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(创建页面,内容为“'''隘口'''汉语词语,拼音是ài kǒu,意思是险要的关隘。<ref>[https://news.artron.net/20220524/n1110112.html 寻根·长城|肃南-苦水口墩…”)
行 9: 行 9:
1. Through these mountains a foot-track traverses the passes and the virgin jungle.
1. Through these mountains a foot-track traverses the passes and the virgin jungle.
2.One day she discovered him leaning over a gate on High -StoyHill.
2.One day she discovered him leaning over a gate on High -StoyHill.
3.The Spartan King Leonidas led the army to the pass at Thermopylae.
3.The Spartan King Leonidas led the army to the pass at Thermopylae.
4.A pass between two mountain peaks or a gapin aridge.
4.A pass between two mountain peaks or a gapin aridge.
5.His army marched through the gapin to the enemy territory.
5.His army marched through the gapin to the enemy territory.
6.The hiker negociated the high mountain pass.
6.The hiker negociated the high mountain pass.
7.Then they straightened out and flowed up the pass,looking like a river of sharks.
7.Then they straightened out and flowed up the pass,looking like a river of sharks.
8.There is a pass through the mountain range a few kilometres north of here.
8.There is a pass through the mountain range a few kilometres north of here.
 离这以北几公里,有个隘口穿过山脉.<ref>[https://www.sohu.com/a/553317033_121124744  张家口为什么又叫做张垣? ]搜狐</ref>
 离这以北几公里,有个隘口穿过山脉.<ref>[https://www.sohu.com/a/553317033_121124744  张家口为什么又叫做张垣? ]搜狐</ref>
行 28: 行 35:
== 出处 ==
== 出处 ==
 清·蒲松龄 《[[聊斋志异]]·崔猛》:“马恋驹奔驶,申从之。出一隘口,申灼火於绳,徧悬之,乃归。”
 清·蒲松龄 《[[聊斋志异]]·崔猛》:“马恋驹奔驶,申从之。出一隘口,申灼火於绳,徧悬之,乃归。”
 何长工 《[[开辟鄂东南]]》:“﹝黄山镇﹞只有两个隘口进出,地势十分险峻。”
 何长工 《[[开辟鄂东南]]》:“﹝黄山镇﹞只有两个隘口进出,地势十分险峻。”
 叶圣陶《[[潘先生在难中]]》一:“一阵的拥挤, 潘先生像在梦里似的,出了收票处的隘口。”
 叶圣陶《[[潘先生在难中]]》一:“一阵的拥挤, 潘先生像在梦里似的,出了收票处的隘口。”

於 2022年6月7日 (二) 05:41 的最新修訂

隘口漢語詞語,拼音是ài kǒu,意思是險要的關隘。[1]





1. Through these mountains a foot-track traverses the passes and the virgin jungle. 這片山脈有一條羊腸小道,穿過各個隘口和原始叢林.

2.One day she discovered him leaning over a gate on High -StoyHill. 有一天,她發現他正在海斯托依山上,倚在一道隘口上.

3.The Spartan King Leonidas led the army to the pass at Thermopylae. 斯巴達國王里奧尼達斯率領軍隊前往塞莫皮萊隘口.

4.A pass between two mountain peaks or a gapin aridge. 隘口,兩個山峰間的通路或者山脊上的裂口.

5.His army marched through the gapin to the enemy territory. 他的軍隊穿過這個隘口進入了敵軍領土.

6.The hiker negociated the high mountain pass. 這名徒步旅行者成功地登上了高山隘口.

7.Then they straightened out and flowed up the pass,looking like a river of sharks. 然後它們轉身出來,順着水流飄到隘口上方,看起來好像一條鯊魚河.

8.There is a pass through the mountain range a few kilometres north of here. 離這以北幾公里,有個隘口穿過山脈.[2]






清·蒲松齡 《聊齋志異·崔猛》:「馬戀駒奔駛,申從之。出一隘口,申灼火於繩,徧懸之,乃歸。」

何長工 《開闢鄂東南》:「﹝黃山鎮﹞只有兩個隘口進出,地勢十分險峻。」

葉聖陶《潘先生在難中》一:「一陣的擁擠, 潘先生像在夢裡似的,出了收票處的隘口。」
