

事實揭露 揭密真相
前往: 導覽搜尋




1995-1999 武漢測繪科技大學(現武漢大學) 學士

2002-2005 中國測繪科學研究院 碩士

2005-2008 武漢大學 博士


2008-至今 北京師範大學地理學與遙感科學學院 講師,副教授,教授

2009-2010 香港理工大學土地測量與地理資訊系 訪問學者


2021至今 國際地圖學領域旗艦期刊Cartographyand Geographic Information Science編委

2019至今 國際期刊Journal ofLocation Based Service編委

2019至今 中國地理學會地圖學與地理信息系統專業委員會副主任委員

2019至今 中國遙感應用協會理事

2018至今 測繪學名詞審定委員會委員

2017至今 中國地理信息產業協會GIS理論與方法工作委員會委員

2016至今 《地理與地理信息科學》編委

2015至今 ISPRS InternationalJournal of Geo-Information客座編輯

2013-2017 中國地理學會青年工作委員會副主任

2011至今 國際製圖協會(ICA)地圖可用性工作委員會委員

2017至今 北京師範大學地理空間認知與可視分析研究中心主任




(1) 地理信息工程國家重點實驗室開放基金重點項目:基於視覺與腦神經機制的智能地圖導航研究

(2) 國家自然科學基金面上項目:基於眼動跟蹤的行人地圖導航行為模式識別與預測方法研究

(3) 國家自然科學基金面上項目:基於視覺注意與眼動跟蹤的地圖認知計算模型與方法研究

(4) 國家自然科學基金青年項目:空間認知對等原則下道路網示意性地圖自動綜合算法與模型研究

(5) 北京市科技新星人才計劃(B類):基於高分辨率遙感數據的北京市精細尺度人口估算

(6) 教育部博士點基金項目:基於Memetic算法的示意性道路網自動綜合研究

(7) 國家重點研發計劃項目:地理大數據挖掘與時空模式發現

(8) 第二次青藏高原綜合科學考察研究:人類活動影響與生存環境安全評估

(9) 國家973項目:中國及全球環境風險的區域規律研究

(10) 國家科技支撐項目:周邊地緣環境信息建模與獲取關鍵技術研究

(11) 國家自然科學基金面上項目:我國周邊地緣環境解析與安全評價

(12) 國家公益性科研項目:中印東段雅江流域水資源安全與評價




(1) Weihua Dong; Tong Qin*;Tianyu Yang; Hua Liao; Bing Liu; Liqiu Meng; Yu Liu; Wayfinding Behavior andSpatial Knowledge Acquisition: Are They the Same in Virtual Reality and inReal-World Environments?, Annals of the American Association of Geographers,2021.

(2) Weihua Dong; Shengkai Wang*;Yu Liu; Mapping Relationships between Mobile Phone Call Activity and RegionalFunction Using Self-Organizing Map, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems,2021, 87: 101624.

(3) Weihua Dong; Yulin Wu*;Tong Qin; Xinran Bian; Yan Zhao; Yanrou He; Yawei Xu; Cheng Yu; What is thedifference between augmented reality and 2D navigation electronic maps inpedestrian wayfinding?, Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 2021,48(3): 225-240.

(4) Hua Liao; Weihua Dong*; ZhichengZhan; Identifying Map Users with Eye Movement Data from Map-Based SpatialTasks: User Privacy Concerns,Cartography and Geographic Information Science,2021.

(5) Tao Pei; Jun Xu, Yu Liu;Xin Huang; Liqiang Zhang; Dong Weihua; Chengzhi Qin; Ci Song; Jianya Gong;Chenghu Zhou; GIScience and remote sensing in natural resource andenvironmental research: Status quo and future perspectives. Geography andSustainability. 2021;2(3):207-15.

(6) 董衛華; 王聖凱*; 王雪元; 楊天宇; 基於樸素貝葉斯的地圖線狀要素眼動識別方法研究, 測繪學報, 2021, 50(6): 749-756.

(7) 詹智成; 董衛華*; 智能駕駛環境感知專刊:用於智能駕駛的動態場景視覺顯著性多特徵建模方法,測繪學報, 2021.


(8) Weihua Dong; TianyuYang*; Hua Liao; Liqiu Meng; How does map use differ in virtual reality anddesktop-based environments?, International Journal of Digital Earth, 2020,13(12): 1484-1503.

(9) Weihua Dong; Hua Liao*;Bing Liu; Zhicheng Zhan; Huiping Liu; Liqiu Meng; Yu Liu; ComparingPedestrians』 Gaze Behaviour in Desktop and in Real Environments, Cartographyand Geographic Information Science, 2020, 47(5): 432-451.

(10) Weihua Dong; Tong Qin*;Hua Liao; Yu Liu; Jiping Liu; Comparing the roles of landmark visual salienceand semantic salience in visual guidance during indoor wayfinding, Cartographyand Geographic Information Science, 2020, 47(3): 229-243.

