创建页面,内容为“{{Infobox television | show_name = 血玫瑰 | original_name = {{lang|en|Red Widow}} | image = 250px | c…”
{{Infobox television
| show_name = 血玫瑰
| original_name = {{lang|en|Red Widow}}
| image = [[File:Red Widow logo.jpg|250px]]
| caption =
| show_name_2 =
| genre = 剧情<br>[[惊悚 (类型)|惊悚]]
| creator = [[Melissa Rosenberg]]
| writer =
| director =
| creat_director =
| developer =
| presenter =
| starring = [[Radha Mitchell]]<br>[[Goran Visnjic]]<br>[[Clifton Collins Jr.]]<br/>[[Luke Goss]]<br>[[Jaime Ray Newman]]<br>[[Rade Šerbedžija]]<br>[[Lee Tergesen]]<br>Erin Moriarty<br>[[Sterling Beaumon]]<br>Jakob Salvati<br>[[Suleka Mathew]]<br>[[Wil Traval]]
| voices =
| narrated =
| theme_music_composer =
| opentheme =
| endtheme =
| composer =
| country = 美国
| language = 英语
| num_seasons = 1
| num_episodes = 8
| list_episodes = #系列总览
| executive_producer = Melissa Rosenberg<br>Jeremy Gold<br>Alon Aranya<br>[[Howard Klein (television producer)|Howard Klein]]
| co_exec =
| producer =
| sup_producer =
| asst_producer =
| cons_producer =
| co-producer =
| editor =
| story_editor =
| location =
| cinematography =
| camera =
| company = [[ABC Studios]]<br>[[Endemol]]<br>Tall Girls Productions
| runtime =
| channel = [[美国广播公司]]
| picture_format =
| audio_format =
| first_run =
| first_aired = {{Start date|2013|3|3}}
| last_aired = {{End date|2013|5|5}}
| preceded_by =
| followed_by =
| related =
| website = http://www.abc.com/shows/red-widow
| website_title = Official website
| production_website =
| 台湾名称 = 红寡妇
| 港澳名称 = 红寡妇
《'''血玫瑰'''》({{lang-en|Red Widow}},又译:'''红寡妇''')一部[[美国]][[电视剧]]。
该剧改编自[[荷兰]]剧集《[[Penoza]]》,故事描述犯罪头目Franklin(Anson Mount)被人杀死之后,其遗孀Marta(Radha Mitchell)为保护家人不受伤害被迫接替丈夫在犯罪集团中的职位。
2013年3月3日起在[[美国广播公司]]周日晚10ET/PT播出<ref>{{cite web |url=http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/2012/12/04/abc-announces-midseason-premiere-dates-for-body-of-proof-dancing-with-the-stars-new-series-red-widow-family-tools-the-taste-celebrity-diving-more/160341 |title=ABC Announces Midseason Premiere Dates for 'Body of Proof', 'Dancing With the Stars' + New Series 'Red Widow', 'Family Tools', 'The Taste' & More |last=Kondology |first=Amanda |publisher=[[TV by the Numbers]] |date=2012-12-04 |accessdate=2012-12-07}}</ref>。
2013年5月10日,在播出一季后被取消<ref>{{cite web|url=http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/2013/05/10/body-of-proof-canceled/182145|title='Body of Proof' & 'Red Widow' Canceled by ABC|last=Kondolojy|first=Amanda|work=TV by the Numbers|date=2013-05-10|accessdate=2013-05-11}}</ref>。
Marta Walraven,北加州一个普通的郊区主妇。她有一个爱她的丈夫,一栋可以俯瞰整个[[索萨里托]](Sausalito)和[[金门大桥]]的漂亮房子,还有三个听话乖巧的孩子。在外人看来,这一家人的生活是如此美好……
Lee Tergesen扮演Steven,在荷兰原版剧集中是一个替[[毒贩]]跑腿的[[马仔]]。Luke Goss扮演Marta的父亲的[[保镖]],奉命照看Marta和她的孩子。Rade Serbedzjia扮演守旧派[[俄罗斯]]黑帮成员Andrei Lazarev,在帮派内部颇有威望。
Suleka Mathew扮演Marta最好的朋友Dina。Jaime Ray Newman扮演Marta的妹妹Kat。Erin Moriarty扮演Marta的女儿,Sterling Beaumon和Jacob Salvati扮演Marta的儿子。
Marta Walraven([[拉妲·米契尔]]饰)
Marta Walraven,北加州一个普通的郊区主妇。
gabriel Walraven,译名:加布里埃尔 沃兰文([[斯特灵·比尤芒]]饰)
Natalie Walraven([[艾琳·莫里亚蒂]]饰)
Boris Walraven(Jacob Salvati饰)
== 系列总览 ==
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;"
! style="padding: 0 8px;" colspan="2" rowspan="2"| 季度
