

事實揭露 揭密真相
前往: 導覽搜尋




2009 北京大學 心理學 學士

2015 芝加哥大學 工商管理 碩士

2015 芝加哥大學 市場營銷 博士




[2020-2021,佛羅里達大學沃靈頓商學院John I. Williams Jr. 教授]






Representative Work (* denotes equal contribution) 1. *Xu, Minzhe, *Max Z. Yu, and *Yanping Tu (forthcoming), 「I Will Get a Reward, Too: When Disclosing Referrer-reward Increases Referring,」 Journal of Marketing Research

2. Tu, Yanping and Dilip Soman (2022), 「The Role of Timeframes in the Retrieval and Temporal Location Judgments of Past Events,」 Marketing Letters

3. *Ding, Ying, *Yanping Tu, *Jingchuan Pu, and *Liangfei Qiu (2021), 「Environmental Factors in Operations Management: The Impact of Air Quality on Product Demand,」 Production and Operations Management, 30(9),

4. *Winet, Yuji, *Yanping Tu, Shoham Choshen-Hillel, and Ayelet Fishbach (2021), 「Social Exploration: When People Deviate from Options Explored by Others,」 Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

5. Shaddy, Franklin, Yanping Tu, and Ayelet Fishbach (2021), 「Social Hedonic Editing: People Prefer to Experience Events at the Same Time as Others,」 Social Psychological and Personality Science

6. Tu, Yanping and Christopher K. Hsee (2016), 「Consumer Happiness Derived from Inherent Preferences and Learned Preferences,」 Current Opinion in Psychology (Special Issue on Consumer Behavior), 10, 83-88.

7. Tu, Yanping, Alex Shaw, and Ayelet Fishbach (2016), "The Friendly Taking Effect: When Interpersonal Closeness Leads to Seemingly Selfish Yet Jointly Maximizing Choice," Journal of Consumer Research, 42(5), 669-687.

8. Tu, Yanping and Ayelet Fishbach (2015), "Words Speak Louder: Conforming to Preferences More Than Actions," Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 109(2), 193-209.

9. Tu, Yanping and Dilip Soman (2014), 「The Categorization of Time and Its Impact on Task Initiation,」 Journal of Consumer Research, 41(3), 810-822.

10. *Hsee, Christopher K., *Yanping Tu, Zoe Y. Lu, and Bowen Ruan (2014), 「Approach Aversion: Negative Hedonic Reactions Toward Approaching Stimuli,」 Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 106(5), 699-712.

Other Work

1. Tu, Yanping and Christopher K. Hsee (2018). Hedonomics: On Subtle Yet Significant Determinants of Happiness. In E. Diener, S. Oishi, & L. Tay (Eds.), e-Handbook of Well-Being. Noba Scholar encyclopedia series: Subjective well-being. Salt Lake City, UT: DEF publishers. DOI:nobascholar.com

2. Finkelstein, Stacey, Ayelet Fishbach, and Yanping Tu (2017), "When Friends Exchange Negative Feedback," Motivation and Emotion, 41(1), 69-83.

3. Fishbach, Ayelet and Yanping Tu (2016), "Pursuing Goals with Others," Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 1-15.

4. Fishbach, Ayelet, Janina Steinmetz, and Yanping Tu (2016), 「Motivation in a Social Context: Coordinating Personal and Shared Goal Pursuits with Others」 In A. Elliot (Ed.). Advances in Motivation Science Volume Three. 35-79.

5. Zhang, Ying and Yanping Tu (2011),「The Impact of Associative Strength on Performance in Goal Pursuit,」 Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 47(6), 1088-1095.

6. 徐菁,塗艷苹,騰添 (2010). 「皮膚白即淨」-膚色深淺對個性特徵及消費行為判斷的影響,」營銷科學學報,6(3), 21-29.

Scientific Outreach

1. Tu, Yanping (2014), 「People Don』t Like Anything (or Anyone) Moving Toward Them,」 Harvard Business Review, October, 30-31.

2. 塗艷苹(2022), 「推動國民低碳行為:行為科學的視角,」收錄於《數字時代的碳達峰與碳中和》(曹立主編),新華出版社[1]
