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谢绚丽,博士,现担任北京大学博雅青年学者、教育部长江青年学者、北京大学国家发展研究院副研究员、北京大学数字金融研究中心高级研究员。她于美国北卡罗莱纳大学教堂山分校(The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)获战略管理博士学位,北京大学获得工商管理学士和硕士学位。







Xie., X. *, Li, L. & Zhou, G. “Economic Inequality and Entrepreneurship: Micro Evidence from China”, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Forthcoming.

Ma. H., Lu, J. & Xie, X.* “Foreignness Research in International Business: Major Streams and Future Directions”, Journal of International Business Studies

Xing, Z., Mayer, K., Xie, X*, Reuer, J. & Klijn, E. “The Effect of Contract Detail and Prior Ties on Contract Change: A Learning Story”, Organization Science, 2021

Xie, X.*, Shen, W. & Zajac, E. “When is a Governmental Mandate not a Mandate? Predicting Organizational Compliance under Semi-coercive Conditions”, Journal of Management, 2021, 47(8): 2169-2197.

Pereira, V., Temouri, Y., Shen, K.N., Xie, X., & Tarba, S. “Exploring Idiosyncratic Risk Mitigating and Managing Strategies of EMNEs Through Disruptive Global Expansions- A Case of a Chinese MNE”, Journal of Business Research, 2022, 138:92-107.

Ko,Y., O’Neill, H. & Xie, X.* “Strategic Intent as a Boundary Condition of Knowledge Search and Innovation”, Technovation, 2021, DOI: 10.1016/j.technovation.2021.102260.

Zhang, Z., Xie, X.* & Qian, T. “Why Do Half of the Cross-border M&As Conducted by Chinese MNCs Fail? Government Affiliation and Cross-border M&A Completion”, European Journal of International Management, 2021,15(1):79-111.

Wang, R., Xie, X., & Ma, H. Evolution of Omni-channel Business Models: A new Community-based Omni-channel and Data-enabled Ecosystem, Journal of Contemporary Marketing Science, Forthcoming.

Temouri, Y., Shen, K., Pereira, V. & Xie, X. “How do emerging market SMEs utilize Resources in the face of Environmental Uncertainty?”, Business Research Quarterly, 2020, 23:1-12.

Xie, X.*, O’Neill, H. & Tan, J.“Post Entry Diversification in a Shifting Institutional Environment: How Strategy Patterns Differ for De Novo and Corporate spin-off Ventures”, Journal of Small Business Management, 2018, 56(S1): 281-296.

Shen, K. N. & Xie, X. “Moving from the Developing to the Developed: Compensation Disparities among Chinese Expatriates”, Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 2018, 56(2): 260-285.

Zhang, Z & Xie, X.* “Do Internal and External Knowledge Function as Substitutes or Complements for Firm Exports?”, Journal of Comparative Economic Studies, 2018, 13: 65–84.

Xie, X.*, Ma, H. & Lv, X. “Toward a Typology of Exit Strategies”, Management Decision, 2016, 54(8): 1986-2007.

Wang, Q, Xie, X.* & Wang, M. “Environmental regulation and firm location choice in China”, China Economic Journal, 2015, 8(3): 215.

Xie, X.* Reuer, J. & Klijn, E, “Determinants of board roles in IJVs in China: control and collaboration”, Advances in International Management, 2015, 28: 235-265.

Xie, X.* & O’Neill, H. “Learning and Product Entry: How Diversification Patterns Differ Over Firm Age and Knowledge Domains in U.S. Generic Drug Industry”, Strategic Management Journal, 2014, 35: 440-449.

Ma, H., Lv, X. & Xie, X. “Business exit as a deliberate strategy for incumbent firms”, Organizational Dynamics, 2014, 43: 266-273.

Xie, X* & O’Neill, H. “Boards as Resource Providers and Monitors for Research and Development”, Journal of Business Strategies, 2013, 30(2): 180.




王诗卉,谢绚丽*,“知而后行?管理层认知与银行数字化转型”,《金融评论》,2021年13卷, 78-97。

王诗卉 , 谢绚丽*,“经济压力还是社会压力?数字金融发展与商业银行数字化创新”,《经济学家》, 2021年第1期。

韩夏,谢绚丽,马浩,“业务退出研究综述:基于实物期权的探索”, 《外国经济与管理》, 2019年11月 (第41卷) 。


张竹,谢绚丽*,武常岐,申宁, “本土化还是一体化?中国跨国企业海外子公司网络嵌入的多阶段模型”, 《南开管理评论》,2016年1月。(入选《世界经济年鉴》“国际投资学”领域2016年度十佳论文)

周广肃,谢绚丽,李力行,“信任对家庭创业决策的影响及机制探讨”, 《管理世界》, 2015年第12期。

谢绚丽*,赵胜利, “中小企业董事会结构与战略选择”,《管理世界》,2011年第1期。


“Away from Toe-to-toe? The Effect of Venture Capital Portfolio Diversification on Firms’ Market Entry” (with Wang, R. & Xiao, M), Presented at 2019 AOM Conference.

“Why do Some Firms Appoint Interim CEOs? An Information Asymmetry Framework” (with Gao, J. & Shen, W.), Presented at 2019 AOM Conference.

“State Ownership and Cross-Border M&As: Evidence from Chinese MNCs” (with Zhang, Z. & Qi, B.), Presented at 2019 AOM Conference.

“Incumbent Performance Facing Digital Evolution: The Role of Asset Reconfiguration” (with Wang, S.) Presented at 2021 AOM Conference.

“Institution-specific Skills and CEO Career Outcomes: A 20 Year Study of Chinese State-Owned Companies” (with Gao, J.) Presented at 2021 AOM Conference.

“Internet Use and Entrepreneurship: Narrowing the Gender Gap” (with Sun, X. & Ding, W.) Presented at 2021 AOM Conference.

“The Double-edged Effect of Distance: Bank Headquarter-Branch Distance and Branch Performance” (with Wang, S and Shen, Y.)

“What Drives Entrepreneurial Orientation in SMEs? The Role of Social Capital” (with Sun, X. & Shen, N.)



《科技赋能:中国数字金融的商业实践》, 中国人民大学出版社, 2018。(主编)

《数字金融12讲》,中国人民大学出版社, 2017。(主编)

《数字金融的力量:为实体经济赋能》,中国人民大学出版社, 2018。(第四章作者)[1]