! style="padding: 0 8px;" rowspan="2"| 集数
! colspan="2"| 播出日期
! colspan="3"| [[DVD]]发行日期
! style="padding: 0 8px;"| 该季度第一集
! style="padding: 0 8px;"| 该季度大结局
! [[区域1]]
! [[区域2]]
! [[区域4]]
|style="background:#740a0a; color:#FFFFFF;"|
|style="padding: 0 8px;"| {{start date|2013|3|3}}
|style="padding: 0 8px;"| {{end date|2013|4|14}}
|style="padding: 0 8px;"|
|style="padding: 0 8px;"|
|style="padding: 0 8px;"|
=== 集数 ===
{| class="wikitable plainrowheaders" style="width: 100%; margin-right: 0;"
|- style="color:white"
! style="background:#740a0a;"| 集数
! style="background:#740a0a;"| 标题
! style="background:#740a0a;"| 导演
! style="background:#740a0a;"| 编剧
! style="background:#740a0a;"| 首播日期
! style="background:#740a0a;"| 美国收视人数<br />(百万)
{{Episode list
|EpisodeNumber = 1
|Title = Pilot
|DirectedBy = [[Mark Pellington]]
|WrittenBy = [[Melissa Rosenberg]]
|OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|3|3}}
|Viewers = 7.13<ref name="pilot">{{cite web|url=http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/2013/03/05/sunday-final-ratings-once-upon-a-time-the-amazing-race-celebrity-apprentice-red-widow-the-cleveland-show-americas-funniest-home-videos-adjusted-up-60-minutes-t/171785|title=Sunday Final Ratings: 'Once Upon a Time', 'The Amazing Race', 'Celebrity Apprentice', 'Red Widow', 'The Cleveland Show', 'America's Funniest Home Videos' Adjusted Up; '60 Minutes', 'The Simpsons' Adjusted Down|last=Bibel|first=Sara|work=TV by the Numbers|date=2013-03-05|accessdate=2013-03-05|deadurl=yes|archiveurl=https://www.webcitation.org/6F6fXfgET?url=http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/2013/03/05/sunday-final-ratings-once-upon-a-time-the-amazing-race-celebrity-apprentince-red-widow-the-cleveland-show-americas-funniest-home-videos-adjusted-up-60-minutes-t/171785/|archivedate=2013年3月14日}}</ref>
|ShortSummary =
|LineColor = 740a0a
{{Episode list
|EpisodeNumber = 2
|Title = The Contact
|DirectedBy = [[Dan Sackheim]]
|WrittenBy = Melissa Rosenberg
|OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|3|3}}
|Viewers = 7.13<ref name="pilot"/>
|ShortSummary =
|LineColor = 740a0a
{{Episode list
|EpisodeNumber = 3
|Title = The Consignment
|DirectedBy = [[Terry McDonough]]
|WrittenBy = [[Elizabeth Benjamin]]
|OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|3|10}}
|Viewers = 5.31<ref>{{cite web|url=http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/2013/03/12/sunday-final-ratings-once-upon-a-time-family-guy-celebrity-apprentice-red-widow-adjusted-down/173020|title=Sunday Final Ratings: 'Once Upon a Time', 'Family Guy', 'Celebrity Apprentice' & 'The Mentalist' Adjusted Up; 'Red Widow' Adjusted Down|last=Kondolojy|first=Amanda|work=TV by the Numbers|date=2013-03-12|accessdate=2013-03-12}}</ref>
|ShortSummary =
|LineColor = 740a0a
{{Episode list
|EpisodeNumber = 4
|Title = The Escape
|DirectedBy = [[Billy Gierhart]]
|WrittenBy = Jameal Turner
|OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|3|17}}
|Viewers =
|ShortSummary = <!-- DO NOT copy and paste summaries from other sites. Even if referenced that is a COPYRIGHT VIOLATION and will be REMOVED. Please save responsible editors the time by adding summaries IN YOUR OWN WORDS. -->
|LineColor = 740a0a
