阿爾金山賴草 |
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百合超目 Lilianae 禾本目 Poales 禾本科 Poaceae 賴草屬 Leymus 阿爾金山賴草Leymus arjinshanicus D. F. Cui |
阿爾金山賴草(yī wú lài cǎo),學名 Leymus yiunensis N. R. Cui & D. F. Cui,異名:Leymus yiwuensis ,植株具延長根狀莖。 叢生的稈,直立,厘米高,2或3(或4)有節。 葉鞘棕色在基部,無毛,邊緣膜質,有時具短緣毛; 葉舌約0.5毫米,先端截形; 葉片 10-20 * 約0.3厘米,背面無毛,正面被微柔毛。 穗狀花序直立或稍彎曲, [1]
植株具延長根狀莖。 叢生的稈,直立,厘米高,2或3(或4)有節。 葉鞘棕色在基部,無毛,邊緣膜質,有時具短緣毛; 葉舌約0.5毫米,先端截形;
葉片 10-20 * 約0.3厘米,背面無毛,正面被微柔毛。 穗狀花序直立或稍彎曲,4-10 * 0.6-0.8 厘米; 每節點軸節間的5-7(-15)毫米小穗1;
小穗軸密被微柔毛; 大約線狀披針形0.2毫米穎片,1脈節間, 下部的無毛的或上部粗糙背面, 第1 外稃10-12毫米,先端漸尖。 Palea 等於外稃,上半部纖毛背面,頂有點2裂。 花葯黃,約毫米。花期 及果期7-9月。
FOC >> Vol.22 (2006) >> Poaceae >> Leymus | eFloras.org Link 22.Leymus arjinshanicus D. F. Cui阿爾金山賴草 a er jin shan lai cao
阿爾金山賴草 Leymus arjinshanicus Plants with extended rhizomes. Culms tufted, erect, 30–70 cm tall, 2- or 3(or 4)-noded. Leaf sheath brown at base, glabrous, margin membranous, sometimes ciliolate; ligule ca. 0.5 mm, apex truncate; leaf blade 10–20 × ca. 0.3 cm, abaxial surface glabrous, adaxial surface puberulent.
Spike erect or slightly curved, 4–10 × 0.6–0.8 cm; rachis internodes 5–7(–15) mm. Spikelets 1 per node; rachilla densely puberulent; internodes ca. 0.2 mm. Glumes linear-lanceolate, 1-veined, proximally glabrous or distally scabrous abaxially, margin shortly prickly, apex acuminate with point ca. 1 mm.
Lemma broadly lanceolate, obscurely 5-veined, glabrous or margin ciliate; first lemma 10–12 mm, apex acuminate. Palea equaling lemma, distal half ciliate abaxially, apex slightly bifid. Anthers yellow, ca. 4 mm. Fl. and fr. Jul–Sep.
- Saline meadows; ca. 3100 m. Xinjiang (Altun Shan).
含鹽草甸; 約3100米新疆(Altun Shan)。
In the Chinese text of the protologue (p. 216) and in the illustration caption (p. 217), the specific epithet was spelled "aerginshani-cus," whereas in the Latin text (p. 602) it was spelled "arjinshanicus." Under Art. 61.3 of the Saint Louis Code, we here explicitly adopt "arjinshanicus" and reject "aerginshanicus."
在這中國正文內那些原始描述(第216頁)和在這插圖標題內(第217頁), 在藝術下。 聖路易代碼中的61.3條,我們明確這裡採用。