]]南部、[[華南]]、[[華西]]、[[香港]]、[[台灣]]等<ref>Godart, 1819; Encyclopédie Méthodique. Histoire naturelle Entomologie, ou histoire naturelle des crustacés, des arachnides et des insectes Encyclopédie Méthodique 9 (1): [https://archive.org/stream/encyclopdiem09metc#page/160/mode/1up 160]</ref><ref>[https://www.afcd.gov.hk/tc_chi/conservation/hkbiodiversity/database/popup_record.php?id=3666&lang=tc 東方菜粉蝶] - 香港生物多樣性數據庫 - 漁農自然護理署 {{zh-hk}}</ref>
* ''P. c. malayica'' <small>Martin, 1909</small>
:- 分佈於[[新加坡]]<ref>Martin, 1909; Eine paläarkt. Pieride unter dem Aequator Ent. Zs. 23 (36): [https://archive.org/stream/entomologischeze23190910inte#page/161/mode/1up 161]</ref>
* ''P. c. palaearctica'' <small>Staudinger, 1886</small>
:- 分佈於中亞[[突厥斯坦]]一帶<ref>Staudinger, 1886; Centralasiatische Lepidopteren Stett. Ent. Ztg. 47 (4-6):[https://archive.org/stream/entomologischeze471886ento#page/198/mode/1up 198]</ref>
* ''P. c. minima'' <small>Verity, 1908</small>
:- 分佈於[[西藏]]<ref>Verity, 1908; Rhopalocera Palaearctica Iconographie et Description des Papillons diurnes de la région paléarctique. Papilionidae et Pieridae Rhopalocera Palaearctica (15-16): 161, pl. 34, f. 44-45</ref>
* ''P. c. juba'' <small>Fruhstorfer, 1910</small>
:- 分佈於[[日本]]<ref>Fruhstorfer, 1910; in 2. Familie: Pieridae, Weisslinge in Seitz, Gross-Schmett. Erde 9: [https://archive.org/stream/diegrossschmette9176seit#page/140/mode/1up 140]</ref>
* ''P. c. canis'' <small>Evans, 1912</small>
:- 分佈於印度南部<ref>Evans, 1912; A list of Indian butterflies J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 21 (2):[https://archive.org/stream/journalofbombayn21121912bomb#page/559/mode/1up 559], (3):[https://archive.org/stream/journalofbombayn21351912bomb#page/976/mode/1up 976]</ref>
* ''P. c. mars'' <small>Bang-Haas, 1927</small>
:- 西北亞種,分佈於中國[[陜西]]、[[甘肅]]<ref name=c1994/><ref>Bang-Haas, 1927; Horae Macrolepidopterologicae Regionis Palaearcticae Horae Macrolep. Palaearct. 1: 40, pl. 5, f. 21</ref>
* ''P. c. sordida'' <small>(Butler, 1877)</small>
:- 海南亞種,分佈於中國[[海南]]<ref name=c1994/><ref>Butler, 1877; On Rhopalocera from Japan and Shanghai, with Descriptions of new Species Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (4) 19 (109): [https://archive.org/stream/annalsmagazineof4191877lond#page/96/mode/1up 96]</ref>
* ''P. c. indica'' <small>Evans, 1926</small>
:- 分佈於[[巴基斯坦]]及中國[[雲南]]<ref>Evans, 1926; Notes on Indian Butterflies J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 31 (3): [https://archive.org/stream/journalof313419261927bomb#page/712/mode/1up 712]</ref>

== 近似種 ==
* [[菜粉蝶]] ''Pieris rapae''
* [[飛龍粉蝶]] ''Talbotia naganum''
== 參見文獻 ==
{{Div col}}
: '''18世紀'''
* Cramer, [1777]; Uitl. Kapellen 2 (9-16): [https://archive.org/stream/deuitlandschekap02cram#page/115/mode/1up 115], pl. [https://archive.org/stream/CUbiodiversity1277042-9692#page/n352/mode/1up 171], f. E, F
: '''19世紀'''
* Staudinger, O. (1886): Centralasiatische Lepidopteren. Stettiner entomologische Zeitung 47. [http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/36002#page/198/mode/2up Link].
: '''20世紀'''
* Mell, 1943; Zool. Stuttgart 36 (100): 104
* Lewis, 1974. Butterflies of the World: pl. 161, f. 5
* Hill, D.S., Johnson, G., Bascombe, M.J. 1978. Annotated Checklist of Hong Kong Butterflies. Memoirs of the Hong Kong Natural History Society 11: 1-62.
* Tuzov, Bogdanov, Devyatkin, Kaabak, Korolev, Murzin, Samodurov, Tarasov, 1997. Guide to the Butterflies of Russia and adjacent territories: Hesperiidae, Papilionidae, Pieridae, Satyridae Butts. Russia adj. terr. 1, 167
* Bascombe, M.J., Johnston, G., Bascombe, F.S. 1999. The butterflies of Hong Kong. Academic Press.
* {{Cite book | author = 周尧 | title = 中国蝴蝶原色图鉴 | location = 中國 | publisher = 河南科学技术出版社 | date = 1999-10-01 | page = 258 | ISBN = 9787534923043 | language= zh-hant }}
: '''21世紀'''
* Tsikolovets, V. V. (2005): The Butterlies of Ladak (N.-W. India) 62 (P. canidia palaearctica)
* Korb & Bolshakov, 2011, [A catalogue of butterflies (Lepidoptera: Papilioformes) of the former USSR. Second edition, reformatted and updated] Eversmannia Suppl. 2 : 27
* Tadokoro Teruo & Wang Min (2014): Taxonomic review of the genus Sinopieris Huang, 1995 (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) - Butterflies (Teinopalpus) 67: 25-29
* Leley, 2016. Annotated catalogue of the insects of Russian Far East. Volume II. Lepidoptera Cat. ins. Russian Far East. 2: 27
{{Div col end}}

== 外部連結 ==
* [https://www.afcd.gov.hk/tc_chi/conservation/hkbiodiversity/database/popup_record.php?id=3666&lang=tc 東方菜粉蝶] - 香港生物多樣性數據庫 - 漁農自然護理署 {{zh-hk}}

* [https://web.archive.org/web/20190113232219/http://www.ifoundbutterflies.org/#!/sp/876/Pieris-canidia ''Pieris canidia''] - Butterflies of India {{en}}
* [http://www.boldsystems.org/index.php/Taxbrowser_Taxonpage?searchMenu=taxonomy&query=Pieris+canidia&taxon=Pieris+canidia ''Pieris canidia''] - Taxonomy Browser | BOLDSYSTEMS {{en}}
* [http://www.lepiforum.de/lepiwiki.pl?Pieris_Canidia ''Pieris canidia''] - Lepiforum
* [http://www.euroleps.ch/seiten/s_art.php?art=pier_canidia&modus ''Pieris canidia''] - euroleps.ch
* [http://www.catalogueoflife.org/col/details/species/id/ecd22965b2e9f4c138398cb479682250 ''Pieris canidia''] - Catalogue of Life {{en}}
* [https://www.nic.funet.fi/pub/sci/bio/life/insecta/lepidoptera/ditrysia/papilionoidea/pieridae/pierinae/pieris/#canidia ''Pieris canidia''] - funet.fi {{en}}

== 參考文獻 ==
[[Category:380 動物學總論]]
[[Category:387 節肢動物門;緩步動物門;舌形動物門]]