{{Episode list
|EpisodeNumber = 5
|Title = The Recorder
|RTitle = <ref>{{Cite web|url=http://affiliate.zap2it.com/tv/red-widow-the-recorder/EP015683520006?aid=tvbythenumbers|title=Red Widow: ''The Recorder''|work=Zap2It|accessdate=2013-03-03|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20160307063031/http://affiliate.zap2it.com/tv/red-widow-the-recorder/EP015683520006?aid=tvbythenumbers|archive-date=2016-03-07|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
|DirectedBy = Romeo Tirone
|WrittenBy = Dana Baratta
|OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|3|24}}
|Viewers =
|ShortSummary = <!-- DO NOT copy and paste summaries from other sites. Even if referenced that is a COPYRIGHT VIOLATION and will be REMOVED. Please save responsible editors the time by adding summaries IN YOUR OWN WORDS. -->
|LineColor = 740a0a
{{Episode list
|EpisodeNumber = 6
|Title = The Captive
|RTitle = <ref>{{Cite web|url=http://www.thefutoncritic.com/listings/20130311abc17/|title=(#106) "The Captive"|work=The Futon Critic|accessdate=2013-03-12}}</ref>
|DirectedBy = [[Rosemary Rodriguez]]
|WrittenBy = Ryan Farley
|OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|3|31}}
|Viewers =
|ShortSummary = <!-- DO NOT copy and paste summaries from other sites. Even if referenced that is a COPYRIGHT VIOLATION and will be REMOVED. Please save responsible editors the time by adding summaries IN YOUR OWN WORDS. -->
|LineColor = 740a0a
== 参考文献 ==
=== 外部链接 ===
* {{Official website|http://www.abc.com/shows/red-widow}}
* {{IMDb title|2215399|Red Widow}}
* {{tv.com show|red-widow|Red Widow}}
{{ABCNetwork Shows (current and upcoming)}}
[[Category:980 戏剧总论]]
| show_name = 血玫瑰
| original_name = {{lang|en|Red Widow}}
| image = [[File:Red Widow logo.jpg|250px]]
| caption =
| show_name_2 =
| genre = 剧情<br>[[惊悚 (类型)|惊悚]]
| creator = [[Melissa Rosenberg]]
| writer =
| director =
| creat_director =
| developer =
| presenter =
| starring = [[Radha Mitchell]]<br>[[Goran Visnjic]]<br>[[Clifton Collins Jr.]]<br/>[[Luke Goss]]<br>[[Jaime Ray Newman]]<br>[[Rade Šerbedžija]]<br>[[Lee Tergesen]]<br>Erin Moriarty<br>[[Sterling Beaumon]]<br>Jakob Salvati<br>[[Suleka Mathew]]<br>[[Wil Traval]]
| voices =
| narrated =
| theme_music_composer =
| opentheme =
| endtheme =
| composer =
| country = 美国
| language = 英语
| num_seasons = 1
| num_episodes = 8
| list_episodes = #系列总览
| executive_producer = Melissa Rosenberg<br>Jeremy Gold<br>Alon Aranya<br>[[Howard Klein (television producer)|Howard Klein]]
| co_exec =
| producer =
| sup_producer =
| asst_producer =
| cons_producer =
| co-producer =
| editor =
| story_editor =
| location =
| cinematography =
| camera =
| company = [[ABC Studios]]<br>[[Endemol]]<br>Tall Girls Productions
| runtime =
| channel = [[美国广播公司]]
| picture_format =
| audio_format =
| first_run =
| first_aired = {{Start date|2013|3|3}}
| last_aired = {{End date|2013|5|5}}
| preceded_by =
| followed_by =
| related =
| website = http://www.abc.com/shows/red-widow
| website_title = Official website
| production_website =
| 台湾名称 = 红寡妇
| 港澳名称 = 红寡妇
《'''血玫瑰'''》({{lang-en|Red Widow}},又译:'''红寡妇''')一部[[美国]][[电视剧]]。
该剧改编自[[荷兰]]剧集《[[Penoza]]》,故事描述犯罪头目Franklin(Anson Mount)被人杀死之后,其遗孀Marta(Radha Mitchell)为保护家人不受伤害被迫接替丈夫在犯罪集团中的职位。
