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2013-2015 中国水产科学研究院 助理研究员





1. 国家重点研发计划重点专项课题:气象灾害对区域社会经济的影响过程和机制(No. 2019YFA0606901)子课题-气象灾害对社会经济的影响过程和机制, (2019-2024)在研

2. 地表过程与资源生态国家重点实验室2020年开放课题(No. 2020-KF-05). (2020-2021)在研

3. 北京师范大学青年教师项目(No.2019NTST01)(2019-2021)在研

4 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金项目(No.2015C001) (2014-2015) 结题


1. 第二次青藏科考专题-人类活动影响与生存环境安全评估(No. 2019QZKK0608)

2. 科学院A类先导科技专项-美丽中国:限制开发区地理图景建构与红线管控(No. XDA23100303)

3. ”国家重点研发计划重点专项“重特大灾害应急评估与动态决策支持关键技术 ”(No.2017YFB0504102)

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于历史事件的全球海啸灾害时空分异规律及风险评估”(No.41771537)

5. 国家自然科学基金专项项目“城市政治地理学学科发展战略研究 ”(No.41842038 )



Shen, Shi; Song, Changqing*; Cheng, Changxiu; Ye, Sijing, The coupling impact of climate change on streamflow complexity in the headwater area of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau across multiple timescales, Journal of Hydrology, 2020,588.

Cheng, Changxiu; Zhang, Ting; Su, Kai; Gao, Peichao; Shen, Shi*, Assessing the Intensity of the Population Affected by a Complex Natural Disaster Using Social Media Data, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2019, 8(8): 358

Shen S.; Ye S.; Cheng C*.; Song C.; Gao J.; Yang J.; Ning L.; Su K.; Zhang T., Persistence and Corresponding Time Scales of Soil Moisture Dynamics During Summer in the Babao River Basin, Northwest China, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres , 2018, 123(17): 8936-8948.

Shen S.; Cheng C*.; Song C.; Yang J.; Yang S.; Su K.; Yuan L.; Chen X., Spatial distribution patterns of global natural disasters based on biclustering, Natural Hazards, 2018, 92(3): 1809-1820.

Shen, Shi; Cheng, Changxiu*; Yang, Jing; Yang, Shanli, Visualized analysis of developing trends and hot topics in natural disaster research., PLos One, 2018, 13(1): e0191250.

Shi Shen; Nikita Murzintcev; Changqing Song; Changxiu Cheng, Information retrieval of a disaster event from cross-platform social media, Information Discovery and Delivery, 2017, 45(4): 220-226.

Shen, Shi; Shen, Zuorui; Zhao, Ming*, Big Data Monitoring System Design and Implementation of Invasive Alien Plants Based on WSNs and WebGIS, Wireless Personal Communications, 2017, 97(3): 4251-4263.

沈石; 宋长青*; 程昌秀; 高剑波; 叶思菁, GDELT:感知全球社会动态的事件大数据, 世界地理研究, 2020, 29(01): 71-76.

沈石; 袁丽华; 叶思菁; 程昌秀; 高剑波; 宋长青, 近40年中美地缘政治关系波动及背景解析, 地理科学, 2019, 39(07): 1063-1071.

沈石; 欧阳海鹰; 陈柏松; 孙英泽, 信息技术在美丽乡村建设中的作用及对策, 农业网络信息, 2014, (10): 24-27.

沈石; 王奎; 沈佐锐; 赵明, 基于Google Maps的外来入侵植物在线调查系统设计与实现, 中南大学学报(自然科学版), 2013, S1: 287-291.

L. Dalin, W. Haijiao, Y. Zhen, G. Yanfeng and S. Shi, An Online Distributed Satellite Cooperative Observation Scheduling Algorithm Based on Multiagent Deep Reinforcement Learning, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2020

Jia D.; Song C.; Cheng C.; Shen S.; Ning L.; Hui C., A novel deep learning-based spatiotemporal fusion method for combining satellite images with different resolutions using a two-stream convolutional neural network, Remote Sensing, 2020, 12(4): 698.

Zhang T.; Shen S.; Cheng C., Impact of radiations on the long-range correlation of soil moisture: A case study of the A’rou superstation in the Heihe River Basin, Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2019, 29(9): 1491-1506.

Yang J.; Cheng C.; Song C.; Shen S.; Zhang T.; Ning L., Spatial-temporal Distribution Characteristics of Global Seismic Clusters and Associated Spatial Factors, Chinese Geographical Science, 2019, 29(4): 614-625.

