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增加 3,850 位元組, 6 年前
创建页面,内容为“{{Link style|time=2015-12-11T02:12:32+00:00}} {{blpsource|time=2010-12-31T08:41:27+00:00}} {{Infobox writer <!--For more information, see :Template:Infobox Writer…”
{{Link style|time=2015-12-11T02:12:32+00:00}}
{{Infobox writer <!--For more information, see [[:Template:Infobox Writer/doc]].-->
| name = 佩里·安德森<br>Perry Anderson
| honorific_prefix =
| honorific_suffix =
| image = Perry Anderson at Fronteiras do Pensamento Porto Alegre.jpg
| image_size = 260px
| alt =
| caption = 2012年的佩里·安德森
| native_name =
| native_name_lang =
| pseudonym = Richard Merton
| birth_name = Francis Rory Peregrine Anderson
| birth_date = {{birth date and age|1938|9|11}}
| birth_place = {{UK}}[[伦敦]]
| death_date = <!-- {{death date and age|YYYY|MM|DD|YYYY|MM|DD}} -->
| death_place =
| resting_place =
| occupation = 英国历史学家和政治散文家
| language =
| nationality = {{UK}}
| ethnicity =
| citizenship =
| education =
| alma_mater = [[牛津大学伍斯特学院]]
| period =
| genre = <!-- or: | genres = -->
| subject = <!-- or: | subjects = -->
| movement = 1956年后[[西方马克思主义]][[新左翼]]
| notableworks = <!-- or: | notablework = -->
| spouse = <!-- or: | spouses = -->
| partner = <!-- or: | partners = -->
| children =
| relatives = James Carew O'Gorman Anderson (父亲)<br />Veronica Beatrice Mary Anderson (母亲)<br />[[本尼迪克特·安德森]] (兄长)
| awards =
| signature =
| signature_alt =
| years_active =
| module =
| website =
| portaldisp = <!-- "on", "yes", "true", etc; or omit -->
[[File:Perry Anderson.jpg|thumbnail|right]]
'''佩里·安德森'''({{lang-en|Perry Anderson}},{{bd|1938年|9月11日||}})<ref name="The Peerage">http://www.thepeerage.com/p26186.htm#c261853.1</ref>是一位英国[[马克思主义]][[历史学家]],[[新左派]]理论家和政论家。




*[http://www.thenation.com/authors/perry-anderson Archive of Perry Anderson's articles for ''The Nation'']
*[http://newleftreview.org/authors/perry-anderson Archive of Perry Anderson's articles for ''The New Left Review'']
*[http://www.newstatesman.com/node/134374 The New Statesman Profile – Perry Anderson]
*{{YouTube|jjTKsRfVM9Q|Television interview on "Conversations with History," 2001}}
*[http://www.lrb.co.uk/v34/n13/perry-anderson/gandhi-centre-stage "Gandhi Centre Stage" from the London Review of Books, 2012-07-05]

{{Authority control}}

{{DEFAULTSORT:Anderson, Perry}}