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於 2021年9月29日 (三) 17:43 的修訂


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中文名 維多利亞宣言 外文名 VictoriaDeclaration on Heart Health 提 出 WHO 發表時間 1992年


1 概況

2 維多利亞宣言原文——聲明

3 維多利亞宣言原文——執行摘要 4 四大要素

▪ 合理膳食

▪ 適量運動

▪ 戒煙限酒

▪ 心理平衡


預防是健康的保證。據世界衛生組織的調查,導致疾病的因素中,內因15 %,社會因素10%,醫療因素8 % ,氣候地理因素7 % ,個人生活方式的因素卻占據了60 % ,所以,世界衛生組織於1992年發表了著名的《維多利亞宣言》,提出了健康的四大基石。


Recognizing that the scientific knowledge and widely tested methods exist to prevent most cardiovascular disease, the Advisory Board of the International Heart Health Conference calls upon professionals in health care, media, education and social science, and their associations, the scientific research community, government agencies concerned with health, education, trade, commerce and agriculture, the private sector, international organizations and agencies concerned with health and economic development, community health coalitions, voluntary health organizations and employers to join forces in eliminating this modern epidemic through the adoption of policies and the implementation of programs of health promotion and disease prevention, as well as through regulatory change directed at entire populations.



Cardiovascular disease is largely preventable. We have the scientific knowledge to create a world in which heart disease and stroke are rare. In such a world everyone, from infant to elderly person, would have access to and would practise positive healthy living. In most cases cardiovascular disease is brought about by some combination of the following factors: smoking, high blood pressure, elevated blood cholesterol level, unhealthy dietary habits (including excessive alcohol consumption), obesity, a sedentary lifestyle and psychosocial stress. Healthy living includes good nutrition, a tobacco-free lifestyle, regular physical exercise and supportive environments. To implement a global policy of cardiovascular disease prevention, we must unite people and their communities with health care professionals, scientists, industry and policymakers. From studying downward trends in cardiovascular disease in certain industrialized countries, we are learning how to reduce the toll of such disease, although it still remains a major problem. The primary challenge now is to maintain the downward trend while assisting and encouraging countries where rates of heart disease are increasing (developing countries and those in central and eastern Europe) to prevent the epidemic from spreading. The prescription is simple. To implement it is more difficult. The promotion of heart health on a global scale requires clear agreement on policy principles, implementation processes and the partnerships to make it happen. The prevention of cardiovascular disease requires the prevention of the onset of risk factors in children and youth everywhere and in entire populations of countries where cardiovascular disease has not yet reached epidemic proportions as well as the elimination or reduction of risk factors in all populations. The control of cardiovascular disease requires healthy living for everybody, regardless of age, sex, race or socioeconomic status. It also requires equitable access and appropriate treatment for people who are at high risk of or have cardiovascular disease. This will require mutual assistance involving people and communities within countries and between nations; a balance between prevention and treatment and between basic, applied and evaluative research; extensive communication, education and feedback evaluation at all levels; and action by individuals, many professional associations, communities and governments. The advisory board believes that all concerned with improving the health and quality of life of people around the world have a responsibility to heed this "call for action." It can be done.





1、 每天一杯牛奶,確保250毫克的鈣;

2 、每天250到350克的碳水化合物,相當於6到8兩的主食;

3、 每天吃3到4份高蛋白食物;

4 、是指的四句話:有粗有細,不甜不咸,三四五頓,七八分飽;

5 、500克的蔬菜和水果,能減少癌症發病率一半以上。





黑:黑木耳可以降低血液的黏度。 [1]


生命在於運動,但要有適度,每個人要根據自己的實際情況,選擇合適的運動方式,養成科學的運動習慣。對於多數健康人來說,衡量運動適量的標準,國際上流行的辦法採用心跳速度的幅度來衡量:(220-年齡)*65%~85%,只要在此範圍內運動,都能收到最佳效果,並能保證運動的安全性。 以老年人為例,世界衛生組織認為,走路是最佳的運動,但要注意「三、五、七」的要決,「三」指每次步行三公里,時間超過30分鐘,「五」是說每星期最少運動5次,「七」指的是「年齡+心跳」得數不要超過170次。另外,還可以練練太極拳,研究表明,堅持練太極拳的,他的神經平衡功能可以年輕三到十年。


吸煙對人體百害而無一利,可以引起慢性支器官炎,肺部疾病,還增加了心臟病和高血壓的危險,因此,要把煙戒掉。 適量飲酒可以促進血液循環,過量就會對五臟的健康不利,影響消化吸收和營養物質的新陳代謝,對各種疾病的治療和康復也有較大的負面影響。


這是最關鍵的一條,比其他一切因素都重要。 世界衛生組織指出,生理,心理,社會人際適應的完滿狀態才是健康,心理健康,生理才能健康,古人說:「恬淡虛無,真氣從之;精神內守,病安從來」,就是這個道理。誰會自我調節,心態健康,誰就擁有一個健康的身體。 心理健康,就是我們所說的保持良好的心態,因為疾病在很大程度上受心理因素的影響。美國科學家曾經作過實驗,他們給高血壓患者服用了裝滿澱粉的膠囊,卻告訴他們是降壓藥,結果,再次檢測時,許多人的血壓恢復了正常,大量研究表明,心理健康的人抵抗力強,少得病,即使生病也會很快痊癒。

那麼,怎樣保持穩定的心態呢?三句話:正確對待自己,正確對待他人,正確對待社會。也就是說,一方面要正確對待自己,不要居功自傲,也不要妄自菲薄;另一方面,正確對待他人,正確對待社會,永遠對社會存有感激之心。此外,還要做到三個快樂:順境時助人為樂,平常知足長樂,逆境時自得其樂。 「冰凍三尺,非一日之寒」,保持心理平衡需要科學理論與生活實踐的長期磨練。

哲學家說,「性格決定命運」,在我們看來,「生活方式決定健康。」只要按照科學規律生活,就能健康享受每一天,實現個人幸福,家庭幸福,社會幸福。    <ref>維多利亞宣言,網易 9月1日
