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湖南建工集團:湖南建工集團是由 獲得湖南省首家房屋建築工程總承包特級資質的湖南省建築工程集團總公司和具有特級、一級總承包等多項資質的緊密層子公司湖南省第一工程公司、湖南省第二工程有限公司、湖南省第三工程有限公司、湖南省第四工程有限公司、湖南省第五工程有限公司、湖南省第六工程有限公司、湖南省工業設備安裝有限公司、湖南建工 混凝土有限責任公司和湖南城建職業技術學院等單位組成,是一家具有建築安裝、路橋施工、勘察設計、科學研究、人才培訓、高等職業教育、設備製造、房地產開發、對外工程承包、勞務合作、進出口貿易等綜合實力的大型企業集團。集團現有各類專業技術人員21800餘人;生產經營資本50億元,年生產(施工)能力 600億元以上。連續11年入選「中國企業500強」,連續11年入選「中國承包商80強和工程設計企業60強」。集團的經營區域已覆蓋全國除台灣、香港澳門外的所有省、市、自治區,海外市場涉及30多個國家和地區,目前在利比里亞、坦桑利亞、阿聯酋、尼日利亞、沙特阿拉伯、澳大利亞、蒙古等國均有在 建工程項目。

集團成立60年來,先後完成了國內外許多大型複雜的工業與民用 建築、道路橋樑、市政工程等設計、施工任務,其中300餘項工程分別榮獲省優質工程獎、省芙蓉杯獎、國優工程銀質獎、詹天佑獎,並連續14年榮獲62項中 國建築工程最高獎——魯班獎。集團堅持弘揚「一流、超越、精作、奉獻」的企業精神,曾被評為「全國優秀施工企業」、「全國誠信企業示範單位」、「全國明星 施工企業」、「全國重合同守信用企業」、「創魯班獎工程特別榮譽企業」、「全國建設科技進步先進集體」、「全國創先爭優先進基層黨組織」、「全國五一勞動 獎狀」、「國家技能人才突出貢獻獎單位」、「湖南省文明單位」等,被授予「中國建設系統企業信用、信譽3A級單位」、「全國建築業3A信用企業」、「全國 模範職工之家」稱號。


Hunan Construction Engineering Group

HUNAN CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING GROUP consists of Hunan Construction Engineering Group Corporation (the parent corporation with its core enterprises, founded in July 1952 and being the first corporation that has gained the Qualification of Super Grade for building construction) and its close subsidiary companies which are respectively the First Engineering Company, the Second Engineering Company Ltd., the Third Engineering Company Ltd., the Fourth Engineering Company Ltd., the Fifth Engineering Company Ltd., the Sixth Engineering Company Ltd., the Industrial Equipment Installation Company Ltd., the Concrete Co., Ltd., and Hunan Professional Institute of Urban Construction Technology (each with various qualifications of Grade I for general contracts) . Based on all these facts, HNCEG is a large state-owned enterprise that has developed comprehensive capabilities of building & installation, road & bridge construction, survey & design, scientific research, personnel training, advanced professional education, equipment manufacturing, real estate development. In addition, HNCEG has gained special permits for general contract of overseas business, labor expert service and import & export trade business. HNCEG has more than 218000 employees, who are technical personnel of various specialties. HNCEG is a large enterprise with assets of RMB 6 Billion and a production capacity of over RMB 60 Billion. It figured consecutively among the front ranks of the top 500 enterprises in China for and the top 60 of China Contractors and the top 80 of Engineering Designers for 11 years.

HNCEG has set up its branches or offices in autonomous districts or cities in China except Taiwan, Hongkong and Macao. Presently, HNCEG has established projects in more than 30 countries, such as Liberia, Tanzania, UAE, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Mongolia and so on.

Ever since its founding sixty years ago, HNCEG has successfully completed a great number of various design and construction projects in such fields as industrial & civil building construction, road & bridge construction, hydropower generation, mechanical & electrical installation, interior & exterior decoration, information technology and municipal infrastructure. More than 300 of these projects have respectively won 「Hunan Provincial Super Quality Awards」, 「Hunan Provincial Lotus Awards」,「National Super Quality Awards」 and 「The Zhan Tianyou Awards」. Particularly in the last 14 years, HNCEG has consecutively won 62 national 「China Building Construction Luban Awards」.

In the recent years, HNCEG has been insisting its business spirit of 「First-rate, Superiority, Excellence, Dedication」 and it has been honored respectively 「National Outstanding Construction Enterprise」, 「National Model Unit of Good Faith」, 「The National Star Construction Enterprise」, 「National Contract and Trust Worthy Enterprise」, 「Especially Honor of Achievement Luban Awards」,「National Construction Technology Progress Advanced Collective」, 「National Advance and Excellent Primary Party Organization」, 「National Labor Awards」,「National Technical Talents Outstanding Contribution Company」「Hunan Civilization Unit」, 「Unit of AAA Credit & Credence in Building Industry of China」, 「National AAA Credit Construction Company」 and「National Model Home」.

