



出生 1959年3月
國籍 中國
籍貫 寧夏中衛
母校 華東理工大學
職業 無機非金屬材料領域專家、火箭彈道設計專家




  1. 1978年09月~1982年07月,上海華東理工大學,獲本科學位
  2. 1982年09月~1985年07月,中科院上海硅酸鹽研究所,獲碩士學位
  3. 1989年11月~1993年10月,法國南巴黎大學(Orsay)固體物理實驗室獲博士學位;


  • 1993年10月~1995年07月,中国科学院電子顯微鏡實驗室,博士後
  • 1995年09月~1999年07月,北京大學物理系,副教授
  • 1999年09月~2016年06月,北京大學物理學院,教授
  • 2013年01月~2016年06月,北京「量子物質科學」協同創新研究中心特聘研究員
  • 2016年06月~至今,南方科技大學 物理系,講席教授




俞大鵬教授共在國際核心專業刊物上發表400多篇論文,含國際頂級專業刊物論文Physical Review B/Letters(14)、 Applied Physics Letters/JAP(80)、Advanced Materials(12)、Nano Letters(9)、Nature Communications等160餘篇。相關論文被國內外其他同行累計引用超過15000次,H因子為64 (from Google Scholar)。以第一完成人獲得了2004年度教育部提名自然科學一等獎、2007年獲國家自然科學二等獎。俞大鵬教授擔任Nano Research、《科學通訊》等國內外學術刊物編委,被邀請擔任美國物理研究所(AIP)10 Year Review Committee Member(全球6名科學家)。俞大鵬教授迄今共培養研究生等70餘名。

  1. Chen, Jing-Jing; Meng, Jie; Zhou, Yang-Bo; et al., Layer-by-layer assembly of vertically conducting graphene devices, Nature Communications 4, 1921, 2013.
  2. Yu, Haiming; Granville, S.; Yu, D. P.; et al., Evidence for Thermal Spin-Transfer Torque, Physical Review Letters 104, 146601, 2010.
  3. Zhu, X. L.; Ma, Y.; Zhang, J. S.; et al., Confined Three-Dimensional Plasmon Modes inside a Ring-Shaped Nanocavity on a Silver Film Imaged by Cathodoluminescence Microscopy, Physical Review Letters 105, 127402, 2010.
  4. Lu, Bo; Hoogerheide, David P.; Zhao, Qing; et al., Effective driving force applied on DNA inside a solid-state nanopores, Physical Review E 86, 011921 , 2012.
  5. ong Liu, Bo Lu, Qing Zhao, Ji Li, Teng Gao, Yubin Chen , Yanfeng Zhang, Zhongfan Liu, Zhongchao Fan, Fuhua Yang, Liping You, and Dapeng Yu, Boron Nitride Nanopores-Highly Sensitive DNA Single-Molecule Detectors, Advanced Materials 25: in press, 2013.
  6. Liao, Zhi-Min; Wu, Han-Chun; Kumar, Shishir; et al.,Large Magnetoresistance in Few Layer Graphene Stacks with Current Perpendicular to Plane Geometry, Advanced Materials 24: 1862-1866, 2012.
  7. Han, Xiaobing; Kou, Liangzhi; Zhang, Zhuhua; et al., Strain-Gradient Effect on Energy Bands in Bent ZnO Microwires, Advanced Materials 24: 4707-4711, 2012.
  8. Bie, Ya-Qing; Zhou, Yang-Bo; Liao, Zhi-Min; et al., Site-Specific Transfer-Printing of Individual Graphene Microscale Patterns to Arbitrary Surfaces Advanced Materials 23: 3938, 2011.
  9. Bie, Ya-Qing; Liao, Zhi-Min; Zhang, Hong-Zhou; et al., Self-Powered, Ultrafast, Visible-Blind UV Detection and Optical Logical Operation based on ZnO/GaN Nanoscale p-n Junctions. Advanced Materials 23: 649, 2011.
  10. Bie, Ya-Qing; Liao, Zhi-Min; Wang, Peng-Wei; et al., Single ZnO Nanowire/p-type GaN Heterojunctions for Photovoltaic Devices and UV Light-Emitting Diodes, Advanced Materials 22: 4284, 2010.
  11. Zhu, Xinli; Zhang, Yang; Zhang, Jiasen; et al., Ultrafine and Smooth Full Metal Nanostructures for Plasmonics Advanced Materials 22: 4345, 2010.
  12. Han, Xiaobing; Kou, Liangzhi; Lang, Xiaoli; et al., Electronic and Mechanical Coupling in Bent ZnO Nanowires , Advanced Materials 21: 4937, 2009.
  13. Wang, Dingsheng; Hao, Chenhui; Zheng, Wen; et al., Ultralong single-crystalline Ag2S nanowires: Promising candidates for photoswitches and room-temperature oxygen sensors, Advanced Materials 20: 2628, 2008.
  14. Lu, Bo; Hoogerheide, David P.; Zhao, Quig; et al., Pressure-Controlled Motion of Single Polymers through Solid-State Nanopores, Nano Letters 13: 3048-3052, 2013.
  15. Li, Heng; Zhao, Qing; Wang, Wei; et al., Novel Planar-Structure Electrochemical Devices for Highly Flexible Semitransparent Power Generation/Storage Sources, Nano Letters 13: 1271-1277, 2013.
  16. He, Li; Liao, Zhi-Min; Wu, Han-Chun; et al., Memory and Threshold Resistance Switching in Ni/NiO Core-Shell Nanowires, Nano Letters 11: 4601-4606, 2011.
  17. Zhu, Xinli; Zhang, Jiasen; Xu, Jun; et al., Vertical Plasmonic Resonant Nanocavities, Nano Letters 11: 1117-1121, 2011.
  18. Li, Ping-Jian; Liao, Zhi-Min; Zhang, Xin-Zheng; et al., Electrical and Photoresponse Properties of an Intramolecular p-n Homojunction in Single Phosphorus-Doped ZnO Nanowires, Nano Letters 9: 2513-2518, 2009.
  19. Wang, Lu; Cai, Zixing; Wang, Junyu; et al., Novel One-Dimensional Organometallic Half Metals: Vanadium-Cyclopentadienyl, Vanadium-Cyclopentadienyl-Benzene, and Vanadium-Anthracene Wires, Nano Letters 8: 3640-3644, 2008.
  20. Xiang, Bin; Wang, Pengwei; Zhang, Xingzheng; et al., Rational synthesis of p-type zinc oxide nanowire arrays using simple chemical vapor deposition, Nano Letters 7: 323-328, 2007.


  • 2000年:獲得國家傑出青年科學基金支持;
  • 2002年:教育部「長江學者」特聘教授;
  • 2004年:教育部「自然科學」一等獎;
  • 2005年:教育部「長江學者與創新團隊」計劃學術帶頭人;
  • 2007年:國家「自然科學」二等獎(天文與物理學科第一名);
  • 2015年:當選中國科學院技術學部院士;
  • 2016年:獲得中國真空學會最高獎。


  1. 俞大鵬 中國科學院學部網
  2. 俞大鵬 南方科技大學——教師隊伍
  3. 俞大鵬 北京大學納米結構與低維物理實驗室