Ning L.; Cheng C.; Shen S., Spatial-temporal variability of the fluctuation of soil temperature in the Babao River Basin, Northwest China, Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2019, 29(9): 1475-1490.

Ning L.; Zhou Y.; Cheng C.; Ye S.; Shen S., Using a complex network to analyze the effects of the three Gorges Dam on water level fluctuation in Poyang Lake, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2019, 8(11): 470.

Yang J.; Cheng C.-X.; Song C.-Q.; Shen S.; Ning L.-X., Visual analysis of the evolution and focus in landslide research field, Journal of Mountain Science, 2019, 16(5): 991-1004.

Gao P.; Cushman S.A.; Liu G.; Ye S.; Shen S.; Cheng C., FracL: A tool for characterizing the fractality of landscape gradients from a new perspective, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2019, 8(10): ijgi8100466.

Zhang T.; Shen S.; Cheng C.; Song C.; Ye S., Long-Range Correlation Analysis of Soil Temperature and Moisture on A'rou Hillsides, Babao River Basin, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres , 2018, 123(22): 12,606-12,620.

Yang S.; Cheng C.; Shen S.; Yang J., Visual analysis of the evolution and focus of agricultural drought research on crops, International Agricultural Engineering Journal, 2018, 27(2): 348-352.

Ye S.; Liu D.; Yao X.; Tang H.; Xiong Q.; Zhuo W.; Du Z.; Huang J.; Su W.; Shen S.; Zhao Z.; Cui S.; Ning L.; Zhu D.; Cheng C.; Song C., RDCRMG: A raster dataset clean & reconstitution multi-grid architecture for remote sensing monitoring of vegetation dryness, Remote Sensing, 2018, 10(9): 1376.

Cheng, Changixu; Song, Xiaomei; Yang, Jing; Hu, Xiatian; Shen, Shi; Wang, Lijun, A CDT-Based Heuristic Zone Design Approach for Economic Census Investigators, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015, 2015: 828374.

Wang Na; Shen Shi; Shen Zuorui; Zhao Ming, A germplasm resources data collection and management geographic information system based heavyweight network, Measurement, 2013, 46(5): 1734-1739.


陈小强; 袁丽华; 沈石; 梁晓瑶; 王元慧; 王翔宇; 叶思菁; 程昌秀; 宋长青, 中国及其周边国家间地缘关系解析, 地理学报, 2019, 74(08): 1534-1547.

程昌秀; 沈石; 杨山力, 查询计划枚举中的空间启发式规则研究, 地球信息科学学报, 2017, 19(05): 581-586.

孙英泽; 胡婧; 沈石; 陈柏松; 葛常水; 欧阳海鹰, 基于ASP.NET的无规定动物疫病区管理信息系统设计与实现, 中国农业科技导报, 2014, (06): 89-95.

=== 会议论文


Shen, Shi, Cheng, Changxiu, Su, Kai, Yang, Jing, and Yang, Shanli. "Quantitative visualization about differences between scientists concerned nature disasters and historic events." In IEEE/ACM International Conference on Behavioral, Economic, Socio - Cultural Computing, BESC 2016, 2016.

Ou, WenHao, Shen, Shi*, Xia, Wei, Wang, Xian, Deng, YuanJing, and Zhao, BinBin. "Application of virtual reality technology in inspection service training of power grid." In 2018 8th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering, WCSE 2018, pp. 43-47. 2018.

Ou, WenHao, Shen, Shi*, Xia, Wei, Zhao, BinBin, Yang, Gang, Bai, LinJie, and Ma, JianGuo. "A customer satisfaction evaluation method of the power company using sentiment analysis." In 2017 7th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering, WCSE 2017, pp. 1073-1077. 2017.

Yang, Jing, Cheng, Changxiu, Shen, Shi, and Yang, Shanli. "Comparison of Complex Network Analysis Software: Citespace, SCI2 and Gephi." In 2nd IEEE International Conference on Big Data Analysis (ICBDA), pp. 174-177. 2017.

Ou, WenHao, Su, Wei, Wu, Chen, Zhu, ZhongZheng, Li, YanMin, and Shen, Shi. "Drought Monitoring Based on the Vegetation Temperature Condition Index by IDL Language Processing Method." In 5th International Conference on Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculure (CCTA 2011), pp. 43-49. 2012.[1]