2013年3月3日起在[[美国广播公司]]周日晚10ET/PT播出<ref>{{cite web |url=http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/2012/12/04/abc-announces-midseason-premiere-dates-for-body-of-proof-dancing-with-the-stars-new-series-red-widow-family-tools-the-taste-celebrity-diving-more/160341 |title=ABC Announces Midseason Premiere Dates for 'Body of Proof', 'Dancing With the Stars' + New Series 'Red Widow', 'Family Tools', 'The Taste' & More |last=Kondology |first=Amanda |publisher=[[TV by the Numbers]] |date=2012-12-04 |accessdate=2012-12-07}}</ref>。
2013年5月10日,在播出一季后被取消<ref>{{cite web|url=http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/2013/05/10/body-of-proof-canceled/182145|title='Body of Proof' & 'Red Widow' Canceled by ABC|last=Kondolojy|first=Amanda|work=TV by the Numbers|date=2013-05-10|accessdate=2013-05-11}}</ref>。
Marta Walraven,北加州一个普通的郊区主妇。她有一个爱她的丈夫,一栋可以俯瞰整个[[索萨里托]](Sausalito)和[[金门大桥]]的漂亮房子,还有三个听话乖巧的孩子。在外人看来,这一家人的生活是如此美好……
Lee Tergesen扮演Steven,在荷兰原版剧集中是一个替[[毒贩]]跑腿的[[马仔]]。Luke Goss扮演Marta的父亲的[[保镖]],奉命照看Marta和她的孩子。Rade Serbedzjia扮演守旧派[[俄罗斯]]黑帮成员Andrei Lazarev,在帮派内部颇有威望。
Suleka Mathew扮演Marta最好的朋友Dina。Jaime Ray Newman扮演Marta的妹妹Kat。Erin Moriarty扮演Marta的女儿,Sterling Beaumon和Jacob Salvati扮演Marta的儿子。
Marta Walraven([[拉妲·米契尔]]饰)
Marta Walraven,北加州一个普通的郊区主妇。
gabriel Walraven,译名:加布里埃尔 沃兰文([[斯特灵·比尤芒]]饰)
Natalie Walraven([[艾琳·莫里亚蒂]]饰)
Boris Walraven(Jacob Salvati饰)
== 系列总览 ==
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;"
! style="padding: 0 8px;" colspan="2" rowspan="2"| 季度
! style="padding: 0 8px;" rowspan="2"| 集数
! colspan="2"| 播出日期
! colspan="3"| [[DVD]]发行日期
! style="padding: 0 8px;"| 该季度第一集
! style="padding: 0 8px;"| 该季度大结局
! [[区域1]]
! [[区域2]]
! [[区域4]]
|style="background:#740a0a; color:#FFFFFF;"|
|style="padding: 0 8px;"| {{start date|2013|3|3}}
|style="padding: 0 8px;"| {{end date|2013|4|14}}
|style="padding: 0 8px;"|
|style="padding: 0 8px;"|
|style="padding: 0 8px;"|
=== 集数 ===
{| class="wikitable plainrowheaders" style="width: 100%; margin-right: 0;"
|- style="color:white"
! style="background:#740a0a;"| 集数
! style="background:#740a0a;"| 标题
! style="background:#740a0a;"| 导演
! style="background:#740a0a;"| 编剧
! style="background:#740a0a;"| 首播日期
! style="background:#740a0a;"| 美国收视人数<br />(百万)
{{Episode list
|EpisodeNumber = 1
|Title = Pilot
|DirectedBy = [[Mark Pellington]]
|WrittenBy = [[Melissa Rosenberg]]
|OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|3|3}}
|Viewers = 7.13<ref name="pilot">{{cite web|url=http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/2013/03/05/sunday-final-ratings-once-upon-a-time-the-amazing-race-celebrity-apprentice-red-widow-the-cleveland-show-americas-funniest-home-videos-adjusted-up-60-minutes-t/171785|title=Sunday Final Ratings: 'Once Upon a Time', 'The Amazing Race', 'Celebrity Apprentice', 'Red Widow', 'The Cleveland Show', 'America's Funniest Home Videos' Adjusted Up; '60 Minutes', 'The Simpsons' Adjusted Down|last=Bibel|first=Sara|work=TV by the Numbers|date=2013-03-05|accessdate=2013-03-05|deadurl=yes|archiveurl=https://www.webcitation.org/6F6fXfgET?url=http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/2013/03/05/sunday-final-ratings-once-upon-a-time-the-amazing-race-celebrity-apprentince-red-widow-the-cleveland-show-americas-funniest-home-videos-adjusted-up-60-minutes-t/171785/|archivedate=2013年3月14日}}</ref>
