

前往: 導覽搜尋

菱格世代Dancing Diamond 52

增加 7,846 位元組, 4 年前
== 出演成員==
以下为出演成员,依成員風格走向分為四組:風暴黑桃(Hurricane)、烈焰之心(Blaze Love)、雪鑽石 (White Diamond)及粉紅梅花 (Pink Fun)。
{| class="wikitable sortable collapsible" style="Font-size:small; text-align:center"
!colspan="12" |出演成员列表
! 本名
! 出生地
! 出生日期
! 身高<br />(公分)
!体重<br />(公斤)
! 分組
! 相關團體、節目
| 連穎
|{{Birth date and age|1999|4|27}}
| 葵妮
|{{Birth date and age|1998|5|29}}
| 尤心妤
| 巴倫月
| 裴頡
|{{Birth date and age|1997|3|13}}
|{{Birth date and age|2000|6|20}}
| [[A'N'D]] <br />[[纪欣伶]]的姐姐
|KC 施凱玲
|{{Birth date and age|1997|6|13}}
|{{Birth date and age|1998|3|24}}
|{{Birth date and age|1995|3|18}}
|{{Birth date and age|1999|4|8}}
|{{Birth date and age|1995|1|16}}
|{{Birth date and age|2000|4|14}}
|{{Birth date and age|2001|4|19}}
|{{Birth date and age|1998|2|22}}
|{{Birth date and age|2001|1|30}}
|{{Birth date and age|1997|4|15}}
|{{Birth date and age|1996|11|6}}
|{{Birth date and age|1996|8|28}}
| 張珉
|{{Birth date and age|1998|12|15}}
| 黑黑
|{{Birth date and age|2001|12|24}}
|{{Birth date and age|2000|03|28}}
|{{Birth date and age|2001|3|9}}
| 陳玉婷
|{{Birth date and age|2001|11|2}}
|{{Birth date and age|1994|10|12}}
| 烈焰之心
|前[[Uni Girls]]成員<br />[[L.C.G.勵齊女孩]]<br />[[Go Beauties小龍女]]
|{{Birth date and age|1997|5|15}}
|{{Birth date and age|2000|3|24}}
|{{Birth date and age|1997|6|4}}
|[[這些年那些事]]<br />[[超強17練習生]]
|{{Birth date and age|1999|8|8}}
| |{{Birth date and age|1999|6|24}}
|{{Birth date and age|1999|11|3}}
|{{Birth date and age|1995|6|24}}
|{{Birth date and age|2000|10|28}}
|{{Birth date and age|1999|4|12}}
| |{{Birth date and age|1999|11|6}}
|小薇 徐葳絜
|Alie 李品臻
|Tina 張庭華️️️
|{{Birth date and age|2002|3|31}}
| [[L.C.G.勵齊女孩]]
|{{Birth date and age|2001|10|6}}
|[[纪欣妤]]的妹妹<br />[[初戀誌]]
| 林易沄
|{{Birth date and age|2000|11|21}}
|[[AKB48 Team TP]]成員
| 曾苡晴
|{{Birth date and age|1998|12|15}}
|{{Birth date and age|2002|5|5}}
|{{Birth date and age|1996|7|25}}
|超級新人王+<br />學生天團瘋音樂<br />[[想見你_(電視劇)|想見你]]配角
|李亞玹 Irene
| {{Birth date and age|2002|3|12}}
|{{Birth date and age|1997|10|27}}
|{{Birth date and age|1998|11|21}}
|{{Birth date and age|1999|12|26}}
|{{Birth date and age|1995|11|2}}
|{{Birth date and age|1997|2|17}}
|2017年台灣小姐冠軍<br />2019 世界美顏小姐第四名
|Taco 李芸蓁
|{{Birth date and age|1995|9|24}}
|{{Birth date and age|1999|6|24}}
|{{Birth date and age|2002|2|9}}
|{{Birth date and age|2000|1|13}}
|Shining 王如茵
|{{Birth date and age|1999|12|23}}
|{{Birth date and age|2002|7|9}}
|中學頭條<br />[[聲林之王]]
|{{Birth date and age|2000|8|17}}
| 小山美玲
|{{Birth date and age|2002|6|28}}
|[[AKB48 Team TP]]成員
| 柏靈
|{{Birth date and age|1999|09|13}}
|[[AKB48 Team TP]]成員
| 劉曉晴
|{{Birth date and age|2000|8|2}}
|[[AKB48 Team TP]]成員<br>Unit Sakura隊長
|{{Birth date and age|2002|10|11}}
|{{Birth date and age|2001|8|16}}
|中學頭條<br />[[聲林之王2]]<br />客串ETToday[[同居世代]]
|{{Birth date and age|1999|05|19}}
|{{Birth date and age|2000|11|12}}
|{{Birth date and age|2002|8|16}}
|{{Birth date and age|2001|4|11}}
|{{Birth date and age|2002|6|3}}
|{{Birth date and age|1999|12|24}}
|{{Birth date and age|2001|8|21}}
|{{Birth date and age|1999|10|27}}
|{{Birth date and age|1999|11|7}}
|{{Birth date and age|2001|5|15}}
|{{Birth date and age|2002|12|5}}
| {{Birth date and age|2001|2|24}}
|{{Birth date and age|2002|1|5}}
|{{Birth date and age|1997|05|19}}
| [[AKB48 Team TP]]成員
|{{Birth date and age|2004|03|15}}