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| [[File:疣苞滨藜1.jpg|缩略图|居中|250px|[http://2019img.cvh.ac.cn/imgcvh/l/HNWP/137169.jpg 原图链接] [http://2019.cvh.ac.cn/spm/HNWP/137169 来自植物标本馆]]]
科: [[ 藜科]]
亚 科:环胚亚科
族: [[ 滨藜族]]
属: [[ 滨藜属]]
'''疣苞滨藜'''(学名:'''Atriplex verrucifera Bieb'''.)是[[藜科]]、[[滨藜属]]半灌木, 分布于中国[[新疆]]北部。 ==生态特征==  高可达50厘米。木质茎低矮,分枝圆柱形,茎皮淡黄色至灰褐色;叶对生,仅花序下的数叶互生;叶片菱状卵形、椭圆形至倒卵状披针形,通常近直立,两面有密粉,先端钝或急尖,基部渐狭,具短柄,全缘。   花集成顶生有间断的穗状圆锥花序;雄花花被有裂片,不育子房柱状;雌花的苞片果时近球形,肉质,边缘几完全合生,胞果黄棕色至棕色,果皮与种皮贴生。   种子直立,扁圆形,6-8月开花,8-9月结果 分布于中国新疆北部。欧洲、伊朗、俄罗斯西西伯利亚及蒙古的西部也有分布 。生于盐碱荒地、沙丘间、路旁、田边等处 疣苞滨藜可作牧草,各类牲畜均喜采食其叶及嫩枝
(概述图参考来源:植物标本馆 )
<ref>[http://www.iplant.cn/info/%F0%E0%B0%FA%B1%F5%DE%BC 疣苞滨藜], 植物智, 2020-01-18</ref>
[[File:疣苞滨藜2.jpg|缩略图|左|250px|[http://2019img.cvh.ac.cn/imgcvh/l/IBSC/0194038.jpg 原图链接] [http://2019.cvh.ac.cn/spm/IBSC/0194038 来自植物标本馆]]]
Atriplex verrucifera Bieb. Fl. Taur. -Cauc. 2: 441. 1808; Ledeb. Ic. Pl. Fl. Ross. 2: 15. t. 144. 1830; Boiss. Fl. Orient. 4: 913. 1879; Bunge in Act. Fort. Petrop. 6 (2): 413. 1880; Iljin in Fl. URSS 6; 104. 1936.——Obione verrucifera Moq. Chenop. Monogr, Enum. 76. 1840.——Atriplex glauca Pall. It. 1: 494. 1771. ——Halimione verrucifera (Bieb.) Aellen in Verh. Naturf. Ges. Basel 49: 129. 1938.
==疣苞滨藜形态特征==Subshrubs, 20-50 cm tall. Stems dwarf, woody; branches terete, bark light yellow to gray-brown; annual branches erect or decurrent, ribbed, slightly striate, densely furfuraceous, usually unbranched, or with axillary branchlets shorter than leaves. Leaves opposite (except several leaves beneath inflorescence alternate), shortly petiolate; leaf blade usually suberect, yellow-greenish to silver-gray, rhombic-ovate, or elliptic to obovate-lanceolate, 3-5 × 0.8-2.5 cm, densely furfuraceous on both surfaces, base attenuate, margin entire, apex obtuse or acute. Inflorescences terminal, interrupted panicles. Male flowers: perianth segments 5; stamens 5; ovary rudimentary, cylindric. Fruiting bracts shortly pedicellate, connate almost to apex, subglobose, 2-3 mm in diam., fleshy, both sides with tuberculate appendages. Utricle yellow-brown to brown; pericarp adnate to seed. Seed vertical, compressed, orbicular, 1.5-2 mm in diam. Fl. Jun-Aug, fr. Aug-Sep.
分布于中国 [[ 新疆 ]] 北部。 [[ 欧洲 ]] [[ 伊朗 ]] [[ 俄罗斯 ]][[ 西西伯利亚 ]] [[ 蒙古 ]] 的西部也有分布。生于盐碱荒地、沙丘间、路旁、田边等处。