(1)2008.9–2011.6, 福建师范大学, 高分子化学与物理, 博士,
(2)2005.9–2008.6, 福建师范大学, 高分子化学与物理, 硕士,
(3)1986.9–1990.6, 福建林学院, 林产化工, 学士
(1) 2019.10至2020.10, 美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学, 材料研究所, 访问学者
(2) 2013.12至2019.9, 福建师范大学, 化学与材料学院, 副研究员
(3) 2011-8至2013.11, 福建师范大学, 化学与材料学院, 助理研究员
(4) 1993-12至2005.8, 福州林产工业公司, 业务部, 经济师
2. 陈鸿、甄红宇、黄丽梅、陈良哲、肖厚文、朱海娣,基于稀土配合物的白光复合材料的合成及在UV-WLED上的应用研究,福建省自然科学基金面上项目,4万元,2016J01212,2016/04-2019/03,主持。
3. 陈鸿、凌启淡、林正欢、黄丽梅、周秀华、赵璇、高慧、朱海娣、章文贡、陈秀萍,一种用于重金属废水处理的类水滑石复合吸附材料的合成与应用,企事业单位委托科技项目,20万元,2013/06-2015/06,主持。
4. 陈鸿、凌启淡、林建辉、王瑶、帅敏敏,一种用于重金属废水处理的类水滑石复合吸附材料的合成与应用,企事业单位委托科技项目,10万元,2018/03-2021/03,主持。
1. Minmin Shuai, Jianhui Lin, Wenzhi Wu, Huifang Kuang, Wengong Zhang, Qidan Ling, Hong Chen*, Sridhar Komarneni, Metallic nickel–cobalt phosphide/multilayer graphene composite for high-performance supercapacitors, New Journal of Chemistry, 2020,44: 8796-8804.
2. Jianhui Lin, Hong Chen*, Minmin Shuai, Wenzhi Wu, Yao Wang, Wengong Zhang, Qidan Ling*, Facile synthesis of 3D interconnecting petal-like NiCoO2/C composite as high-performance supercapacitor electrode materials, Materials Today Nano, 2019, 7: 100046(1-8).
3. Hong Chen*, Yao Wang, Jianhui Lin, Minmin Shuai, Haidi Zhu, Wengong Zhang, Qidan Ling*, Transparent red-emitting silicone resin for color conversion and encapsulation of NUV light-emitting diodes, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2019, 102(5): 2718-2726.
4. Xiuhua Zhou, Hong Chen*, Qinghua Chen, Qidan Ling*, Synthesis and characterization of two-component acidic ion intercalated layered double hydroxide and its use as a nanoflame-retardant in ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer (EVA), RSC Advances, 2017, 7:53064-53075.
5. Hong Chen*, Jianhui Lin, Ning Zhang, Liangzhe Chen, Shuiping Zhong, Yao Wang, Wengong Zhang, Qidan Ling*, Preparation of MgAl-EDTA-LDH based electrospun nanofiber membrane and its adsorption properties of copper (II) from wastewater, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2018, 345:1-9.
6. Hong Chen, Hui Gao, Houwen Xiao, Xiuhua Zhou, WenGong Zhang, and QiDan Ling*, Eco-friendly synthesis of few-layer graphene with high surface area under low temperature for supercapacitors, Electrochimica Acta, 2016, 206:10-16.
7. Hong Chen, Houwen Xiao, Hui Gao, Xiuhua Zhou, WenGong Zhang, and QiDan Ling*, A facile approach towards direct transformation of benzoate into graphene under low temperature and study of its electrochemical properties, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 296:252-259.
8. 陈良哲,朱海娣,赵璇,周秀华,陈鸿*,凌启淡*,黄光类水滑石的制备、表面改性及应用研究,无机化学学报,2015,31(10):1919-1928.
9. 陈鸿, 赵璇, 高慧, 朱海娣, 姜丽红, 凌启淡*, 发红色荧光的类水滑石材料的制备及在 LED 中的应用,高等学校化学学报,2015, 36(1): 41-47.
10. Hong Chen, WenGong Zhang, ZhengHuan Lin, Qidan Ling*, White-light hydrotalcite-like compound emission from the incorporation of red-, green-, and blue-emitting metal complexes, Optical Materials Express, 2013, 3 (1):105-113.
11. 陈鸿, 姜丽红, 章文贡, 凌启淡*, 荧光性含铕类水滑石/PMMA复合材料的研究, 功能材料,2013, 44(6): 843-846.
12. Hong Chen, QiDan Ling, WenGong Zhang*, Zhenghua Lin, Luminescent drug-containing hydrotalcite-like compound as a drug carrier, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2012, 185:358-365.
13. Hong Chen, WenGong Zhang*, A strong-fluorescent Tb-containing hydrotalcite-like compound. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2010, 93 (8):2305-2310.
14. Hong Chen, WenGong Zhang*, Synthesis and characterization of a strong-fluorescent Eu-containing hydrotalcite-like compound. Science China Chemistry, 2010, 53 (6):1273-1280.
15. 陈鸿,章文贡*, 高荧光性含锌类水滑石研究,化学学报,2008, 66(4):481-486.[1]