|ShortSummary =
|LineColor = 740a0a
{{Episode list
|EpisodeNumber = 2
|Title = The Contact
|DirectedBy = [[Dan Sackheim]]
|WrittenBy = Melissa Rosenberg
|OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|3|3}}
|Viewers = 7.13<ref name="pilot"/>
|ShortSummary =
|LineColor = 740a0a
{{Episode list
|EpisodeNumber = 3
|Title = The Consignment
|DirectedBy = [[Terry McDonough]]
|WrittenBy = [[Elizabeth Benjamin]]
|OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|3|10}}
|Viewers = 5.31<ref>{{cite web|url=http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/2013/03/12/sunday-final-ratings-once-upon-a-time-family-guy-celebrity-apprentice-red-widow-adjusted-down/173020|title=Sunday Final Ratings: 'Once Upon a Time', 'Family Guy', 'Celebrity Apprentice' & 'The Mentalist' Adjusted Up; 'Red Widow' Adjusted Down|last=Kondolojy|first=Amanda|work=TV by the Numbers|date=2013-03-12|accessdate=2013-03-12}}</ref>
|ShortSummary =
|LineColor = 740a0a
{{Episode list
|EpisodeNumber = 4
|Title = The Escape
|DirectedBy = [[Billy Gierhart]]
|WrittenBy = Jameal Turner
|OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|3|17}}
|Viewers =
|ShortSummary = <!-- DO NOT copy and paste summaries from other sites. Even if referenced that is a COPYRIGHT VIOLATION and will be REMOVED. Please save responsible editors the time by adding summaries IN YOUR OWN WORDS. -->
|LineColor = 740a0a
{{Episode list
|EpisodeNumber = 5
|Title = The Recorder
|RTitle = <ref>{{Cite web|url=http://affiliate.zap2it.com/tv/red-widow-the-recorder/EP015683520006?aid=tvbythenumbers|title=Red Widow: ''The Recorder''|work=Zap2It|accessdate=2013-03-03|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20160307063031/http://affiliate.zap2it.com/tv/red-widow-the-recorder/EP015683520006?aid=tvbythenumbers|archive-date=2016-03-07|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
|DirectedBy = Romeo Tirone
|WrittenBy = Dana Baratta
|OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|3|24}}
|Viewers =
|ShortSummary = <!-- DO NOT copy and paste summaries from other sites. Even if referenced that is a COPYRIGHT VIOLATION and will be REMOVED. Please save responsible editors the time by adding summaries IN YOUR OWN WORDS. -->
|LineColor = 740a0a
{{Episode list
|EpisodeNumber = 6
|Title = The Captive
|RTitle = <ref>{{Cite web|url=http://www.thefutoncritic.com/listings/20130311abc17/|title=(#106) "The Captive"|work=The Futon Critic|accessdate=2013-03-12}}</ref>
|DirectedBy = [[Rosemary Rodriguez]]
|WrittenBy = Ryan Farley
|OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|3|31}}
|Viewers =
|ShortSummary = <!-- DO NOT copy and paste summaries from other sites. Even if referenced that is a COPYRIGHT VIOLATION and will be REMOVED. Please save responsible editors the time by adding summaries IN YOUR OWN WORDS. -->
|LineColor = 740a0a
== 参考文献 ==
=== 外部链接 ===
* {{Official website|http://www.abc.com/shows/red-widow}}
* {{IMDb title|2215399|Red Widow}}
* {{tv.com show|red-widow|Red Widow}}
{{ABCNetwork Shows (current and upcoming)}}
[[Category:980 戏剧总论]]