




1、2018.3 劍橋大學 土地經濟系 博士

2、2013.7 清華大學 城鄉規劃學 碩士

3、2013.7 北京大學 經濟學 學士(雙學位)

4、2010.7 清華大學 建築學 學士


1、2018.7-2019.4 劍橋大學 Research Associate







1、劉倫. 感知、模擬與人工智能:智能化城市管理. 北京: 清華大學出版社(即將出版).

2、Hassink, R., Liu, L., Jensana, A., Martinez-Taberner, G. EU-China Regional Innovation Joint Study. IUC, 2020.(報告)

3、劉倫, 陳茜. 世界建築旅行地圖(英國卷). 北京: 中國建築工業出版社, 2019.

4、劉倫. 世界建築旅行地圖(法國卷). 北京: 中國建築工業出版社, 2017.


  • 1、Liu, L.*, Silva, E. A., Yang, Z. (2021). Similar outcomes, different paths: Tracing the relationship between neighborhood-scale built environment and travel behavior using activity-based modelling. Cities, 110, 103061.
  • 2、Liu, L.*, Gao, X., Zhuang, J., Wu, W., Yang, B., Cheng, W., Xiao, P., Yao, X., Deng, O. (2020). Evaluating the lifestyle impact of China’s rural housing land consolidation with locational big data: A study of Chengdu. Land Use Policy, 96, 104623. (Most Downloaded Articles in Land Use Policy)
  • 2、劉倫, 王輝. 城市研究中的計算機視覺應用進展與展望.城市規劃, 2019(1): 117-124.
  • 4、Zhang, Y., Liu, L.*, & Wang, H. (2018). A new perspective on the temporal pattern of human activities in cities: The case of Shanghai. Cities, 87, 196-204.
  • 3、Liu, L., Silva, E. A., & Long, Y. (2018). Block-level dynamics of socio-economic spatial differentiation in Beijing: Trends and processes. Urban Studies, 56(6), 1198-1214.
  • 5、Zhang, Y., & Liu, L.* (2018). Understanding temporal pattern of human activities using Temporal Areas of Interest. Applied Geography, 94, 95-106.
  • 6、Gao, X., Liu, L.*, Zhuang, J., Ou, D., Li, Q., Deng, O., Li, J., & Zeng, M. (2018). The commuting rural labour forces revealed by mobile phone trace data. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 51(8), 1611-1614.
  • 7、Liu, L., Silva, E. A., & Liu, J. (2018). A decade of battle on PM2.5 in Beijing. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 50(8), 1549-1552.
  • 8、Liu, L., Silva, E. A., Wu, C., & Wang, H. (2017). A machine learning-based method for the large-scale evaluation of the qualities of the urban environment. Computers Environment and Urban Systems, 65, 113-125. (ESI highly cited paper, Most downloaded articles on Computers Environment and Urban Systems)
  • 9、Gao, X., Xu, A., Liu, L.*, Deng, O., Zeng, M., Ling, J., & Wei, Y. (2017). Understanding rural housing abandonment in China’s rapid urbanization. Habitat International, 67, 13-21.
  • 10、Long, Y., & Liu, L.* (2016). Transformations of urban studies and planning in the big/open data era: A review. International Journal of Image and Data Fusion, 7(4), 295-308. (Exclusive Editor’s Choice)
  • 11、劉倫, 劉合林, 王謙, 龍瀛. 大數據時代的智慧城市規劃:國際經驗. 國際城市規劃, 2014(6): 38-43.
  • 12、劉倫, 龍瀛, 麥克·巴蒂. 城市模型的回顧與展望——訪談麥克·巴蒂之後的新思考. 城市規劃, 2014(8): 63-70.


1、Wang, H., Silva, E. A., Liu, L. (forthcoming). Large-scale evaluation of the urban street view with deep learning method. In Carta, S. (Eds.), Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Urban Assemblages: Applications in Architecture and Urban Design. Wiley.

2、Silva, E. A., Liu, L., Kwon, H. R., Niu, H., Chen, Y, & Reis, J. (2021). What’s new in urban data analytics?, In Wong, C. and Rae, A. (Eds.), Applied Data Analysis for Urban Planning and Management. Sage.

3、Silva, E. A., Liu, L., Kwon, H. R., Niu, H., & Chen, Y. (2020). Hard and soft data integration in geocomputation: Bridging mixed methods methodologies in dynamic simulation models, In Geertman, S. and Stillwell, J. (Eds.), Handbook on Planning Support Science. Edward Elgar Publishers.



2、Cambridge Overseas Trust Scholar,2013-2017



