羅麗姿, 武漢大學經濟與管理學院副教授。
1. Luo, L., Hu, S., Chen, K., Liu, Y., Li, Z., 2024. Exploring Safety Vulnerability in Prefabricated Construction and Mitigation Effects of Internet of Things. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 71, 8531-8547. (SCI/SSCI檢索,FMS A類期刊).
2. Luo, L., Li, Y., Wang, X., Jin, X., Qin, Z., 2024. Supply Chain Vulnerability in Prefabricated Building Projects and Digital Mitigation Technologies. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 71, 10686-10698. (SCI/SSCI檢索,FMS A類期刊).
3. Dou, Y., Zhong, L., Luo, L.*, 2024. Supply Chain Resilience of Prefabricated Construction: Perspectives of Stakeholder Capabilities and Vulnerabilities. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, accepted for publication, 10.1061/JCEMD4/COENG-15514, (SCI檢索).
4. Jin, X., Shen., Q., Luo, L.*, Zhou, X., 2023. Influence of policies on stakeholders to drive the success of modular integrated construction in Hong Kong. Engineering Construction and Architectural Management, accepted for publication, 10.1108/ECAM-07-2023-0740, (SCI/SSCI檢索).
5. Liang, X., Luo, L.*, Hu, S., and Li, Y., 2022. Mapping the knowledge frontiers and evolution of decision making based on agent-based modeling. Knowledge-based Systems, 250, 108982. (SCI檢索、高被引論文、熱點論文).
6. Luo, L., Liang, X., Fang, C., Wu, Z., Wang, X. and Wang, Y., 2020. How to promote prefabricated building projects through internet of things? A game theory-based analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production, 276, p.124325. (SCI檢索).
7. Luo, L., Jin, X., Shen, G.Q., Wang, Y., Liang, X., Li, X. and Li, C.Z., 2020. Supply chain management for prefabricated building projects in Hong Kong. Journal of Management in Engineering, 36(2), 05020001. (SCI檢索).
8. Luo, L., Qiping Shen, G., Xu, G., Liu, Y. and Wang, Y., 2019. Stakeholder-associated supply chain risks and their interactions in a prefabricated building project in Hong Kong. Journal of Management in Engineering, 35(2), 05018015. (SCI檢索).
9. Luo, L., Mao, C., Shen, L.Y. and Li, Z.D., 2015. Risk factors affecting practitioners』 attitudes toward the implementation of an industrialized building system: A case study from China. Engineering Construction and Architectural Management, 22(6), 622-643. (SCI/SSCI檢索).
10. Zhang, X., Luo, L. and Skitmore, M., 2015. Household carbon emission research: an analytical review of measurement, influencing factors and mitigation prospects. Journal of Cleaner Production, 103, 873-883. (SCI檢索).
1. 裝配式建築項目供應鏈彈性形成機理、動態測度及優化路徑研究,國家自然科學基金青年項目,2022-2024年,主持;
2. 國內外裝配式建築標準體系及產業鏈分析研究,國家重點研發計劃,中華人民共和國科學技術部,2016-2019年,參與;
3. 產業生態系統視角下傳統建築業向建築工業化轉型升級研究,國家社會科學基金青年項目,全國哲學社會科學工作辦公室,2015-2018,參與;
4. 基於RFID的香港預製房屋建設信息平台的核心技術研發,香港創新科技基金項目,2014-2016,參與;
5. 基於社會網絡分析及NK模型的重大建設項目干係人關係研究,國家自然科學基金面上項目,國家自科基金委,2017-2020,參與; [1]