(11) Weihua Dong; ZhichengZhan*; Hua Liao; Liqiu Meng; Jiping Liu; Assessing Similarities and Differencesbetween Males and Females in Visual Behaviors in Spatial Orientation Tasks,ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2020, 9(115): 1-15.

(12) Yixuan Zhou; XueyanCheng; Lei Zhu; Tong Qin; Weihua Dong*; Jiping Liu; How does gender affectindoor wayfinding under time pressure?, Cartography and Geographic InformationScience, 2020, 47(4): 367-380.

(13) Bing Liu; Weihua Dong*;Zhicheng Zhan; Shengkai Wang; Liqiu Meng; Differences in the Gaze Behaviours ofPedestrians Navigating between Regular and Irregular Road Patterns, ISPRSInternational Journal of Geo-Information, 2020, 9(1): 1-19.

(14) 朱琳; 王聖凱; 袁偉舜; 董衛華*; 劉紀平; 眼動控制的交互式地圖設計, 武漢大學學報(信息科學版), 2020, 45(5): 736-743


(15) Hua Liao; Weihua Dong*;Haosheng Huang; Gartner Georg; Huiping Liu; Inferring user tasks in pedestriannavigation from eye movement data in real-world environments, InternationalJournal of Geographical Information Science, 2019, 33(4): 739-763

(16) Hua Liao; Xueyuan Wang;Weihua Dong*; Liqiu Meng; Measuring the influence of map label density onperceived complexity: a user study using eye tracking, Cartography andGeographic Information Science, 2019, 46(3): 210-227.

(17) Zhicheng Zhan; WeihuaDong* ; Yongmei Lu; Peng Yang; Quanyi Wang; Peng Jia; Real-Time Forecasting ofHand- Foot-and-Mouth Disease Outbreaks using the Integrating Compartment Modeland Assimilation Filtering, Scientific Reports, 2019, 9(2661): 1-9.

(18) Weihua Dong*; Qi Ying*;Yang Yang; Shilaing Tang*; Zhicheng Zhan; Bing Liu; Liqiu Meng; Using EyeTracking to Explore the Impacts of Geography Courses on Map-based SpatialAbility, Sustainability, 2019, 11(1): 76.

(19) 董衛華; 廖華*; 詹智成; 劉兵; 王聖凱; 楊天宇; 2008 年以來地圖學眼動與視覺認知研究新進展, 地理學報, 2019, 74(3): 584-599.


(20) Weihua Dong*; YuhaoJiang; Liangyu Zheng; Bing Liu; Liqiu Meng; Assessing Map-Reading Skills UsingEye Tracking and Bayesian Structural Equation Modelling, Sustainability, 2018,10(9): 1-17.

(21) Weihua Dong*; LiangyuZheng; Bing Liu; Liqiu Meng; Using Eye Tracking to Explore Differences inMap-Based Spatial Ability between Geographers and Non-Geographers, ISPRSInternational Journal of Geo-Information, 2018, 7(337): 1-71.

(22) Weihua Dong*; ShengkaiWang*; Yizhou Chen; Liqiu Meng; Using Eye Tracking to Evaluate the Usability ofFlow Maps, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2018, 7(7): 0-281.

(23) 張琬卿; 趙書寧; 張冬韻; 董衛華*; 尺度對人口地圖空間分異規律認知的影響, 地球信息科學學報, 2018, 20(10): 1396-1402

(24) 楊斯棋; 邢瀟月;董衛華*; 李帥朋;北京市甲型H1N1流感對氣象因子的時空響應, 地理學報,2018,73(3): 472-485.


(25) Hua Liao; Weihua Dong*;Chen Peng; Huiping Liu; Exploring differences of visual attention in pedestriannavigation when using 2D maps and 3D geo-browsers, Cartography and GeographicInformation Science, 2017, 44(6): 474-490

(26) Hua Liao; Weihua Dong*;An Exploratory Study Investigating Gender Effects on Using 3D Maps for SpatialOrientation in Wayfinding, ISPRS International Journal of Geoinformation, 2017,6(60): 1-19.

(27) Bing Liu; Weihua Dong*;Liqiu Meng; Using Eye Tracking to Explore the Guidance and Constancy of VisualVariables in 3D Visualization, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information,2017, 6(274): 1-18

(28) Weihua Dong*; JianhangLan; Shunlin Liang; Wei Yao; Zhicheng Zhan;Selection of LiDAR geometric featureswith adaptive neighborhood size for urban land cover classification,International Journal of Applied Earth Observation andGeoinformation,2017,60(2017): 99-110.

(29)Zhao Liu*; Bruce Anderson; Kai Yan; Weihua Dong*; Hua Liao; Peijun Shi*; Globaland regional changes in exposure to extreme heat and the relative contributionsof climate and population change, Scientific Reports,2017,7(43909): 1-9.


2020 測繪科學技術獎一等獎

2020 全國青年測繪地理信息科技創新人才獎

2018 測繪科技進步獎特等獎

2018 高校GIS創新人物

2015 全國青年地理科技獎

2011 北京市科技新星人才計劃

2011 北京市科技進步三等獎[1]
