

事实揭露 揭密真相
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我要在众民面前 As I stand before the people 以感谢为祭献给祢 I want to worship You with thanksgiving 我决定靠祢我主 I lean on You, my Lord, 常常以颂赞为祭 bringing You offerings of praise

因祢是真理 道路 生命 For You are the way, the truth, the life 除去罪孽的羔羊 The Lamb that took away my sin 祢是我的力量 我的保障 You are my strength, my security 我投靠信任祢 I place my trust in You

我要献上胜利的欢呼 I offer up a cry of victory 永远宣告祢是我的主 Forever proclaiming You are my Lord 祢赐完全的宽恕 You bestow complete forgiveness 赐华冠代替尘土 You give beauty for ashes 主耶稣 我因祢而快乐 Lord Jesus, in You I have found joy 我因祢而快乐 In You I have found joy

耶稣祢搅动大海 Jesus You command the seas 使海洋的波涛汹涌 You rule the winds and the waves 我称颂祢本为大 Great is Your power and might 当受赞美和尊崇 I will praise and stand in awe of You 人若能测量 在上的诸天 Man cannot measure the heights of the heavens 测透下地的根基 The depths of the earth 还是不能量度 And I cannot fathom 主祢对我的慈爱和怜悯 The tender love and mercy You have for me
