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1、明·无名氏《 [[ 龙图公案 ]] · [[ 借衣 ]] 》:“先后是伊妻子,何故寅年要吃卯年粮;终久是伊家室,不合今日先讨明日饭。”
2、清· [[ 李宝嘉 ]] [[ 官场现形记 ]] 》第十五回:“我们只吃一分口粮,哪里会有多少钱?就是我们总爷也是寅吃卯粮,先缺后空。”<ref>[https://www.cidianwang.com/lishi/diangu/0/49230aw.htm 寅吃卯粮介绍_历史典故_词典网]寅吃卯粮历史词典解释: 比喻入不敷出,预先支借。《官场现形记》第十五回: “我们只吃一份口粮,哪里会有多少钱?就是我们总爷,也是寅吃卯粮,先缺后空。” ...</ref>
近义词: [[ 寅支卯粮 ]] [[ 入不敷出 ]] [[ 子吃卯粮 ]] [[ 杀鸡取卵 ]] [[ 捉襟见肘 ]] [[ 等米下锅]]
反义词: [[ 丰衣足食 ]] [[ 绰绰有余 ]] [[ 年年有余]]<ref>[https://www.cidianwang.com/cy/y/yinchimaoliang4910.htm 寅吃卯粮的出处及用法 - 成语词典 - 词典网]清·李宝嘉《官场现形记》第十五回:“就是我们总爷也是寅吃卯粮,先缺后空。...关注词典网微信公众号:词典网,回复:寅吃卯粮成语 查询。 相关成语...</ref> 成语谜语:老虎食百草
[[ 兔子 ]] [[ 老虎 ]] (打一成语)----------寅吃卯粮
寅的解释 寅 í 地支的第三位,属虎:寅吃卯粮(喻[[入不敷出]])。 用于计时:寅时(夜三点至五点)。 敬:[[寅钱]](恭敬地送)。[[寅畏]](敬畏)。
粮的解释 粮 (糧) á 可吃的谷类、豆类等:粮食。[[粮仓]]。粮荒。[[弹尽粮绝]]。 作为[[农业税]]的粮食:公粮。钱粮。
[[File:寅吃卯粮2.jpg|缩略图|左|[https://bkimg.cdn.bcebos.com/pic/2cf5e0fe9925bc3115a4777150df8db1ca137059?x-bce-process=image/resize,m_lfit,w_268,limit_1/format,f_jpg 原图链接]寅吃卯粮]]
虽然 [[ 信用卡 ]] 正成为 [[ 金融业 ]] 越来越接受的付款方式,但许多人仍然 [[ 心存疑虑 ]] ,把信用卡看成是“寅吃卯粮”生活方式的主要表现。
Although credit cards are becoming a more acceptable part of the financial scene, they are still regarded with suspicion bymany as being a major part of the "live now, pay later" syndrome.
[[ 普京 ]] 本周一谴责 [[ 美国 ]] 寅吃卯粮,是全球经济的“寄生虫”,并称美元的主导地位对。
Russian prime minister Vladimir Putin accused the United States monday of living beyond its means "like a parasite" on theglobal economy and said dollar dominance was a threat to the financial markets.
尽管信用卡已经成为金融业越来越“受宠”的支付方式,但许多人依旧心存疑虑,把它看成是“寅吃卯粮”生活方式的主要表现。Although credit cards are becoming a more acceptable part of the financial scene, they are still regarded with suspicion bymany as being a major part of "live now, pay later" syndrome. 中国老百姓,以及 [[ 亚洲 ]] 其它地区的 [[ 老百姓 ]] 一直过着 [[ 量入为出 ]] 的节俭生活,让美欧人得以寅吃卯粮大肆挥霍。
People in china, and elsewhere in Asia, have lived beneath their means to enable people in the us and europe to livebeyond theirs.
“西方过去几十年寅吃卯粮,因而已经透支了自己的部分未来,” [[ 哥伦比亚大学 ]] 教授 [[ 埃德蒙费尔普斯 ]] 说。
"Over the past few years living beyond the west, which has its own part of the overdraft future," Columbia University's professor Edmund Phelps said.
实际上,如果 [[ 泰国 ]] 人和 [[ 印尼 ]] 人不是来自天生礼貌的社会,他们会这样跟美国和 [[ 欧洲 ]] 说:“现在到了你们吞下你曾开给我们的苦药的时候了:别再寅吃卯粮了。”
Indeed, if the thais and Indonesians did not come from inherently polite societies, they would say to the US and Europe:"the time has come for you to administer the same bitter medicine you prescribed to us: stop living beyond your means."