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2009.09-2014.06:北京林业大学微生物学专业,理学博士 --研究方向 --





1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,31601440、瑞士乳杆菌增殖过程中蛋白质吸收代谢及利用机理研究、2017/01-2019/12、20万元、主持。

2. 北京林业大学青年教师科学研究中长期项目,2015ZCQ-SW-05、森林生物资源利用—森林食品资源开发与综合利用、2016/01-2020/12、75万元、主持。

3. 北京林业大学科技创新计划项目,BLX2014-21、维生素对瑞士乳杆菌细胞活性及生长代谢的影响、2014/07-2016/7、5万元、主持。

4. 陕西省太白林业局科技项目,2015HXZXSWXY001、蓝莓品种引进、加工技术成果推广应用、2015/07-2018/7、10万元、主持。

5. 内蒙古新物食品制造有限公司合作项目,2016HXFWSWXY007、森林食品加工与开发、2016/07-2018/5、30万元、主持。

6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31471710、乳酸菌吸附苯并芘特性评价及机制研究、2015/01-2018/12、92万元、参加。

7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31670709、半干旱区沙地土壤固定大气二氧化碳的微生物途径、2017/01-2020/12、65万元、参加。



1. Yao Chunxiao, Chou Jiandong, Wang Tao, Zhao Hongfei*, Zhang Bolin, Pantothenic acid, vitamin C and biotin play important roles in the growth of Lactobacillus helveticus, Frontier in microbiology, 2018, doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.01194

2. Zhou Fang, Wang Tao, Zhang Bolin, Hongfei Zhao*, Addition of sucrose during the blueberry heating process is good or bad? Evaluating the changes of anthocyanins/anthocyanidins and the anticancer ability in HepG-2 cells, Food Research International, 2018, 107: 509-517

3. Zhou Fang, Jiang Xiaoying, Wang Tao, Zhang Bolin, ZhaoHongfei *, Lyciumbarbarum polysaccharide (LBP): A novel prebiotics candidate for Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus, Frontier in microbiology, 2018, doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.01034

4.Hongfei Zhao, Wang Xiao, Junwen Zhang, Jun Zhang, Bolin Zhang*, The mechanism of Lactobacillus strains for their ability to remove fumonisins B1 and B2, Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2016, 97: 40-46

5.Hongfei Zhao, Fang Zhou, Wei Peng, JunyuZheng, PiotrDziugan, Bolin Zhang*, The effects of carrageenan on stability of arachin and the interactions between them, Food Hydrocolloids, 2015, 43: 763-768

6. Zhao, Hongfei, Zhou Fang, Wang Liping, BaiFengling, DziuganPiotr, WalczakPiotr, Zhang, Bolin*, Characterization of a bioactive peptide with cytomodulatory effect released from casein, European Food Research and Technology, 2014, 238(2): 315-322

7. Zhao Hongfei , Zhou Fang, DziuganPiotr, YaYonghong, Zhang Jiatao, LvZhaolin, Zhang Bolin*, Development of organic acids and volatile compounds in Cider during malo lactic fermentation, Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 2014, 32(1): 69-76

8. Zhao Hongfei , Zhou Fang, Qi Yeqiong, Dziugan, Piotr, BaiFengling, Walczak, Piotr, Zhang Bolin*, Screening of Lactobacillus strains for their ability to bind Benzo(a)pyrene and the mechanism of the process, Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2013, 59: 67-71

9. Zhao Hongfei, BaiFengling, Zhou Fang, Walczak, Piotr, Jiang Xiangning, Zhang Bolin*, Characterization of soybean protein hydrolysates able to promote the proliferation of Streptococcus thermophilus ST, Journal of Food Science, 2013, 78(4): M575-M581

10. Xiao Liu, Teng Li, Boyan Liu, Hongfei Zhao*, Fang Zhou, Bolin Zhang*, An external addition of soy protein isolate hydrolyzate to sourdough as a new strategy to improve the quality of Chinese steamed bread, Journal of Food Quality, 2016, 39: 3-12

11.贺新丽, 赵丽丽, 张柏林, 赵宏飞*, 模拟淀粉条件下乳杆菌吸附苯并芘的能力, 微生物学报, 2016, 56(5): 814-823

12.赵丽丽, 贺新丽, 杨佳越, 赵宏飞*, 周方, 张柏林, 乳杆菌吸附塑化剂的影响因素分析及效果评价, 微生物学通报, 2015, (06): 1185-1191


1. 普通高等教育“十三五”规划教材。食品微生物学。中国轻工业出版社,2017年出版。