At present, HNCEG is deepening the reform, adjusting the industrial structure, developing construction and investment. In the ways of innovation, transformation and upgradation, HNCEG is making effort to become the leading and competitive company of provincial construction industries and pioneer company of national construction industries. HNCEG will make more and better contribution for the economic and social development of the country.


湖南省建築工程集團總公司為 湖南省首家房屋建築工程總承包特級資質企業,並具有公路、水利水電、市政公用、機電安裝工程總承包一級資質及地基與基礎、鋼結構、公路路面、公路路基、橋 梁專業承包一級資質。業務範圍涵蓋房地產開發、裝飾裝修、信息網絡工程、勘察設計、對外工程承包、勞務合作、科研培訓、進出口貿易等領域,並具有直接對外 經營權、進出口貿易權。經營規模連續多年突破300億元,綜合實力連續11年躋身「中國企業500強」、連續11年入選「中國承包商80強和工程設計企業 60強」。

總公司成立60年來,先後完成了國內外許多大型複雜的工業與民 用建築、道路橋樑、市政工程等設計、施工任務,經營區域已覆蓋全國各省、市、自治區和海外30多個國家、地區。總公司堅持弘揚「一流、超越、精作、奉獻」 的企業精神,曾被評為「全國優秀施工企業」、「全國誠信企業示範單位」、「全國明星施工企業」、「全國重合同守信用企業」、「全國建設科技進步先進集 體」、「創魯班獎工程特別榮譽企業」、「全國創先爭優先進基層黨組織」、「全國五一勞動獎狀」、「湖南省文明單位」等榮譽稱號,並獲國家住房和城鄉建設 部、全國總工會、湖南省委、省政府分別授予的「中國建設系統企業信用、信譽AAA級單位」、銀行「AAA」信用等級和「黃金客戶」。多項工程分別榮獲中國 建設工程魯班獎、詹天佑獎、國家優質工程獎、湖南省芙蓉獎、湖南省優質工程獎等

Hunan Construction Engineering Group Corporation

HUNAN CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING GROUP CORP. is the first Hunan Province based construction firm to have gained the Qualification of Super Grade for building construction, and it has developed comprehensive capabilities of road & bridge construction, hydropower generation,municipal infrastructure, mechanical & electrical installation, real estate development, interior & exterior decoration, information technology, survey & design, science & research training, import & export trade business. In addition, it is the only enterprise of construction and installation that owns the special permits for overseas contract business operation, foreign trade business, labor expert service, general contract of economic-aid project in Hunan Province. Registered working capital of HNCEG is more than RMB 30 Billion. It figured consecutively among the front ranks of the top 500 enterprises in China and the top 60 of China Contractors and the top 80 of Engineering Designers for 11 years.

HNCEG’s business map has now covered many provinces, cities or autonomous districts in China, and over 30 countries and regions worldwide. Ever since its founding sixty years ago, HNCEG has successfully completed a great number of various design and construction projects in such fields as industrial & civil building construction, road & bridge construction and municipal infrastructure. HNCEG has been insisting its business spirit of 「First-rate, Superiority, Excellence, Dedication」and has been honored respectively 「National Outstanding Construction Enterprise」, 「National Model Unit of Good Faith」, 「The National Star Construction Enterprise」, 「National Contract and Trust Worthy Enterprise」, 「National Construction Technology Progress Advanced Collective」, 「Especially Honor of Achievement Luban Awards」, 「National Advance and Excellent Primary Party Organazation」, 「National Labor Awards」,「Hunan Civilization Unit」, 「Unit of AAA Credit & Credence in Building Industry of China」, 「Unit of AAA Banking Credence」 and 「Gold Customer of Banks」 and so on. Moreover, many projects have respectively won 「China Building Construction Luban Awards」, 「The Zhan Tianyou Awards」 ,「National Super Quality Awards」, 「Hunan Provincial Lotus Awards」 and 「Hunan Provincial Super Quality Awards」.

With its sustainable sound development, HNCEG is starting to take the lead of all competitors in the same trade, and become an enterprise group as a general contractor and a general business assembler that has been characterized by a collectivized proprietorship structure, a diversified industrial structure, and an intensified product structure. Now HNCEG is making all efforts to build up a 「China Aircraft-Carrier of Building Construction」 and making its way toward the goal to figure in the rank of World Top 500 Enterprises!


2018年9月2日,中國企業聯合會、中國企業家協會發布2018年中國企業500強榜單,湖南建築工程集團排名第191。 [1]
