





西澳大利亞大學 經濟學 博士 2014.01-2018.03

西澳大利亞大學 經濟學 公派訪學 2012.02–2013.09

中國科學技術大學 管理科學與工程 碩博連讀 2008.09-2013.07

安徽工業大學 信息管理與信息系統 本科 2004.09-2008.07


合肥工業大學 社科處處長 2020.09 – 至今

合肥工業大學 黃山青年學者,教授 2018.06 – 至今

西澳大學 助理研究員 2016.02 – 2018.03

科廷大學 助理研究員 2016.10 – 2017.09

西澳大學 教學助理 2014.08 – 2018.01


1. 學科領域: 應用經濟學(產業經濟學、區域經濟學);理論經濟學(西方經濟學,創新經濟學)

2. 研究方向:創新政策評估、企業創新行為與績效、創新與區域發展、創新與國際經濟


1. 我國創新政策工具間的多維互動效應評價及政策優化研究:基於創新過程視角,國家自然科學基金青年項目,2021.01-2023.12,主持

2. 綜合性國家科學中心推動區域性創新高地建設研究,國家社科基金重點項目,2021.04-2023.04,主持子課題

3. 中央企業評價對標與關鍵核心指標問題研究,國務院國資委委託項目,2020.09-2021.09,主持子課題

4. 安徽滁州高新技術產業開發區申報國家級高新區戰略規劃與產業規劃項目,2021.09-2022.09,主持

5. 新時代背景下我國經濟發展質量動態評價及其政策協同研究,國家社會科學基金重大項目,2019.01-2023.12,參與

6. 區域技術創新網絡的混合治理機制及其績效評估研究,國家自然科學基金項目,2011.10-2013.02,參與

7. 安徽省合蕪蚌創新實驗區若干重要問題研究,國家軟科學研究計劃項目,2010.09-2012.02,參與

8. 安徽省協同推進長三角科技創新共同體建設研究,滬蘇浙皖「長三角高質量一體化發展重大問題研究」專項課題,2019.09-2020-09,參與

9. 科技提升皖江城市帶產業層次,安徽省科技廳軟科學項目,2010.07-2011.07,參與

10. 合肥與長三角地區主要城市科技政策比較,安徽省軟科學項目,2008.09-2009.04,參與

11. 合肥市科技發展「十二五」規劃,合肥市科技局委託項目,2010.08-2010.12,參與

12. 蚌埠市「十四五」科技創新發展規劃,蚌埠市科技局委託項目,2020.10-2021.06,參與

13. 中國主要城市創新能力比較分析,協助國務院發展研究中心出具報告,2010.09-2010.10,參與

14. 天長市「十四五」科技創新發展規劃,天長市科技局委託項目,2019.11-2020.06,參與


1.Does university-industry collaboration improve innovation efficiency? Evidence from Chinese firms. Economic Modelling, 2020. (第一作者,SSCI,Elsevier Atlas Award提名獎)

2.Effects of national science and technology programs on innovation in Chinese firms. Asian Economic Papers, 2019. (第一作者,SSCI)

3.Evolution of product-embodied R&D in China. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 2019. (第一作者,SSCI)

4.The effect of internal and external factors on innovativebehavior of Chinese manufacturing firms. China Economic Review, 2017. (第一作者,SSCI)

5.Knowledge intensive business services and their impact on innovation inChina. Service Business, 2014. (第一作者,SSCI)

6.Nonlinear spatial innovation spillovers and regional open innovation: Evidence from China, R&D Management, 2022. (通訊作者,SSCI)

7.Does value-added tax reform in services accelerate enterprise upgrading? Micro evidence from China, Applied Economics, 2021. (通訊作者,SSCI)

8.Driving forces of water intensity in China’s industrial sector: A global meta-frontier production-theoretical decomposition analysis, Water Economics and Policy, 2021. (通訊作者,SSCI)

9.Targeted poverty reduction under new structure: A perspective from mental health of older adults in rural China. China Agricultural Economic Review, 2019. (通訊作者,SSCI)

10.University-industry linkages, regional entrepreneurship and economic growth: evidence from China. Post-Communist Economies, 2020. (通訊作者,SSCI)

11.Does globalisation promote economic output in Sub-Saharan Africa? Evidence from bootstrap ARDL model. Journal of Asian and African Studies, 2021. (通訊作者,SSCI)

12.Trade-offs between economic development and environmental governance in China: A study of River Chief System. China Economic Review, 2020. (合作,SSCI)

13.Efficiency of university-industry collaboration and its determinants: Evidence from Chinese leading universities. Industry and Innovation, 2020. (合作,SSCI)

14.Do academia-industry R&D collaborations necessarily facilitate industrial innovation in China?——The role of technology transfer institutions. European Journal of Innovation Management, 2020. (合作,SSCI)

15.New knowledge and regional entrepreneurship: the role of intellectual property protection in China. Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 2021. (合作, SSCI)

16.Managing strategic contradictions: A resource allocation mechanism for balancing ambidextrous innovation. Computers in Human Behavior, 2020. (合作,SCI)

17.Risk Knowledge, product knowledge, and brand benefits for purchase intentions: experiences with air purifiers against city smog in China. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: an International Journal, 2018. (合作,SSCI)

18.Compliance with the recommended protective actions regarding H7N9 Emergency: a risk perception perspective. Disasters, 2017. (合作,SSCI)

19.Knowledge intensive business services in China’s industrial R&D diffusion: an evolution view. In Xiumei Guo and Dora Marinova (Eds) Sustainability and Development in Asia and the Pacific: Emerging Policy Issues, World Scientific, Singapore, 2018. (通訊作者,專著收錄)

20.Impact of KIBS agglomeration on regional innovation efficiency: evidence from China’s high tech industry, Transformacje: Transformations – An International Journal, 2014. (通訊作者)

21.Technological efficiency of hotel industry in China and its influencing factors. International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology, 2012. (第一作者)

22.不同類型政府研發資助如何影響對外直接投資的逆向創新溢出?——基於創新價值鏈視角. 中國科技論壇, 2021. (第一作者,CSSCI)

23.中國製造業企業創新行為的內外部影響因素研究, 世界經濟文匯, 2018. (第一作者,CSSCI)

24.KIBS集聚、區域創新及人力資本門檻效應, 系統工程, 2014. (第一作者,CSSCI)

25.集聚視角下知識密集型服務業對區域創新的影響研究. 科學學與科學技術管理, 2013. (第一作者,CSSCI)

26.知識密集型服務業對高技術產業兩階段創新效率的影響研究. 中國科技論壇, 2013. (第一作者,CSSCI)

27.中國省會城市極化與擴散效應研究. 中國科技論壇, 2012. (第一作者,CSSCI)

28.「江湖氣」VS 「純商業」——國美的競爭戰略. 管理案例研究與評論, 2011. (通訊作者,CSSCI)









擔任China Economic Review, Economic Modelling,Economic Papers,R&D Management, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, Applied Economics Letters, China and World Economy, China Agricultural Economic Review, Management and Organization Review等SSCI期刊匿名審稿人。


American Economic Association (AEA), Chinese Economists Society (CES), Chinese Economics Society Australia (CESA), Economic Society of Australia (ESA), Western Australia Chinese Scientists Association (WACSA) 等協會會員。[1]
