



來自 植物智 的圖片


外文名:original species



原始種(original species)是2019年公布的植物學名詞。 [1]







來自 知網


摘要:In China's plant variety protection system, the regulation on essentially derived variety has become a focus and its impacts on agricultural production need in-depth study. The focus of this article is that whether the improvement and utilization of original variety genetic resources can cause genetic unicity problem. It has studied the temporal and spatial variation of the contribution of original variety to the heredity of rice under the derived variety exemption system based on the provincial panel data of 21 main rice production areas in China during 1999-2009 and has analyzed the economic impacts of original variety genetic resources on rice production in China with C-D production function model. The conclusions are as follows: the mean of original resources genetic contribution to rice production in 1999-2009 was only 0.25, and the genetic unicity caused by original variety did not show increasing trend. The main objective of Chinese plant variety protection system is to enhance the enthusiasm for innovation. The restriction of original variety in the UPOV1991 text will increase the overall cost and uncertainty of innovation and is not conducive to improving the breeding efficiency. In addition, every 1% increase of original variety genetic resources contribution will result in 1.6% growth of the rice yield. Joining UPOV1991 text will be limited to innovations technology diffusion and increase the cost of innovative applications and may slow down the process of agricultural production. Therefore, attaching great importance to the creation and effective utilization of original innovation will help improving the agricultural technology efficiency and the production level. Moreover, the public research department should undertake basic research activities of original innovation in breeding role assignment; in the application of original innovation development strategy, the government should support the breeding research and establish the relevant protection policy.

關鍵詞:實質性派生品種 原始品種 遺傳資源 遺傳貢獻 水稻單產 中國 被引量:11 年份:2012


來自 知網


摘要:巴山松的分布,形態特徵,葉綠 素,核酸含量,染色體組型,過氧化物同工酶及苗木生長量的研究表明,巴山松不僅在形態,生理學,生物化學特性上,而且在苗期的形態解剖及生長量上與油松均 有顯著差異,在遺傳基礎上具有自身的獨立性.因此,巴山松應作為一個獨立的種.巴山松種內基因的相對分化量表明,不同產地間的變異較小,僅占7.5%,產 地內的變異則占92.5%.因此,巴山松的遺傳改良應利用產地內的變異。

關鍵詞:巴山松 育種 原始育種

DOI:CNKI:SUN:XBLX.0.1990-02-014 被引量:26 年份:1990


  1. 原始種, 植物智, 2020-01-18